下面那句话为什么是错的?Because of her command of pathos,tragedy,and humor,George Ellot is considered to be a great English novelist.Having command of pathos,tragedy,and humor,George Ellot is considered to be a great English novelist.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/02 19:48:50

下面那句话为什么是错的?Because of her command of pathos,tragedy,and humor,George Ellot is considered to be a great English novelist.Having command of pathos,tragedy,and humor,George Ellot is considered to be a great English novelist.
Because of her command of pathos,tragedy,and humor,George Ellot is considered to be a great English novelist.
Having command of pathos,tragedy,and humor,George Ellot is considered to be a great English novelist.

下面那句话为什么是错的?Because of her command of pathos,tragedy,and humor,George Ellot is considered to be a great English novelist.Having command of pathos,tragedy,and humor,George Ellot is considered to be a great English novelist.
command of 不能这样用
having commanded

不需要having, 直接用commanding就行了,可作动词

having 后面加to be .

下面那句话为什么是错的?Because of her command of pathos,tragedy,and humor,George Ellot is considered to be a great English novelist.Having command of pathos,tragedy,and humor,George Ellot is considered to be a great English novelist. 下面那句话为什么是错的?我国“一五”计划优先发展重工业,在其实行期间,鞍山钢铁公司三大工厂、沈阳第一汽车制造厂、长春机床厂先后建成投产,奠定了我国社会主义工业化的初步基础. 下面那句话是对的,上面那句话是错的,问那句话是对是错? 这句话为什么是错的? 最下面那句话错在哪? 德国的鲁尔区是在丰富的煤铁资源基础上发展起来的这句话为什么是错的?那请把这句话改对 含氧化合物不可能是氧化物RT.上面那句话为什么是对的? 求助“我下面那句话是对的”“我上面那句话是错的”2句话那句是对的. 下面这句话,为什么是I wish I was 而不是 I wish I were?【I wish I was a kid again,because skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts.------ 真希望自己变回小孩,因为,摔破的膝盖总比破碎的心要容易修补.】这 “人人创造历史”这句话为什么是错的? “有用就是真理.”这句话为什么是错的? 长方体的六个面一定都是长方形这句话是错的,可正方体也是特殊的长方体啊.那为什么是错的呢? “吸盘能吸在墙壁上是利用大气压的作用”这句话为什么是错的?看错了,这是对的,那“高压锅能增大国内气压降低沸点”为什么是错的? 1.下面那句话说的是真的.2.上面那句话说的是假的. 说说下面的那句话怎么设置的 what are you doing this weekend请问weekend是周末的意思,那这句话为什么是现在时的 ☆【空穴来风】的使用.看下这句话为什么对【空穴来风】比喻消息和谣言的传播不是完全没有原因的.也比喻流言乘机会传开来.→☆那下面这句话中“空穴来风”的使用为什么是对的呢?【例 速度方向为正,加速度方向为负这句话为什么是错的?