残奥会主席在开幕式上的讲话 原稿 英文能带翻译更好 准确点

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残奥会主席在开幕式上的讲话 原稿 英文能带翻译更好 准确点
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残奥会主席在开幕式上的讲话 原稿 英文能带翻译更好 准确点
September 6 evening 8:00, the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games opening ceremony of the National Stadium in the "nest" hold. Below are the International Olympic Committee President Clayton residue in the opening ceremony of the text of the speech.
Dear President Hu Jintao and his wife, to athletes, the officials, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, from all over the world Paralympic Movement supporters:
Good evening, welcome you! Tonight, we gather here to celebrate Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games opened. The Paralympic Games of unprecedented scale, both the number of athletes, the number of participating countries or the number of sports, more than at previous Paralympics.
This is the history of the Paralympic movement of a milestone. We are elated, our hearts are with the first half of this year a series of natural disasters, millions of Chinese people together. Disaster could not prevent China, failed to block Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee Chairman Liu Qi and continue to organize the Olympic Games. Beijing Olympics fantastic, and also believe that the Beijing Paralympics will be a complete success.
I would like to extend my thanks to you, thank you for your excellent work. Since 2007, our cooperation has always been a friendly, frank, healthy, mutual respect and constructive. I would also like to thank the International Olympic Committee to give us the support for Jacques »Rogge, Honorary President for life to thank Juan» Antonio »Mr. Samaranch, tonight he has with us.
There is no doubt that this evening and the next 11 days, athletes will be the true heroes. Paralympic athletes, you have to come here, after so many months of training in the Spring and Autumn. You must thoroughly play, must respect the spirit of fair play. Who can predict, how will you go beyond the most daring dream.
You come here, but also to mental and physical pleasure, make friends, will be in Beijing, Qingdao and Hong Kong retained for the eternal memory. This is not about hope, but on the vision and you represent all. Whether you display in the playing field charisma, but also in international Paralympic Athletes Commission elections Tanchen views, we want to understand from your self-confidence and independence. At this point, I would like to join with you to enjoy this magnificent stadium. "Nest" is a vivid example, the symbol of China's commitment to building a modern world.
We can see that this reinforced concrete, glass and other high-tech materials from the construction breathtaking views. But tonight, when all of you, the audience, performers and athletes to be in this very stadium, architecturally, it really has been given life. When travel officials, race officials, media, sponsors, as well as China's unparalleled volunteers have come here, you will work together to create a unique Paralympic experience.
From tomorrow onwards, we will see scenes of the play, we will see victory, we will see disappointing. However, the most important thing is that when we gather together, we will integrate into the unique and the source of power, it seems to your fingertips, and indeed may be breathing, it exists in the heart of the Paralympic Movement, we call residual Austrian spirit. Once it occupy your mind, you will be difficult illness raised. It will accompany your life!
2008 Paralympic Games in Beijing in 12 days, you will find that those you thought that exists in the world of difference in fact far from being so obvious. You will see a world we live with. Thanks!

残奥会主席在开幕式上的讲话 原稿 英文能带翻译更好 准确点 2008残奥会主席的发言稿(英文)残奥会主席 克雷文在残奥会开幕式上的英文发言稿 求北京残奥会开幕式上残奥会主席克雷文致辞的英文稿原文坐轮椅的那位,在刘淇后致辞的.英语说得很纯正. 求残奥会闭幕式主席讲话英文原文他说本届是最好的,要原文! 求北京残奥会闭幕式上残奥会主席克雷文致辞的英文稿原文 残奥会闭幕式克雷文主席的发言稿英文原文寻找残奥会闭幕式上克雷文主席的发言稿.注意是:残奥会闭幕式..英文原文.. 温家宝总理在世界旅游组织第十五届全体大会开幕式上的讲话有英文版吗? 习主席在全军政治工作会议上的 讲话十个方面突出问题是什么 在2008年北京残奥会开幕式上,在2008年北京残奥会开幕式上,运动员手拉绳索向上攀登,最终点燃 了主火炬,为了探究上升过程中运动员与绳索和吊椅间的作用,可将过程简化.一根不可伸缩的轻绳 在2008年北京残奥会开幕式上,在最激动人心的点火环节,三届残奥会冠军侯斌以一种最为震撼人心的方式,独自拉紧绳索攀升到主火炬台,并点燃了残奥会主火炬.侯斌用如图所示的滑轮组提升自 音色是由什么决定的?乐理课本上说 音色 是有发音体的性质决定的,但是我发现有些电子琴能模仿好多乐器的音色,再比如说,我们看电视主席在讲话,那是主席的音色,但那是电视机在讲话呀乐 张云川同志在全省干部作风建设年活动动员会上的讲话最好是原稿 谁能帮忙贴下乔丹名人堂演讲的英文原稿 英语翻译胡主席讲话的英语翻译 60米的高度、240秒,侯斌用双手完成“攀登”,感动全世界!在2008年北京残奥会开幕式上,在最激动人心的点火环节,三届残奥会冠军侯斌以一种最为震撼人心的方式,独自拉紧绳索攀升到主火炬台, 求科比在《开讲啦》演讲的英文原稿 阅兵式上的那个司仪是谁?就是宣布胡主席发表讲话的那个人呀! 《不自由 毋宁死》英文的原稿