
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 10:06:54




Voice over: Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess called Aurora. On the day of her christening, three good fairies were invited to the castle t...


Voice over: Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess called Aurora. On the day of her christening, three good fairies were invited to the castle to give their blessing.
King: welcome to my daughter’s christening ceremony! Now, let us witness the blessings from the good fairies.
Voice over: the three fairies stood forward.
Fairy #1: I give her the gift of beauty.
Fairy #2: I give her the gift of song.
Voice over: Just before the third fairy was going to give her blessing, the bad fairy entered.
Bad fairy: How dare you not invite me to this ceremony! I curse the princess to die when she touches a spinning wheel's spindle before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday.
King: Oh, no, not my daughter!
Fairy #3: Please don’t worry; I can make her fall asleep until she is wakened by a true love’s kiss.
King: Thank you!
Voice over: The king ordered to have all the spinning wheels burnt down, but the bad fairy keept one. In the blink of an eye, Aurora has grown into a gorgeous young woman and her 16th birthday has arrived. On that day……
Aurora: The castle is boring, isn’t there anything new?
Bad fairy (disguised as a maid): Dear princess, I know a place.
Aurora: Where is it?
Bad fairy: Just come with me.
Voice over: The bad fairy led the princess to the room with the spinning wheel.
Bad fairy: You must touch it to know what it is.
Voice over: So Aurora walked up to the spinning wheel and touched the spindle.
Bad fairy: Hahaha, you are going to die!
Voice over: At that time, the good fairies arrived.
Good fairies: No she’s not. She will only fall asleep until her prince comes to rescue her.
Voice over: And together, they chased away the bad fairy. They placed the princess on a bed and made the rest of the castle sleep with her. 100years later, a prince came across the castle.
Prince: What a beautiful castle! I must go in and have a look.
Voice over: So he wandered around and finally came to Aurora’s room.
Prince: Oh what a beautiful princess, she’s the love of my life. I’m going to kiss her.
Voice over: the prince kissed the princess and the spell was broken. Aurora and everyone in the castle woke up.
Aurora: Where am I? And who are you?
Prince: I’m your prince and I love you.
Voice over: It was love at first sight and Aurora said:
Aurora: I love you too.
Voice over: Aurora was united with her parents and they had a big party. Then, they lived happily ever after. The end.



求一篇英语话剧8个人,除一个说旁白,7个人最好是童话 求六个人的英语话剧剧本(题材有限制),没有剧本就帮忙大概编一下话剧剧情,提出个好点子也可以六个人中可以有一个旁白,没有那么多人的剧本4、5个人的也行.题材四选一:1.College life.2.Le 急求7个人的英语话剧. 适合初中生演的英语剧要一个英语小话剧的剧本.要求:适合七个人(旁白要不要都行,如果要,旁白也算一个人),时间十几分钟.三天内要一个答复,大哥大姐们,求你们了,快开学了呀!要把剧本 求6个人演的英语话剧剧本,不要太长,有无旁白均可最好是童话故事之类的,而且道具、布景不要过于复杂,因为条件有限 英语话剧剧本《孔雀东南飞》旁白急需~~~ 求关于节日的英语话剧剧本,8个人演~ 大学英语话剧话剧大概10分钟,6、7个人 八个人的英语短剧,三分钟左右,最好是小故事或者是幽默笑话,谢谢大家,在线等答案每次英语课前,要三分钟的Class report 要一篇长的英语版的话剧,三分钟内,最好加上旁白8个人 我高一,想排英语话剧、剧本要一个经典的,大概6、7个人演的样子,大家说用哪个经典一点的素材来当英语话剧剧本好弄?有经验的说下谢谢! 灰姑娘英语话剧剧本明天就要用了,那个高手半个小时内给我答案!必重赏!我们五个人,不要搞笑的,一个男的四个女的!不要旁白! 我需要一篇语文话剧,内容是关于李白到汪伦家做客.话剧开头就齐诵弟子规的节选 .话剧里面,旁白说了:一个感人至深的友情故事,它发生在唐朝天宝十三年.汪伦留李白住了好几天,李白在那过 急需《白雪公主》英语话剧剧本,中等难度.有旁白,翻译 快来一个英语话剧剧本,五个人演,7分内!最好是童话! 英语小话剧.四个人演最好一个人是旁白,三个人演,搞笑的,悲伤的都可以..三分钟左右.. 求<复仇者联盟>的英语对话剧本最好不少于8个人的戏份 对话加旁白! 求一个六年级的英语话剧 谢谢 求一些初中英语对话要一篇能三个人一起背的(旁白+2个角色),和一篇两个人一起背的(2个角色).起码要有6个回合的对话.