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我们让自己受到积极的影射,变得更幸福,更成功等等.How can we create a positive environment for ourselves,where we are primed by the positive ,where we can be happier,more successful and so on.1、找一些你爱的人或地方的照片,这些东西很重要,因为即使你不看它们,潜意识中还意识到它们的存在Have pictures of people you love or places you love,the importance of these things is that even if you don’t see them,you see them.So on the subconscious level it’s still there.2、让你开心的东西,无论是纪念品、鲜花、艺术品、你最喜欢的艺术品Have pleasant object,whether it’s memorabilia,whether it’s flowers,whether it’s art,your favorite art.TAL.教授挂了他自己孩子不同阶段所画的画,当然也有名家的作品,如罗丹的《沉思者》、《吻》.所以找些东西挂在墙上创造一种让你觉得温暖、开心的环境And again have these things on your wall creates the environment where you feel warm,where it’s fun for you to be there.3、名人名言Quotes.“耐心和坚持总能奇迹般地扫除困难和障碍”——亚当斯(美国总统)“Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish”——By John Quincy Adams“推动人类进步的重任不能等待完人来完成.”——乔治.艾略特(玛丽.安妮.艾凡斯)“The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men” ——George Eliot“在深冬里,我终于发现在心里有个不败的夏天.”——加缪“In the depth of winter,I finally learned that there was within me an invincible summer”.——Camus“如果一个人能昂首挺胸地朝着梦想前进,努力实现他想象的生活,他会与成功不期而遇.” ——亨利.戴维.梭罗“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams,and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined,he will meet with success,unexpected in common hours”.——Henry David Thoreau4、把喜欢的书放在手边,听听音乐Have you favorite books next to you.Listen to music.要集中注意听,不要只当背景音乐,要让音乐激发你.But listen to it mindfully,not just as background music but the music that inspires you.5、多看看激励你的电影.Watch films that inspire you.冰山理论:The Isenberg principle即当你度量某种现象时,也是在改变自己.Is that when you measure a phenomenon,you are also changing yourself.所以通过研究积极环境,我们也是在对自己影射积极的东西.So by researching the positive we are also priming ourselves with the positive.反思:照片、书籍、音乐、艺术品、日常物品,几乎所有可以让自己心情愉悦的东西都可以摆出来,即使不常看,但无形中都会影响到自己.所有这些做法,外国人都非常“科学”地去进行了研究,得出其“科学性”.其实对于现代人而言,感觉反而是有太多可“愉悦”身心的东西了,结果却是“迷失”到这些东西里,最终“迷茫”了.