
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/02 01:38:06


The since private bookstore enters book industry's marketing field,after more than 20 years of development ,have gone through a course from surviving to developing constantly,following the constant relaxation of the state policies,the private large-scale bookstore and bookstore chain operation have made unprecedented progress,drawing lessons from and managing the current situation the successful super chain bookstores of American-European countries,the bosses of the private bookstore wait for a chance to cause trouble to the super chain bookstore especially.This text carries on the comprehensive research contrast through the environment ,market of the domestic and international private books industry correctly,to the private books retail business and integrating perspective analysis and reference of the world of our country of accession to the WTO,combine the practical problem that the private bookstore of our country exists at present,carry on some and analyse ,summarize to the development of the private bookstore of our country ,put forward more advanced management theory,thus realize sending a industry that issues books to the camp and is in line with international standards of our country.This thesis is divided into five parts,first ,explain the basic conception of the achievement state of chain operation; Second,definition of the private super chain bookstore of our country; Third,development of the private super chain bookstore; Fourth,present private super bookstore existing problem; Fifth ,view and suggestion about the fact that the private super bookstore in our country develop.

Enters book business marketing domain since the privately operated
bookstore, passed through more than 20 years development, experienced
from to survive to the course which unceasingly grew st...


Enters book business marketing domain since the privately operated
bookstore, passed through more than 20 years development, experienced
from to survive to the course which unceasingly grew strong, followed
the national policy unceasingly to relax, the privately operated
large-scale book city and the bookstore chain-like management have
made the unprecedented progress, profits from super chain-like
bookstore management present situation which succeeded to the European
and American countries, privately operated bookstore's mister were is
ready to make trouble to the super chain-like bookstore. This article
through to domestic and foreign operates privately the books industry
conditions, the market carries on the comprehensive research contrast,
to joins the WTO our country privately operated books retail trade and
the world connects rails carries on foresightedness analysis and the
model, unifies the our country privately operated bookstore current
existence the actual problem, carries on an analysis, the summary to
our country privately operated bookstore's development, carries on
proposes the more advanced management idea, thus implements our
country internationally to send the camp books release industry with
to connect rails. The present paper divides into five parts, one,
elaboration chain-like management industry condition basic concept;
Second, our country privately operated super chain-like bookstore's
definition; Third, privately operated super chain-like bookstore's
development; Fourth, the current privately operated super bookstore
exists question; Fifth, the view and the recommendation which develops
about the our country privately operated super bookstore.


英语翻译摘要自从民营书店进入书业营销领域,经过了二十多年的发展,经历了一个从生存到不断发展壮大的历程,伴随着国家政策的不断放宽,民营大型书城和书店连锁经营取得了前所未有的进 英语翻译在传统营销模式逐渐走入困境的今天,一系列新兴营销方式开始进入到营销者的视野中,动漫营销就是其中一项非常有价值的营销方式,而目前我国在动漫营销领域的研究还基本处于空 英语翻译[摘要] 网络营销渠道是借助互联网将产品从生产者转移到消费者的中间环节.随着网络的发展,电子商务技术的突飞猛进,传统营销渠道受到了极大的影响,某些领域、行业的分销渠道受 英语翻译[摘要]自从世界上最早的中央银行瑞典银行诞生之后,中央银行在一个国家或一个地区的政治,经济尤其是金融领域扮演者不可替代的作用.伴随中央银行诞生的还有一个对其独立性问 英语翻译21世纪中国企业营销的主旋律-- 营销创新、营销行为的人文操作摘要:本文分析了21世纪,中国企业的营销环境,介绍了中国市场营销学的发展过程及现代企业营销的运用水平.分析了21 英语翻译我的中文摘要如下:随着科技的不断发展,我们已经进入了一个日新月异的信息时代,网络的影响已经渗透到了我们日常生活的各个领域,同时随着网络的不断普及,网络以其传播的内容 英语翻译摘要:关系营销使房地产企业营销策略涉及到所有利益相关者,正确处理好房地产企业与所有利益相关者之间的关系.本文通过对关系营销及其本质特征、营销的对象的深入分析,提出 英语翻译我国寿险营销模式的发现及存在问题分析 摘要:自恢复国内保险业务以来,我国寿险业取得快速发展.寿险营销模式也不断的演化和进步,经历了由简单到复杂的三个阶段,不同的营销模 英语翻译营销 网络营销 营销特点 营销优势 营销建议 英语翻译摘要:银行营销应该是全方位的,无论是中间业务,还是主营业务(吸收存款、发放贷款)都应该贯穿营销理念.银行营销关键是了解客户,注重金融知识的教育,宣传内容上人性化,其特 请英语达人帮忙用英文翻译这段论文摘要自从我国在1978年党的十一届三中全会作出了实行改革开放的重大决定之后,民营经济得到迅猛发展,不单单提供了大量的工作岗位且提供了社会服务,也 英语翻译摘要:随着经济全球化的发展,尤其是电影、娱乐、互联网、传媒产业以及各种新媒体的全球化发展,植入式广告发展迅猛,植入式营销成为企业吸引消费者注意力的一种有效的营销传 英语翻译摘要随着中国加入WTO,中国市场与国际市场接轨、国内市场国际化、国内营销国际化、国际竞争内部化已呈不可逆转之势.因此,中国企业走营销创新的道路是势在必行.本文简要分析了 英语翻译【摘要】:我国商业银行的经营环境正经历着前所未有的新变化,为了进一步提高我国商业银行的综合竞争力,提高经营效益,迫切需要转变营销观念,实行关系营销.本文从介绍关系营 英语翻译中译英:摘要:随着市场竞争的日趋激烈,营销已成为企业最重要的一项职能.各种各样的营销活动已经深入到社会生活的方方面面,对公众和社会的影响日益突出.与此同时,企业在营 英语翻译如今我国经济正处于蓬勃发展阶段,尤其是我们长江三角洲地区民营企业发展更是兴旺,经济发展规模位于全国前列.然而自从2008年爆发了全球范围的金融危机后,各行各业对于资金的 英语翻译如今我国经济正处于蓬勃发展阶段,尤其是我们长江三角洲地区民营企业发展更是兴旺,经济发展规模位于全国前列.然而自从2008年爆发了全球范围的金融危机后,各行各业对于资金的 擅长领域怎样进入排名