请别给我搜来的答案A:The print in this telephone directory is so small.I can’t even read the number I want.B:Let me get my glasses.I know I won’t be any use without them.Q:What will the woman probably do?(A) Bring the man his reading gl

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/08 15:05:07

请别给我搜来的答案A:The print in this telephone directory is so small.I can’t even read the number I want.B:Let me get my glasses.I know I won’t be any use without them.Q:What will the woman probably do?(A) Bring the man his reading gl
A:The print in this telephone directory is so small.I can’t even read the number I want.
B:Let me get my glasses.I know I won’t be any use without them.
Q:What will the woman probably do?
(A) Bring the man his reading glasses.
(B) Help the man find the right directory.
(C) Borrow the man's glasses.
(D) Read the number to the man.

请别给我搜来的答案A:The print in this telephone directory is so small.I can’t even read the number I want.B:Let me get my glasses.I know I won’t be any use without them.Q:What will the woman probably do?(A) Bring the man his reading gl


请别给我搜来的答案A:The print in this telephone directory is so small.I can’t even read the number I want.B:Let me get my glasses.I know I won’t be any use without them.Q:What will the woman probably do?(A) Bring the man his reading gl She was determined to do what sha could to make up ______ the lost time.A.to B.by C.for D.with 请大家别误人子弟,别把错的答案 讲给我! 6.Opening the book,she found in it a white,plain envelope with her name ______ on it.A.to print B.printed C.printing D.print答案给的是c,why? 别给我抄来的, 请介绍季布想知道 季布的事 别给我来文言文 看不懂 爪两个读音 区别别给我字典上的答案,请给我您自己的见解. Print a与print a,print a;的区别? 英语翻译请为他打开幸福的门廊。”将这句话翻成阿拉伯语,请别给我翻译机答案。 关于莫怀戚的《散步》那个“好像我背上的同她背上的加起来,就是整个世界”这句话的含义,不要用全解的答案,请给我一个比较亲切的,易懂的回答.不会的别来凑热闹 妙语短篇a3答案,急!那种假装来教育人的别给我搞灌水,从第三篇开始给我,速度.10-15的答案 print-out 在外商传给我的电文中出现此词语,This is a computer print-out,signature si not required.请翻译此句子. 马克思主义 列宁主义 毛泽东思想的不同点和共同点请自己分析给我,别复制了让我来分析! 铜绿稀盐酸实验配平要答案……别给我来个讲解最后不给答案……我配不出来才问的. 08年英语专四答案谁有啊,给我下.要准确的,没有的别来捣乱 历史上吕布、关羽、张飞、黄忠、张辽是用什么武器的?顺便问问十八般武器在那个时代有哪些没有呢?请注意看题,我都说是要历史的了,别拿演义的来混.而且请给我圆满答案,别只给一个半个 《请你别来帮助我》的阅读答案 七下科学作业本b P43-44的植物生殖方式的多样性1的答案、大家帮帮忙啊,浙教版的,还有来给我上教育课的请别进来! 专题一的第三单元和专题1检测题的答案(苏教版)我要的是准确的答案,别给我来虚的,