lsat逻辑题.In an effort to boost sales during the summer months,which are typically the best for soft-drink sales Foamy Soda lowered its prices.In spite of this,however,the sales of Foamy Soda dropped during the summer months.  Each of the fol

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 08:11:15

lsat逻辑题.In an effort to boost sales during the summer months,which are typically the best for soft-drink sales Foamy Soda lowered its prices.In spite of this,however,the sales of Foamy Soda dropped during the summer months.  Each of the fol
In an effort to boost sales during the summer months,which are typically the best for soft-drink sales Foamy Soda lowered its prices.In spite of this,however,the sales of Foamy Soda dropped during the summer months.
  Each of the following,if true,contributes to reconciling the apparent discrepancy indicated above EXCEPT:
(A) The soft-drink industry as a whole experienced depressed sales during the   summer months
(B) Foamy Soda s competitors lowered their prices even more drastically during   the summer months
(C) Because of an increase in the price of sweeteners the production costs of   Foamy Soda rose during the summer months
(D) A strike at Foamy Soda s main plant forced production cutbacks that   resulted in many stores not receiving their normal shipments during the   summer months
(E) The weather during the summer months was unseasonably cool,decreasing   the demand for soft drinks
这个问题中'if true'有什么意义,对解题有什么影响?然后能不能帮我分析下这道题.

lsat逻辑题.In an effort to boost sales during the summer months,which are typically the best for soft-drink sales Foamy Soda lowered its prices.In spite of this,however,the sales of Foamy Soda dropped during the summer months.  Each of the fol
这道题属于 resolve paradox 类型,加了"if true" 对这题的理解没任何影响.
题目问的是,下面哪个不能够解释Foamy Soda公司的“降价促销 和 销售量反而下降”之间的矛盾(sales 是销售量,不是利润).也就是说,五个选项中,有四个可以解释,有一个不能解释.
A.饮料行业总体销售下滑 -
B.竞争对手降价程度更高 -
C.生产成本增加,由于甜味剂成本增高 - 销售量受价格影响,价格已经知道是减少了,所以成本增加还是减少,对价格都不影响,因此对销售量也不影响.
D.产量减少,由于罢工影响 -
E.饮料需求减少,由于夏天天气较冷 -

lsat逻辑题.In an effort to boost sales during the summer months,which are typically the best for soft-drink sales Foamy Soda lowered its prices.In spite of this,however,the sales of Foamy Soda dropped during the summer months.  Each of the fol lsat逻辑题.In an effort to boost sales during the summer months, which are typically the best for soft-drink sales Foamy Soda lowered its prices. In spite of this, however, the sales of Foamy Soda dropped during the summer months.  Each of the in an effort in an effort to . LSAT逻辑问题 in an effort to的同义词是什么? LSAT逻辑题一道,help~24. Ethicist: A society is just when, and only when, first each person has an equal right to basic liberties, and second, inequalities in the distribution of income and wealth are not tolerated unles these inequalities are to make efforts/an effort to do和in a common effort的中文 in an effort to的同义词是什么?英英翻译 make an extra effort sandy The police searched the city in an effort to catch the man who ____ murder l i have fallen behind in my study,so i have got to___A.make an effort B.make efforts hard D.make effort ‘’ You are never alone.Because,there must be a person in this world,go to you in an effort to. The regulation will take ____ in March.So we should make ____ to change our existing system.a.effect……an effort b.effects……efforts c.effects……effort d.effects……effort 一些lsat的题,怎么都看不懂呢..1.a former employee of an employer whose products or services are in universal semand and whose customers were obtained by simple house to house solicitation,may solicit those customers of his former employer w A big step _____ to strengthen China's health care systems since we launched an effort in 2008.A big step has been taken to strengthen China's health care systems since we launched an effort in 2008.翻译 英语翻译The view is that there is an improvement in general intelligence from the effort of learning another language. an online volunteer is a person who spends time and effort with an organization through an onlineconnection,rather than in person翻译