求高人能帮忙翻译下英文,就这么一小段,谢谢了,在线等摘 要: 将壳聚糖与膨润土结合, 研制出一种复合吸附剂, 并用于溶液中Zn2+的脱除, 取得很好的效果, 脱除率达到98% 以上.通过红外光谱实

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/18 17:09:43

求高人能帮忙翻译下英文,就这么一小段,谢谢了,在线等摘 要: 将壳聚糖与膨润土结合, 研制出一种复合吸附剂, 并用于溶液中Zn2+的脱除, 取得很好的效果, 脱除率达到98% 以上.通过红外光谱实
摘 要: 将壳聚糖与膨润土结合, 研制出一种复合吸附剂, 并用于溶液中Zn2+的脱除, 取得很好的效果, 脱除率达到98% 以上.通过红外光谱实验研究了改性膨润土的结构和改性机理.结果表明, 膨润土的片状层结构未发生变化, 壳聚糖仅吸附在膨润土的内外表面.该吸附剂具有投药量少、稳定性高、操作简单、无再次污染等优点.
关键词: 环境工程; 膨润土; 壳聚糖; 负载; 吸附; Zn2+

求高人能帮忙翻译下英文,就这么一小段,谢谢了,在线等摘 要: 将壳聚糖与膨润土结合, 研制出一种复合吸附剂, 并用于溶液中Zn2+的脱除, 取得很好的效果, 脱除率达到98% 以上.通过红外光谱实
摘要:Chitosan and bentonite will combine,the development of a composite adsorbent,and the solution for the removal of zinc ions,achieved very good results,the removal rate of 98% and above.By infrared spectroscopy studies of modified bentonite modified the structure and mechanism.The results showed that the bentonite flake layer structure have not changed,only adsorption of chitosan in the external and internal surfaces of bentonite.The adsorbent is less dosage,high stability,simple operation,again without pollution.
环境工程:Environmental Engineering

Abstract : The combination of chitosan and bentonite, the development of a composite adsorbent and solutions for the removal of Zn2 +, achieved very good results, the removal rate of 98% and above. By...


Abstract : The combination of chitosan and bentonite, the development of a composite adsorbent and solutions for the removal of Zn2 +, achieved very good results, the removal rate of 98% and above. By infrared spectroscopy studies of modified bentonite modified the structure and mechanism. The results showed that the bentonite flake layer structure have not changed, only adsorption of chitosan in the external and internal surfaces of bentonite. The adsorbent is less dosage, high stability, simple operation, again without pollution. Keywords : environment; Bentonite; Chitosan; Load; Adsorption; Zn2 +


求高人能帮忙翻译下英文,就这么一小段,谢谢了,在线等摘 要: 将壳聚糖与膨润土结合, 研制出一种复合吸附剂, 并用于溶液中Zn2+的脱除, 取得很好的效果, 脱除率达到98% 以上.通过红外光谱实 帮忙翻译一小段英文. 帮忙翻译一小段话吧 英文 求一小段关于爱情的英文,附加翻译谢谢 求大神帮忙翻译一段高一英语!就一段!急求!只把这一小段翻译出来就行! 一小段西班牙语求翻译! 求高人帮忙起下英文名,有谢,名字:周伟城 性别:男最好能帮忙起多个供参考下, 请帮忙用英语介绍下中国的新年兔年,一小段就行, 求高人帮忙翻译一下英文文章!绝对不需要google等翻译软件翻译的! 求助!帮忙翻译一小段歌词(英文+葡萄牙文)..在线等啊求助!~~~各位高人帮忙翻译一下这一段歌词..据说里面有英文和葡萄牙文..翻译的越准确越好..拜托各位了 在线等啊...Pikake, my flower divine.Pik 目测的英文是什么?请高人帮忙翻译,在线等就 目测 中国共产党的英文简介一小段就可以了如果有,我希望能把毛泽东还有蒋介石一小段英文简介也可以发上了 求英文高人帮忙看一下,谢谢 以water为题,帮忙用英文写一小段文章! 模拟联合国 埃及我要参加模拟联合国英文会场,议题是伊朗核问题,作为埃及代表,我该怎么写立场文件?或者哪位高人能带我写一小段,让我借鉴下?在此谢过~ 急求哥本哈根气候大会的英文只要一小段就可以,介绍大概情况的 求一小段柴可夫斯基英文简介!1急!100字左右就行了 谁能帮忙翻译下,英文实在看不懂!