
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/25 12:29:29


Dear Madam/ Sir
I started working for our company on Oct.29th 2012.I didn't write my job summary after submitting PBC in the system last year.I couldn't submit the 2013 PBC successfully today and the system prompted me that PBC already exists.I wrote down my last year's job summary today and submitted successfully,but 2013's PBC still remains a draft,and I can neither delete 2012's PBC.What should I do now?

I was last year 2012/10/29 entry. After the system was presented by PBC did not write summary. Today submitted in 2013 when the PBC cannot commit successfully. The system prompts for the presence of P...


I was last year 2012/10/29 entry. After the system was presented by PBC did not write summary. Today submitted in 2013 when the PBC cannot commit successfully. The system prompts for the presence of PBC. Today in PBC last year to fill in and submit the summary of success, but still in 2013 can only save drafts, cannot submit. Last year also cannot be deleted. What should I do now?


各位大神帮忙将下面一段中文翻译成英语,很急!我是去年2012/10/29入职的.在系统里提交了PBC之后没有写过总结.今天在提交2013年的PBC时无法提交成功.系统提示已有存在的PBC.今天在去年的PBC里 求大神帮忙将法语翻译成中文 帮忙将下面的句子翻译成英语:己所不欲勿施于人 麻烦各位老师帮忙翻译成中文 各位大神求帮助!英语作业,中文翻译英文.作业 自己写的一首诗,用中文写的,求大神帮忙翻译成英文~~~谢谢了 缅甸文在线翻译求哪位大神帮忙将一段中文翻译成缅甸文,非常感谢~~~~!内容如下:中国辽宁抚顺青云寺迎请药师如来启佛法会 将军翻译成英语?拜托各位大神 英语大神帮我翻译成中文 21世纪英语报上的英文如何翻译成中文拜托各位大神 怎样将中文翻译成英文名本人叫姚新宇.哪个大神帮忙翻译一下.不是按中文汉语拼音那样的 wxwwmkyhhdnyhnhswdarwmyqbtdl 这个是中文的缩写,求各位大神帮忙翻译成一句句子,wxwwmkyhhdnyhnhswdarwmyqbtdl 这个是中文的缩写,求各位大神帮忙翻译成一句句子,提示,前面是:我希望我们好好的.然后后面 before coating帮忙把一段英文翻译成中文 帮忙把下面中文翻译成英语:汽车零部件、行业分析、对策研究 英文Dear翻译成中文是什么拜托各位大神 S.WIENO翻译成中文是什么意思?拜托各位大神 怎么样将中文翻译成英语 将爱情进行到底(帮忙翻译成英语! 求德语高手帮忙将一段400字的中文翻译成德语!有意者请与我私聊!感激不尽!