
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/06 15:29:19


Mencius yue:"all men have a wrench.First the king who is giving people,who have the government cannot bear.Can't bear to see the heart of man,the government cannot bear,the world can be shipped,palm.Deals without pity,inhuman also XiuEZhiXin; no man,no CiRang heart also; and no man is right,inhuman also; if the end,benevolence.XiuEZhiXin; the righteous,and the heart of CiRang also; and the right of wisdom; and also the end or the sun.From the ugly > >.

Mencius yue: "all men have a wrench. First the king who is giving people, who have the government cannot bear. Can't bear to see the heart of man, the government cannot bear, the world can be shipped,...


Mencius yue: "all men have a wrench. First the king who is giving people, who have the government cannot bear. Can't bear to see the heart of man, the government cannot bear, the world can be shipped, palm. Deals without pity, inhuman also XiuEZhiXin; no man, no CiRang heart also; and no man is right, inhuman also; if the end, benevolence. XiuEZhiXin; the righteous, and the heart of CiRang also; and the right of wisdom; and also the end or the sun.


Mencius yue: "all men have a wrench. First the king who is giving people, who have the government cannot bear. Can't bear to see the heart of man, the government cannot bear, the world can be...


Mencius yue: "all men have a wrench. First the king who is giving people, who have the government cannot bear. Can't bear to see the heart of man, the government cannot bear, the world can be shipped, palm. Deals without pity, inhuman also XiuEZhiXin;the righteous, and the heart of CiRang also; and the right of wisdom; and also the end or the sun.


前两个答案都不准确,但还是谢谢两位的回答了!希望能够收到更加精准的翻译啊。 英语翻译好吧,楼下两位回答的都是错的.但还是谢谢你们. 向量积的计算如图,谢谢两位的回答 可是答案都不对麻烦回答的人能解释一下 谢谢! “马上”和“立刻”哪个时间长?分别指多长时间?出自何典?谢谢两位回答,我是百度不出答案才问的,你们的回答都在百科里,我早看过了哦~--------------------------------------------------------------------- 冷水罐和热水罐都在顶楼,都有加压泵加压,但客房用水时忽冷忽热,压力相同也会出现忽冷忽热?谢谢两位的回答 Either teacher often answers the questions.这两个老师中有一位常常解答问题.以上这样翻译不准确吧 这是别人的见解 我认为不太对 应该是:两位老师中的任何一位老师都经常回答问题即等同于这两 Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.谁能帮忙翻译这一句啊?这是孔子的一句名言,可我找不到是哪一句可以对应这句英文了,谢谢两位的回答,但似乎不太准确。从字面意思 excel怎么舍位,要保留两位小数,第三位无论1还是9都去掉单元格中的数字本来就是通过公式得出的,但只要保留两位小数并且不四舍五入怎么弄? 求下图中的电阻求下图中A-B的电阻,24根电阻值为R的电阻.谢谢两位的回答,我将两位的答案提交上去可是都不对。 前面两题我写了,前2回答不回答都没关系,不回答注明从哪里开始的 位似图形的任意一对对应点与位似中心在同一直线上,但它们到位似中心的距离之比不都等于相似比.这两个图形还是位似图形吗 您穿多大码的鞋该怎么说?地道的英语?谢谢两位的回答 但怎么感觉很边牛啊? 有15袋盐,其中有一袋是次品,但不知道比正品轻还是重,用天平称,至少称几次就一定保证找出次品如题.以下两位的回答能说出具体方案和次数吗?你们两人的答案不一样啊? 杭州育才.锦绣中学初一新生素质测试试卷历年来的都请给我,..首先对前两个回答表示惊讶~...再呢,蒽,是对以上两位进行批评...不来别捣乱... 圆周率的前100位 要准确 谁知道圆周率前20000位详细的问题说明,有助于回答者给出准确的答案 嫉妒的“嫉”是读二声还是四声?好多人都在读四声,但有些懂语文的读二声.我现在在旅游,没有词典,请大家告诉我一个准确的答案,谢谢! 我国古代国际私法的萌芽有何特点?国际私法作业,会的大虾帮帮小子,谢谢两位的回答,这个我也找到了,但是觉得不是太准确,抱歉不能给两位分数了