英语翻译1 他们家停水了2 你知道什么时候 ( 指的是 恢复供水)3 下周一这个 地区 可能会 停水 / 停电4 通告说,明天这个地方 会 停水 / 停电 12 个小时5 凌晨的时候,水来了.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/03 06:53:41

英语翻译1 他们家停水了2 你知道什么时候 ( 指的是 恢复供水)3 下周一这个 地区 可能会 停水 / 停电4 通告说,明天这个地方 会 停水 / 停电 12 个小时5 凌晨的时候,水来了.
1 他们家停水了
2 你知道什么时候 ( 指的是 恢复供水)
3 下周一这个 地区 可能会 停水 / 停电
4 通告说,明天这个地方 会 停水 / 停电 12 个小时
5 凌晨的时候,水来了.

英语翻译1 他们家停水了2 你知道什么时候 ( 指的是 恢复供水)3 下周一这个 地区 可能会 停水 / 停电4 通告说,明天这个地方 会 停水 / 停电 12 个小时5 凌晨的时候,水来了.
The supply of water to their houses has been cut off.
Do you know when the supply of water will be resumed
There is possibly a cut off of water supply in this area next Monday.
The announcement/notice said that there will be water supply/electricity cut off at this place last for 12 hours tomorrow
The water supply resumed in the early morning/at dawn

  1. Their house is of no water.

  2. Do you know when the water will be restored?

  3. There might be no water/electrity next Monday in this region.

  4. The publi...


    1. Their house is of no water.

    2. Do you know when the water will be restored?

    3. There might be no water/electrity next Monday in this region.

    4. The public notice said that there will be no water/electrity tomorrow for 12 hours.

    5. The water was restored at dawn.


    1. The water supply of  their house has been cut off.

    2. Do you know when can the water supply be restored?

    3. There may be water/power cut in this region ne...


      1. The water supply of  their house has been cut off.

      2. Do you know when can the water supply be restored?

      3. There may be water/power cut in this region next monday.

      4. It is announced that a twelve-hour water cut-off will take place here.

      5. The water restored in the early morning.


      1. They don't provide water.

      2. Do you know when to restore water supply?

      3. Next Monday might stop water supply / stop power supply in this area.

      4. An...


        1. They don't provide water.

        2. Do you know when to restore water supply?

        3. Next Monday might stop water supply / stop power supply in this area.

        4. Announcement, said this place tomorrow will stop water supply/stop power supply 12 hours.

        5. When in the morning, and the water came.


        1. They are out of water at home. 

        2. Do you know when will water supply be resumed?

        3. There will be no electricity water next Monday in this region .<...


          1. They are out of water at home. 

          2. Do you know when will water supply be resumed?

          3. There will be no electricity water next Monday in this region .

          4. The circular says that there will be no electricity water for 12 hours  tomorrow in this region.

          5. Water supply was resumed before dawn.


          1. They do not have tap water now
          2. when do you know the tap water will be restored?
          3. Next week tap water may be down for this area
          Next week power may be off for this area
          4. The notice stated that tomorrow this area will be without water/power for 12 hours
          5. Tap water is back in early morning

          The supply of water to their houses has been cut off.
          Do you know when the supply of water will be resumed
          There is possibly a cut off of water supply in this area next Monday.
          The announc...


          The supply of water to their houses has been cut off.
          Do you know when the supply of water will be resumed
          There is possibly a cut off of water supply in this area next Monday.
          The announcement/notice said that there will be water supply/electricity cut off at this place last for 12 hours tomorrow
          The water supply resumed in the early morning/at dawn


英语翻译1 他们家停水了2 你知道什么时候 ( 指的是 恢复供水)3 下周一这个 地区 可能会 停水 / 停电4 通告说,明天这个地方 会 停水 / 停电 12 个小时5 凌晨的时候,水来了. 英语翻译 竟然停水了 英语翻译我想知道他们在北京已经住了多久你知道他们需要什么吗 停水俩天了 已交了水费 可停水了 找了自来水公司的人家说不管自己解决 请问我该怎么办我家是内蒙古满洲里扎莱诺尔区的 我们这是老楼了没有物业 主要是就我一家停水他们也不管 1楼和2 停水了, 英语翻译1我知道她的电话号码和他们的 我们都不知道她的电话号码 2我知道你们的名字和他的 但我不知道她的和他们的 3 你和他们种了很多树 这些树是为了他们的小狗和他的 这些树也是你 英语翻译1、他们记得这儿有一个带花园的房子.2、许多动物现在处于极大的危险,我们能做些什么挽救他们?3、你知道纸是用什么做的吗?4、你还记得我们曾谈过此事吗?5、我忘了带钥匙.6、大 水费欠多久停水 或欠多少停水刚刚看了下水表 欠了 3 个 但是现在停水了 不知道是不是 欠费 停得 我想知道你刚才做了什么.英语翻译 英语翻译1 他独自一人去美国旅行了.没有告诉任何亲戚朋友.2 他是 一个人去上海旅行的吗?,你知道他要去几天吗?3 你知道他要去上海旅行几天吗?4 他们全家要去美国旅行10天5 你知道他们全家 水管破裂停水了,拨打什么电话?哎,没办法 自来水公司在什么情况下可以停用户的水自来水公司乱收费用户不给,他们就停水了啊,我应该找哪个部门啊 停水了是怎么回事,几点来水 今天停水了! 为什么停水了 你帮他们洗衣服了吗?英语翻译 请问如果不是全体停水会因为水少停水么?水表显示3.1应该是还有3.1吨,但是停水了邻居家都没人 也不知道是不是全体停水的原因, 英语翻译1、 你上周做了什么?我上周去了沙滩.2、 你妹妹座晚做了什么?她昨天晚上做作业了.3、 你弟弟一周前做了什么?他一周前踢足球了.4、 你父母五一节干什么了?他们五一节去北京拜访