
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 16:04:00


中国人的某些性格及某些现象,是老外所无法理解的,用英语说明更是不容易.比如“爽快”、“豁出去”、“不好惹”,这些心情和状况,如何用英语来传达呢? 人情世故:the way of the world/worldly wisdom/human interest 道义:morality/a sense of righteousness 豁达:open-minded and magnanimous“逍遥自在”、“乐天知命”等则可以说happy-go-lucky 或 to be contented with one's lot. 公德心:public-mindness/ regard for public welfare 超然:detached/ unprejudiced 豁出去:do not give a damn/ rechless of results 爽:extremely comfortable“不爽”当然就是extremely uncomfortable.通常还要靠语气强调. 爽快:frank and open/ straightforward/ open-hearted 不好惹:not to be trified with/ not to be pushed around 老实:honest and frank 草根性:native/ grass-roots/ close to common people 老贼:Old Thief这句常用的习惯用语出自《论语》,可能需要解释一番了,你可以说 An old person occupying an improtant position but making no contribution.( originally from Confucius saying "Lun Yu") 烧包儿:coquette/ a person who flauntscoquette是名词,coquettish是形容词. 吹毛求疵:to split hairs 媚俗:to follow the popular or even vulgar standard 风流倜傥:dashing/ casual and elegant bearing 面善心恶:a wolf in sheep's clothing“面恶心善”则是smiling devil/ evil looking with an angel's heart. 盲从:to follow blindly 善变:changeable/ capricious 含蓄:with concealed or implied deep meaning 老奸巨滑:old hand at trickery and deception/ wily old fox/ crafty old devil 墙头草:a fence-sitter 汉奸:traitor/ person who informs the enemy 狗腿子:a hired thug/ a henchman 狗眼看人低:to look down on someone/ to act like a snob