求英文名人简介 木村拓哉

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求英文名人简介木村拓哉求英文名人简介木村拓哉求英文名人简介木村拓哉*出生於东京都,入小学前住在东京涩谷区,上小学后举家迁往千叶县千叶市定居.  *木村的姑母觉得木村很俊秀,背著木村和木村父母将他的照片

求英文名人简介 木村拓哉
求英文名人简介 木村拓哉

求英文名人简介 木村拓哉
* 出生於东京都,入小学前住在东京涩谷区,上小学后举家迁往千叶县千叶市定居.
  * 木村的姑母觉得木村很俊秀,背著木村和木村父母将他的照片资料寄给杰尼斯事务所,初选录取收到面试通知时,木村当时对演艺圈毫无兴趣,予以回绝.事务所破例打来数通电话邀请,在母亲劝说下木村前往面试,被那里的气氛打动萌生兴趣,加入了事务所.
  * 1988年与中居正广、稻垣吾郎、森且行、草彅刚、香取慎吾等人组成SMAP.
  * 2000年12月与女星工藤静香完婚,育有两女.
  * 「キムタク」(kimutaku)
  o 日本公众对木村的昵称.在很早之前的综艺节目上,木村曾开玩笑的说:「大家好,我是kimutaku」.此外,从很早开始日本中小学生中就流行用 kimutaku称呼木村.拓哉本人不喜欢这个简称(因为感觉不像是「人」而像是「商品」),曾在What's up SMAP的广播中发起消灭kimutaku运动.但随著岁月的成熟积淀,到2008年木村对此已不太介意.
  * 曝光度
  o 连续15年获得日本最喜爱男艺人第一名(1994-2008)
  o 连续获得最适合穿著牛仔裤奖,最理想恋人、最想被拥抱,最希望的老公,等多项奖项.
  o 主演连续剧,平均收视率几乎每部都在20%以上(其中4部在30%以上),有「木村神话」之称,因为木村拓哉的纪录只有木村拓哉可以打破.民放日剧收视率TOP20中木村出演的占据了8部,其中前5名皆为他所主演.
  + 对此,他本人则强调,有好的收视率是因为共演的大家和幕后工作人员一起努力所完成的成果,并非一人之力.
  o 由日本广告综合研究所始於1989年的男性艺人部门好感度排行榜,连续九届获得第一名(1997,1999-2007).
  o 2007年富比士日本名人榜冠军:顺位是木村拓哉、北野武、铃木一朗、松井秀喜、三野文太、明石家秋刀鱼、香取慎吾、松阪大辅、长泽正美、中居正广.
  o 2010年将在富士电视台的"月9"首次出演公司社长的角色.电视剧名、女主演以及其他演员名单在电视剧播出前都会保密.[1]
  o 2011年将在TBS开局60周年纪念日剧南极大陆~神之领域挑战的男人和狗的故事~,拍摄将历经八个月 ,拍摄场地最初设在北海道但也不排除到南极实地拍摄.
  * Born in Tokyo, before entering elementary school live in Shibuya, Tokyo area, after the elementary school his family moved to settle in Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture.
  * Kimura Kimura's aunt that is very handsome, Kimura and Kimura parents carrying the photographs he sent to Johnny, when the primary admission interview notice received, Kimura no interest in the entertainment industry at the time, be rejected. Telephone call from the number of firms invited to make an exception, Kimura persuaded her mother to the interview and was impressed by the atmosphere, where the initiation interested, join the firm.
  * 1988 and Masahiro Nakai, Goro Inagaki, Sen and the line, grass Jian Gang, Katori our member SMAP.
  * December 2000 married actress Kudo Shizuka, and has two daughters.
  * "キ Rousseau タ ク" (kimutaku)
  o Japanese public Kimura's nickname. In the early variety show before, and Kimura had joked: "Hello everybody, I'm kimutaku". In addition, primary and secondary schools in Japan from early in the term was popular with kimutaku Kimura. Takuya I do not like this short (because it feels like a "person" like "goods"), in What's up SMAP eliminate kimutaku launched a broadcast campaign. But with the accumulation of mature years, by 2008 this had not mind Kimura.
  * Exposure
  o 15 consecutive years received the first of Japan's most favorite male artist (1994-2008)
  o get the most consecutive awards for wearing jeans, the best lovers, most want to be hugged, the most promising her husband, and many other awards.
  o starring series, the average ratings in almost every department more than 20% (of which more than 30% 4), the "Kimura myth," said, because only Takuya Kimura Takuya Kimura can break the record. Japanese TV drama ratings TOP20 put people in the occupied Kimura starred in eight, of which 5 are all his former star.
  + In this regard, he stressed, there are good ratings because of you and behind the scenes were played with the staff of the results of completed work, not one man.
  o Research Institute of Japan began in 1989 advertising the male artist department favorability rating, the ninth consecutive first prize (1997,1999-2007).
  o 2007 年 Forbes Japan's Hall of Fame Champion: pick a Takuya Kimura, Takeshi Kitano, Suzuki, Hideki Matsui, the three wild Bunta, Ming Shi Jiaqiu saury, Katori Shingo, Matsuzaka Daisuke, Nagasawa Masami, Nakai Masahiro.
  o 2010 will be established in Fuji TV's "9" first appeared in the role of company president. TV names, and other actors starring in the TV series aired before the list will be kept confidential. [1]
  o 2011 years will commemorate the 60th anniversary of the start of Japanese TV dramas, TBS Antarctica ~ shenzhilingyu challenge the story of a man and a dog ~, shooting will be after eight months of filming was originally located in Hokkaido, but not out of the Antarctic field shooting.