各位大侠们,小女子碰到了一个essay题目,实在是没思路,求哪位能给予启发.In the competitive world of commerce,where profit is a top priority,one can lose sight of the importance and need for ethical decision-making and business

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/28 03:29:15

各位大侠们,小女子碰到了一个essay题目,实在是没思路,求哪位能给予启发.In the competitive world of commerce,where profit is a top priority,one can lose sight of the importance and need for ethical decision-making and business
In the competitive world of commerce,where profit is a top priority,one can lose sight of the importance and need for ethical decision-making and business practices.Please describe an instance in your professional career in which you were faced with or involved in an ethical dilemma.How did you choose to address the issue?Were you pleased with the end result?How do you think that the situation could have been handled differently?

各位大侠们,小女子碰到了一个essay题目,实在是没思路,求哪位能给予启发.In the competitive world of commerce,where profit is a top priority,one can lose sight of the importance and need for ethical decision-making and business
这是原文的翻译 ,其实这个题目即使让你谈谈你对职业道德这方面问题的想法和认识,并且说说你在处理这些事情的方法,以及其结果怎么样.

各位大侠们,小女子碰到了一个essay题目,实在是没思路,求哪位能给予启发.In the competitive world of commerce,where profit is a top priority,one can lose sight of the importance and need for ethical decision-making and business 英语翻译又来句,中译英,小女子拜谢各位大侠了. 带电离子在电场中的运动详细公式哦!小女子在此谢谢各位大侠了 帮忙翻译一个地址.小女子在此谢过了!分都用完了.麻烦各位大侠了.广州市海珠区滨江东玉菡路28号 珠江新岸公寓 邮编:510300 3D max2010导出OBJ 提示顶点坐标太大,请调整对象比例弄了好久都找不到解决的方案~望各位大侠能给出一个详细的解决方案~小女子感激不尽啦~ 高数的“无穷级数”问题麻烦各位大侠了.此题答案为p>0小女子只是想求具体的解题思路和步骤,先行谢过了. 求求各位大侠了 求求各位大侠了 求求各位大侠了 无意间碰到这么一句话,觉得有点意思,各位大侠不吝赐教 如何查找自己的英文名?最好带上链接,查找“冯一菊”的英文名.各位大侠帮小女子起一个英文名也行,要文雅中带点霸气的,不要太俗气. why computer is important写篇essay 请各位大侠帮忙 国庆60周年阅兵观后感400字各位大侠棒棒小女子啊!好的话追加! 七年级上册语文22课辩论赛主持人台词,求各位大侠救救小女子, ethenic 和race 有什么不同请各位大侠好汉,帮小女子回答一下把, 玻璃软化是物理变化还是化学变化请诸位帮帮忙啦.各位学识渊博的大哥们,大姐们.帮小妹一个大忙啊.小女子感激不尽.小女子初来咋到,积分没有, 求红楼梦第三十三回读后感快上学了,我给忘了要写这作文了,看也来不及了,各位大侠们,小女子在这磕头了呀!好的作文给多的 如果可以的话,帮我列出根据宝玉挨打中可看出当时在场每个人 小女子先在这里谢谢各位大哥大姐了.