英语翻译中国十大名茶 1、杭州西湖龙井 ,居中国名茶之冠.产于浙江省杭州市西湖周围的群山之中.龙井茶外形挺直削尖、扁平俊秀、光滑匀齐、色泽绿中显黄.冲泡后,香气清高持久,香馥若兰

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/05 23:07:50

英语翻译中国十大名茶 1、杭州西湖龙井 ,居中国名茶之冠.产于浙江省杭州市西湖周围的群山之中.龙井茶外形挺直削尖、扁平俊秀、光滑匀齐、色泽绿中显黄.冲泡后,香气清高持久,香馥若兰
1、杭州西湖龙井 ,居中国名茶之冠.产于浙江省杭州市西湖周围的群山之中.龙井茶外形挺直削尖、扁平俊秀、光滑匀齐、色泽绿中显黄.冲泡后,香气清高持久,香馥若兰;汤色杏绿,清澈明亮,叶底嫩绿,匀齐成朵,芽芽直立,栩栩如生.品饮茶汤,沁人心脾,齿间流芳,回味无穷.
3、太平黄山毛峰 黄山毛峰茶产于安徽省太平县以南,歙县以北的黄山.
4、安溪铁观音 属青茶类,是我国著名乌龙茶之一.安溪铁观音茶产于福建省安溪县.安溪铁观音茶历史悠久,素有茶王之称冲泡7次仍有余香;汤色金黄,叶底肥厚柔软,艳亮均匀,叶缘红点,青心红镶边.
5、岳阳君山银针 我国著名黄茶之一.
6、普洱茶 原运销集散地在普洱县,故此而得名
7、九江庐山云雾 中国著名绿茶之一.
8.信阳毛尖 产于河南信阳
9.祁红 在红遍全球的红茶中,祁红独树一帜,百年不衰,以其高香形秀着称.祁红,是祁门红茶的简称,为工夫红茶中的珍品.
10、苏州茉莉花茶 花茶中最有名的一种,我国茉莉花茶中的佳品.
1、 绿茶:茶是不经过发酵的茶
2、红茶 :红茶与绿茶恰恰相反,是一种全发酵茶
3、乌龙茶 :乌龙茶也就是青茶,是一类介于红绿茶之间的半发酵茶.乌龙茶在六大类茶中工艺最复杂费时,泡法也最讲究,所以喝乌龙茶也被人称为喝工夫茶.
1.有助于延缓衰老 ,2、有助于抑制心血管疾病,3、有助于预防和抗癌.4、有助于预防和治疗辐射伤害 .5、有助于美容护肤.6、有助于降脂助消化.7,有助于护齿明目

英语翻译中国十大名茶 1、杭州西湖龙井 ,居中国名茶之冠.产于浙江省杭州市西湖周围的群山之中.龙井茶外形挺直削尖、扁平俊秀、光滑匀齐、色泽绿中显黄.冲泡后,香气清高持久,香馥若兰
China Famous Tea
1,Hangzhou West Lake Longjing,ranking the highest in China's tea.Produced in the West Lake in Hangzhou of Zhejiang Province in the surrounding mountains.Longjing tea Tingzhiqiaojian shape,flat Junxiu,smooth-absorbed,in the green color was yellow.After brewing,lasting aroma qing GAO,Xiangfuruolan; Tangse apricot green,clarity,Yedinenlv,absorbed Qicheng duo,bud bud upright,lifelike.Commodities tea soup,Qinrenxinpi,between teeth Lau-fong,回味无穷.
2,Suzhou Piluochun tea,in second place.One of the famous Chinese green tea.Dongting Biluochun tea produced in the Dongting Lake Taihu in Jiangsu Province Wuxian Hill.Biluochun tea of the cable thin,curly-Lo,Phi full hair,dark green color.After brewing,Wei Xian Sheng Jin,Qingxiang fragrance,Che-green water
3,Taiping Huangshan MAO Feng Huangshan in Anhui Province MAO Feng tea produced in the south Pacific County,Xixian County,north of Huangshan.
4,安溪铁观音a Qingcha category,is one of China's famous Oolong tea.安溪铁观音tea produced in Anxi County,Fujian Province.安溪铁观音tea has a long history and is known as tea brewing Wang said there are still seven Yuxiang; Tangse golden,Yedi hypertrophy soft,Yan Liang uniform and red leaf edge,the green heart-rimmed.
5,Yueyang Junshan Yinzhen one of China's famous Yellow tea.
6,Pu'er tea distribution center in the original distribution Pu'er County,so named for
7,Jiujiang Lushan clouds one of the famous Chinese green tea.
8.Xinyang Maojian produced in Xinyang,Henan
9.Hongbian Qi Hong in the global black tea,Qi Hong unique,a hundred years ever,with its high-Sau-known.Qi Hong,is the short title of Qimen black tea,black tea for the efforts of the treasures.
10,Suzhou Huacha jasmine tea in one of the most famous,jasmine tea in China to share.
The type of Tea
1,green tea:tea is a fermented tea
2,black tea:green tea and black tea On the contrary,is a full-fermented tea
3,Oolong tea:Oolong tea is Qingcha,is a kind of red between the semi-fermented green tea and tea.Oolong tea in six major categories of the most complex and time-consuming process,the bubble of the most stress,drink tea drinking was also known as Gong Fucha.
There are many kinds of tea,.
To take the time named are:pure social tea,Guyu tea,tea or Yuqian,Bailu tea.
To the origin of the name:Longjing tea,Zhejiang,Fujian's Wuyi Cha,Cha Lu'an,Anhui,Yunnan Pu'er tea,Hunan Jun-cha,tea,and other top Taiwan freeze.
In fact or auspicious symbol named after the text:Longfeng tea,tea-long mission,Queshe tea,Biluochun,Shoumei Tea,Tieguanyin,and so on.
To have named after the color:green tea,black tea,white tea,and so on.
Named to the taste are:mannose tea,Gucha,etc..
Named to the aroma:Xiangpian tea,jasmine tea,chrysanthemum tea,and so on.
To form the name:Mission tea,Tuocha,blocks of tea,such as stem-chip.
The effect of tea
1.Contribute to aging,2,help to inhibit cardiovascular disease,3,and contribute to the prevention of cancer.4,contribute to the prevention and treatment of radiation injuries.5,help Beauty skin care.6,help digestion .7 Jiangzhi help,help mouthguard Mingmu
Benefits:tea can lose weight,drinking tea can prevent tooth decay,tea is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases,diseases of the tea is a panacea

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