
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/09 02:41:14


Since 1990s,the operation risk has received more and more concern with the financial institutions,the New Basel Capital Accord by Basel Committee has covered operation ris in risk capital calculation and managment frame.The financial instituions of developed countries have also strengthened research on operation risk,as well as the management system construction.The security industry just started to develop in 1990s in our country,the operation and management standard of the securities company are far from complete,and occured a lot of operation risk examples,and many companies were taken over or went bankrupt,this was highly concerned by the industry and the regulatory authorities,a series of policies and measures were taken to strengthen supervision on operation risk,and the loss from operation risk was effectively curbed.
The occuring of EVERBRIGHT Oolong incident with tremendous loss realarms the bell for securities industry.The arising of domestic quantitative investment forms great challenge for the risk management of securities companies.And operation risk is especially obvious,any incorrect instruction may cause great loss.This paper takes EVERBRIGHT Oolong incident as a beginning,probing the reason of this incident occuring,then back to the issue of operation risk of securities companies.Through collecting of operation risk incidents of recent 10 years,and applying BXX network model,the occuring possibilities and infulence degree of all kinds of operation risk incidents are further analysed,and put forward how to establish and complete operation risk management system further,so as to reduce the possibilities of operation risk incidents occur.Further increase the react and processing speed of the computer risk management system,and advance with the time,adapting to the high frequency dealing era's coming will be meaningful to operation risk management.The research findings of this paper is of realistic feasibility.

英语翻译自上个世纪90年代以后,操作风险逐渐得到金融机构地广泛关注,巴塞尔委员会制定的巴塞尔新资本协议将操作风险纳入风险资本的计算和管理框架.发达国家的金融机构也加强了操作 21世纪的人如何面对生活?上个世纪90年代的孩子到了21世纪,要文凭没文凭,要家庭没家庭,以后该怎样生活? 上个世纪四十年代距今多少年? 上个世纪90年代用英文怎么说the last 90s对吗 怎么用英语翻译“从上个世纪50年代开始,成为伦敦最有名的中国社区旅游景点和文化中心之一”? 上个世纪五十年代中期是什么时候写清楚一点 20世纪60年代以后 怎么用英语翻译呢~ 有没有一些反映上个世纪80,90年代中国人民真实生活的书除了《我的故乡在1980》,包括小说和纪实文学 英语翻译自1986年德国社会学家乌尔里希.贝克出版《风险社会》以来,“风险社会”“世界风险社会”概念已经成为对当代社会发展变迁后果的重要诊断.西方风险社会的整体转型进城之中.在 英语翻译 上个世纪90年代,美国强劲的经济走势使各大公司、大银行纷纷向文化艺术慷慨解囊.1994年到1997年,大公司给予文化艺术的捐款从0.75亿美元攀升到11.6亿美元.1997年,慈善机构向 英语翻译风险筹资 风险投资 风险防范 英语翻译”风险预留空间” 英语翻译我国汽车租赁从上个世纪80年代开始,从无到有、从小到大,已经经历了二十一年的发展历程.作为一种全新的消费方式汽车租赁已经日益被广大消费者接受,随着消费者日益转变的消费 英语翻译他们是罗马尼亚上个世纪三、四十年代皇家使用的宫殿.布加勒斯特的Controceni Palace西奈亚(Sinaia)的Pelisor Palace黑海巴尔西克(Balcic)的王后的夏宫Tehna Yuva 20世纪90年代以后的管理理论 上个世纪50年代的社会主义改造与今天社会主义改革的历史关联 英语翻译企业文化管理理论自20世纪80年代初期诞生以来,便以其迷人的魅力吸引了众多的知名管理学者对其不断进行研究、完善,并应用于管理实践.20世纪80年代末该理论介绍到我国以后,研究 英语翻译自2006年底我国银行业市场全面开放以后,外资银行对我国银行业的影响越来越大.他们不仅带来了先进的技术,更有利于我国银行业监管水平的提高,但是同时也在业务、风险监管、人