帮忙翻译下面这段汉语为英文(不要机器翻译)绿色——希望、梦想.与英国的绿色代表“气候温和的、无雪的”(green Christmas绿色的、无雪的圣诞节)不同,在美国,绿色也代表“希望”,这与其复

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 15:05:56

帮忙翻译下面这段汉语为英文(不要机器翻译)绿色——希望、梦想.与英国的绿色代表“气候温和的、无雪的”(green Christmas绿色的、无雪的圣诞节)不同,在美国,绿色也代表“希望”,这与其复
绿色——希望、梦想.与英国的绿色代表“气候温和的、无雪的”(green Christmas绿色的、无雪的圣诞节)不同,在美国,绿色也代表“希望”,这与其复苏季节——春的颜色有关.绿色代表希望还因为它与美元的颜色有关,“green back”也已经成为了美钞的代名词.小说中让人印象最深刻的是三次提到了“绿灯”,这对主人公盖茨比这一人物性格的塑造起了非常重要的作用.第一次,尼克晚上回家,看见盖茨比在月光下注视着黛西家码头上的那盏绿灯.因为是黛西家码头上的绿灯,所以特别让盖茨比神往.虽然盖茨比出身贫寒,但他一直梦想着能跻身于上流社会,与心爱的黛西长相斯守.当黛西嫁给了有钱的汤姆之后,盖茨比坚信只有朝一日他能飞黄腾达,一定能与黛西重修旧好.于是他努力挣钱,甚至是通过不择手段来积累财富只为了能梦想成真.此时的绿灯是美色和财富化身,是他心中梦想和希望,也是他为之奋斗的目标.第二次,黛西受邀参观盖茨比的豪宅时,盖茨比对她说:“要不是海上有雾,我们就能看见海峡对岸你家的房子,你家码头的尽头有一盏绿灯,灯光总是彻夜不息.”这时的盖茨比已经是腰缠万贯,也有美人在旁.他提起绿灯似乎想说,它曾是我奋斗的动力是我的希望.而今希望已成现实,绿灯也失去了它那层梦幻的光环和那种令人神往的魅力,而又变回绿灯了.第三次,在小说的结尾,盖茨比死后,尼克想到盖茨比和那盏绿灯.本是带给盖茨比希望的绿灯,本来就在他眼前的绿灯,因为他没能了解这个残酷的社会而离他越来越远.只有在黑暗当中,绿灯才会更觉明亮和诱人,但盖茨比只看到了财富和黛西化身的绿灯,而完全忽略了他和绿灯所处的黑夜的无情.由于他的天真和过于理想化也最终让梦想破灭.

帮忙翻译下面这段汉语为英文(不要机器翻译)绿色——希望、梦想.与英国的绿色代表“气候温和的、无雪的”(green Christmas绿色的、无雪的圣诞节)不同,在美国,绿色也代表“希望”,这与其复
Green on behalf of dreams and hopes.
It is different with United Kingdom's green on behalf of "moderate climate,no snow".
In the United States,green also represents "hope",This is related to their recovery season - the color of the spring.
The color of green represents hope and the U.S.dollar but also because it is related to the color.
"Green back" has become synonymous with the bills.
Novels are most impressed people with the three mentioned in the "green light",This is the main character of Gatsby to shape the characters played a very important role.
For the first time,Nick go home at night and saw Gatsby in the moonlight watching Daisy terminal that lights up green,because the green light at Daisy's pier,so Gatsby in particular have so fascinated.
Although Gatsby from poor,However,he has been able to dream of a society among the upper class,with the beloved Daisy together forever.
When Daisy was married to a rich man named Tom,Gatsby firmly believe that one day he can rise in the world,and Daisy can trust him and just like in the past.
So he worked hard to earn money,even to the accumulation of wealth through fair means or foul in order to be only a dream come true.
At this point the green light is the embodiment of beauty and wealth,the dreams and hopes in his mind,also his aim of struggle.
The second time,Daisy invited to visit at Gatsby's mansion,Gatsby told her:"If there is no fog at sea,we can see the other side of the strait of your house,at the end of pier have a green light,The lights do not go out through all night."
At this time Gatsby is wealthy,but also have a lot of beautiful women around.But referred to the green light he seems to want to say it was a power and hope struggle for me.
At the present time hope has become reality,the green light is also lost its aura and the charm of the kind of fascinating,and change back to green light.
The third time,at the end of the novel,after Gatsby's death,Nick think of Gatsby and the green light.
The green light was originally gave Gatsby hope,it was the green light in his eyes,since he did not understand the cruelty of the society and more and more distant from him.
Only in the dark,the green light will be even more bright and attractive,however,Gatsby only to saw the embodiment of wealth and the green light of Daisys' incarnation,and completely ignored the environment for the survival of himself and the green light,and the ruthless of darkness.
Because of his innocent and his idealistic let his dreams to ballyhack in the end.

帮忙翻译下面这段汉语为英文(不要机器翻译)绿色——希望、梦想.与英国的绿色代表“气候温和的、无雪的”(green Christmas绿色的、无雪的圣诞节)不同,在美国,绿色也代表“希望”,这与其复 跪求帮忙翻译这段文字英文!论文的 希望不要用机器翻译Data SetsThe1993 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS),17 the NHIS linked to the National Death Index (NDI) through 199518 (the most current nationally representative sources 求英语大神把这段中文写成英文,不要在线机器翻译.高分,在线等. 经济英文帮忙翻一下啊!不要机器翻译的啊! 帮忙翻译一下哈,谢谢,不要机器翻译的哈1 请帮忙翻译下面的段落成英文 翻译 不要机器翻译 请高手帮忙翻译一下下面这段英文啥意思啊 英文高手帮忙翻译一下这段文字啊,不要机器翻译哦语言是人类沟通的工具,是人类交流信息的重要载体.只有具备了优秀语言能力的人,才能适应人类社会发展的需要.幼儿期是学习语言的关键 持枪的英文不要机器翻译 请英文专业人士,帮忙翻译下面这段文字,非常重要的,请翻译软件不要掺和由于临近圣诞节,邮政局发货量剧增,导致普通空邮造成很大延误,为保证交货日期,我们将采用更快捷的邮寄方式,但邮 求下面这段英文的汉语翻译.不要用百度翻译等翻译,需要人工翻译,谢谢.求高手人工翻译:I was feeling a little uncomfortable with the situation and was wondering what I should say to my daughter.I was thinking it over wh 玫美 翻译成英文不要机器翻译的求大神帮忙 帮忙翻译一下两个短语 在线等 不要机器翻译的论资排辈 墨守成规 求帮忙翻译这段视频里的英文> 这段英文帮忙翻译下,速回谢谢~ 帮忙英语翻译!不要用机器翻译的,就两句! 请高手帮忙翻译这句“Nonproteolytic Functions of Ubiquitin in Cell Signaling” 谢谢啦请不要用机器翻译,我需要专业点的人工翻译...