中翻英 1个短句贵公司是否可以先垫付下运费,然后开票给我们,我们收到后再转帐给你!+半句 :你们垫付后只要将发票开给我们就好了

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 10:07:01

中翻英 1个短句贵公司是否可以先垫付下运费,然后开票给我们,我们收到后再转帐给你!+半句 :你们垫付后只要将发票开给我们就好了
中翻英 1个短句
+半句 :你们垫付后只要将发票开给我们就好了

中翻英 1个短句贵公司是否可以先垫付下运费,然后开票给我们,我们收到后再转帐给你!+半句 :你们垫付后只要将发票开给我们就好了
Can you prepay the Freight at first? And then make out the invoice to us. We will transfer it to you after receive.
补充: You can make out the invoice to us after prepayment

Does your company can be advanced from the first freight, and then a bill to us, we have received a transfer to you later!

i would like to wonder whether you can pay the freight in advance and present us the invoice,we will transfer the money after receiving both.

Whether under your firm can pay the transport expense first, then writes a check for us, after we receive, transfers accounts again gives you!after you pay, so long as wrote the receipt for us is good

Does your company can be advanced from the first freight, and then a bill to us, we have received a transfer to you later! After as long as you advance from the invoice will be good enough for us

Whether under your firm can pay the transport expense first, then writes a check for us, after we receive, transfers accounts again gives you! After you pay, so long as wrote the receipt for us is good 。

问题补充:+半句 : 你们垫付后只要将发票开给我们就好了
could you please be kindly to help us to pay the delivered fee? we will transfer the accounts to you as soon as you send the bill to us.

Could you tell us whether you can pay for our freight and we will tranfer the accounts to you after we receive your invoice.

中翻英 1个短句贵公司是否可以先垫付下运费,然后开票给我们,我们收到后再转帐给你!+半句 :你们垫付后只要将发票开给我们就好了 请帮忙翻译一封英文邮件.谢谢客户方因资金流程周转较长,询问是否可以先垫付,后支付(可出承诺书,预计 2 个月资金周转完毕). ans : Cobin and 余总, what is your suggestion? 2. 能否免除培训 请各位帮忙翻译一封英文邮件,谢谢.客户方因资金流程周转较长,询问是否可以先垫付,后支付(可出承诺书,预计 2 个月资金周转完毕). ans : Cobin and 余总, what is your suggestion? 2. 能否免 英语翻译是赞助,不是捐赠.放入语境会比较好吧。请翻译:不知贵公司是否可以赞助我们1万元。 因为2月份和三月份没有白俄罗斯的订单!是否这些货物依然用UPS寄到白俄罗斯!因为白俄罗斯不支持收件人付关税!能否先由客人垫付!然后我们再支付给客人!(客人就是收件人) 外贸函电作文write a letter in English asking for amcndments to estalblish a business relationship with seller 一,交待信息源1,我们从美卓公司得知贵公司名称和地址.2,表达意愿,询问是否可以和贵公司建立商务联 may i ask that if she(the customer) can help to pay that to xxx ,可以这样说吗 意思是问客户能不能先帮我把钱垫付给xxx FOB与CIF的区别是不是可以这样理解,运费都要对方出,只是FOB卖方不付并且不承担风险,CIf卖方先垫付且有风险,那么采用哪种方式如何商定哪 请教个英语短句 英语30个短句! 谁可以帮我估一下今年的六级分啊 不知道具体怎么算分听力对话对20个,听写单词对4个,短句对1个.快速阅读对8个,仔细阅读短句填写对2个,阅读AB共对7个,翻译对两个,完型对4个,作文水平非常一 现代汉语大概有多少个词语,可以组合成多少数量的短句? 给个搞笑的短句 英语翻译我对贵公司的销售助理一职很感兴趣.下周一下午我会到北京,您看您何时方便可以安排我面试? 长句改短句时,短句中间可以有逗号吗? 用两个组成成一个词或者一个短句,关于爱情的用瑞和双两个字组成一个词或者短句,短句最好不要超过6个字的,谐音也可以 写个用S.Y.J分别开头的英语短句.速度S.Y.J这3个字母,请以每个字母为开头,写3个单词最后这3个单词可以组成一个短句.谢谢!不是3个短句。是3个单词组成一个短句。 (关于Love或者关心别人的, 翻译成英文:“我们希望贵公司可以尽快准备付款”