
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 09:46:26


Will you answer me right now,
These questions as your wedding vow?
Will you love him if he’s rich?
Will you love her in a ditch?
From today until the end of time
Even if his words don’t rhyme?
Will you love him for richer for poorer?
Will you love her for quiet for snorer?
From today until the cows come home
And never stop writing goofy poems?
Will you love with all your heart?
Will you love till death do you part?
Will you have and forever hold
Each other hearts ‘till the stars grow cold?
Will you love through good and bad?
Will you love in times happy or sad?
From now until forever more
Or at least until your 94?
Will you take him as your mate?
Will you have her as your date?
From this day on and ever more
No matter what your life might have in store?
If you will be wed through and through
Then say those two words:

XXX(MAN), do you take this woman,XXX(WOMAN),to be your lawful wedded wife,to live together in the estate of matrimony? Will you love her, honor her, comfort her and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be true to her as long as you both shall live?

谁知道那段牧师们说的那段结婚誓词用英语怎么说?就是什么你是否愿意...无论...还是... 求结婚时牧师说的那段英语 在教堂结婚时,牧师说的那段话是什么啊!要回答我愿意的那段. 婚礼上牧师念的那段誓词,要完整的英文版 结婚时神父说的那段话.要英语的 在教堂里神父用英语说的那段结婚的话! 怎么写啊?thank you 在婚礼上牧师讲的英语(最好是电影独立日里面的结婚里面的那段)好象是在1小时45分钟左右那里 里, 杰布列娶安的时候 ,牧师说的那段话英文的 温家宝总理演讲时掷鞋者说的那段话什么?(那段英语高手翻译下) 性格那段用英语咋说? 中间那段英文说的什么意思 外国牧师在教堂主持婚礼的那段经典台词是什么?大概意思是“无论贫富贵贱,都愿意娶她为妻“……非常经典的语言,请用英语回答? 谁知道《拿破仑全面战争》开头的时候拿破仑说的那段话是什么意思? 外国警察在抓犯人之前说的那段话 牧师在主持婚礼时说的那段话(英文)中文似乎是 你有权保持沉默 但你所说的每一句话都将成为承堂证供××先生 你愿意 无论生存还是死亡 疾病或健康 我很怀念那段时间用英语怎么说,最好说的地道点,能用上美国俚语,词组什么的最好. 爱情公寓4 盗梦空间那段,躺在病床上的美嘉对子乔说的那段台词,谁知道是什么?就是孩子交给你了后面那段 孙中山先生说的那段话是什么就是那段被删除,的经典台词 结婚誓词?