
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/01 16:57:45


Asiad Premium
by valid documentation of the Asian Games and the Asian Para Games (e.g.Athlete Card,Guest Pass)
15% off on new products
Additional 5% off on discounted products
Not valid in conjunction with any other offers,discount or coupons
All rights reserved under applicable law

Enjoy activities in the Asian Games
With the Asian Games and Asian disabled Assembly documents (athlete cards, guest cards
To enjoy new 15% discount
The goods were entitled to a discount o...


Enjoy activities in the Asian Games
With the Asian Games and Asian disabled Assembly documents (athlete cards, guest cards
To enjoy new 15% discount
The goods were entitled to a discount of 9.5 after the discount off
The offer does not enjoy with other offers
Subject to the provisions in the law to retain our rights


“The Asian games honour enjoy activities”
“By Asian games with the residual will assembly effectivecertificate(Athletes card、Visitor card)”
“To enjoy new 15% discount”
“While discount good...


“The Asian games honour enjoy activities”
“By Asian games with the residual will assembly effectivecertificate(Athletes card、Visitor card)”
“To enjoy new 15% discount”
“While discount goods is to enjoy discount after 9.5 percent discount”
“This preferential don't enjoy in conjunction with other promotional offers”
“In the law under the premise of our rights reserved”


"Asian games honour enjoy activities"
"By Asian games with the residual will congress's valid certificate (athletes certificate, guest card)"
"To enjoy new 15% discount"
"And then can enjo...


"Asian games honour enjoy activities"
"By Asian games with the residual will congress's valid certificate (athletes certificate, guest card)"
"To enjoy new 15% discount"
"And then can enjoy discount goods after folding 9.5% favorable"
"This preferential not in conjunction with other promotional offers enjoy"
"In law under the premise of retained our rights"


英语翻译服装公司要做一个英文的POP宣传物,针对亚运来宾做的,所以有中英文,而我的英文水平欠缺,“亚运会尊享活动”“凭亚运会与亚残会大会有效证件(运动员证、来宾证)”“可享新品 英语翻译公司在做 宣传册,需要 弄一个 英文的 公司名称的 .有谁懂的 F和L分别打头的英文词组,用于公司的英文名是服装公司,就是要做这个品牌 英语翻译RT,做宣传语的 英语翻译环境宣传的.能一句中文 一句英文吗 宣传的英文怎么说 要名词 英语翻译要做到公司的宣传彩页上~ 英语翻译公司做宣传片,这几个字要做动画效果,想加几个英文点缀一下只要单词就可以了.信任我只知道trust,但是感觉好像不是很正规的名词?只要一个词要一长串做动画不好看的是不是可以翻 英语翻译我这里是一个公司,是公司给自己的产品做宣传画册,册名叫“企业产品说明书” 英语翻译pop 做一个有道德的人,宣传标语做一个有道德的人体现活动主题的宣传标语 pop是不是photoshop的英文缩写? pop的英文原意是啥? 请问:有的公司里面有PD部门,PD是什么英文的缩写啊?对我而言,Product Department 会贴近一些,因为我提到的PD是在一个服装公司,做合同,跟单一类的工作.保证项目达成,解释比较好一点吧. 帮我翻译一下“影像客”要英文的,准确点,我用来做网络宣传名的 我的英文名是pop,麻烦大家帮我设计一个英文的签名, 公司要我想一个宣传标语,要能吸引人的,要怎么写啊?是做净水器的宣传语. 北京奥运会的英文宣传标语