请求英语辩论赛素材想让回答者提供几个可以问对方的问题,当然最好是对方难以回答的~提供的问题最好能用英语,因为是英语辩论赛~有两个辩题:1、People who abuse their health should pay for their me

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/11 13:55:27

请求英语辩论赛素材想让回答者提供几个可以问对方的问题,当然最好是对方难以回答的~提供的问题最好能用英语,因为是英语辩论赛~有两个辩题:1、People who abuse their health should pay for their me
1、People who abuse their health should pay for their medical treatment(滥用健康的人要为他们自己的医疗费买单)
2、A country should have to deal with their disaster on their own(一个国家应该独立处理他们的灾难)

请求英语辩论赛素材想让回答者提供几个可以问对方的问题,当然最好是对方难以回答的~提供的问题最好能用英语,因为是英语辩论赛~有两个辩题:1、People who abuse their health should pay for their me
Should smokers pay for treatment?
They do,if they take care of their bodies,they wont get sick and wont have to pay medical bills.If you are overweight,smoke,or do drugs you will have to pay more for health insurance and you will have many more medical bills to pay.
If you get sick because you smoke,should you be made to pay for your treatment?
New research says smoking could be costing the National Health Service 5 BILLION pounds a year - that's about twice the government's official estimate.
Cigarette smoking is the biggest single cause of illness and premature death in the UK - 109,500 people die from smoking related illnesses every year.So if you smoke,and it makes you ill,do you think you should you have to pay for your treatment?
Of course you should be made to pay for your treatment .If not you ,then who?And more important than that,why not you Why should the state pay for your desire to enjoy cigarettes?
As long as you were informed of the risks associated with it,it is entirely your decision and that means you need to accept future consequences of these actions.
How to deal with their disaster in Haiti on their own?
On January 12,2010,a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti and devastated the capital city,Port-au-Prince.Reportedly more than 150,000 people were killed and buried later in mass graves,although the exact number was difficult to determine and the reported number fluctuates,plus a large number of people were made homeless.The Presidential palace,Parliament and many other important structures were destroyed,along with countless homes and businesses.
By most economic measures,Haiti is the poorest country in the Americas.It is an impoverished country,one of the world's poorest and least developed.Comparative social and economic indicators show Haiti falling behind other low-income developing countries (particularly in the hemisphere) since the 1980s.
In the nights following the earthquake,many people in Haiti slept in the streets,on pavements,in their cars,or in makeshift shanty towns either because their houses had been destroyed,or they feared standing structures would not withstand aftershocks.Construction standards are low in Haiti; the country has no building codes.Engineers have stated that it is unlikely many buildings would have stood through any kind of disaster.Structures are often raised wherever they can fit; some buildings were built on slopes with insufficient foundations or steel works.A representative of Catholic Relief Services has estimated that about two million Haitians lived as squatters on land they did not own.The country also suffered from shortages of fuel and potable water even before the disaster.


请求英语辩论赛素材想让回答者提供几个可以问对方的问题,当然最好是对方难以回答的~提供的问题最好能用英语,因为是英语辩论赛~有两个辩题:1、People who abuse their health should pay for their me 我要写两篇作文,提供几个素材好吗? 辩论赛“抵制日货”的正方辩友的素材!就“应该抵制日货”提供一些素材! i我们班进行辩论赛 ,我们的观点是聪明比努力重要,有没有素材可以提供一下?万分感激! i我们班进行辩论赛 ,我们的观点是聪明比努力重要,有没有素材可以提供一下?万分感激! 有些事不必等将来 作文700字左右 我现在就要用 要不可以提供几个写作素材 5个就行啊 论孝顺 议论文,提供几个素材,列出提纲 周记,日记,自命题作文素材谁提供几个? 提供几个英语长句子 提供几个英语习题网 在英国学英语好 辩论赛素材英文辩论赛,正方:在中国学英语好,反方:在英国学英语好.英文素材,我是二辩. 高中作文素材积累提供一些素材...要说明可以运用到那些作文中(把素材概一下) 明天就要参加辩论赛了,谁能给我提供一些辩论赛的素材?读书宜博还是宜精?我是反方宜精 圆明园重建的好处 英文版我有一场英语辩论赛,是正方.需要以英语说出为什么赞成圆明园重建.有什么资料可以提供么? 请提供关于 敬业 乐业 为话题的作文,提供相关素材也可以. 功可以补过辩论赛素材有哪些?最好是历史的 诚信让消费更和谐 作文怎么写,提供些素材,给点提示——————想了半天不知写啥好~ 老师让办小报,人教版九年级上册,关于空气.帮我提供点素材呗.