【英文短文写作】!下面2句问题中,任选一句,写一篇短文(词汇要通俗易懂的,不要复杂深奥的那种).1.talk abot "the person you love best "2.talk abou "the book you like best"

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 22:07:05

【英文短文写作】!下面2句问题中,任选一句,写一篇短文(词汇要通俗易懂的,不要复杂深奥的那种).1.talk abot "the person you love best "2.talk abou "the book you like best"
1.talk abot "the person you love best "
2.talk abou "the book you like best"

【英文短文写作】!下面2句问题中,任选一句,写一篇短文(词汇要通俗易懂的,不要复杂深奥的那种).1.talk abot "the person you love best "2.talk abou "the book you like best"
I like reading,because they not only broaden my horizons but also give me inspiration.
Up to now I have read a lot of books,for example,magazines,novels,storybooks and so on.But one of the books that I like best is My Life Story.
It was created(创作)by an American writer—Helen Keller(海伦·凯勒)in 1902.She was a blind,deaf and dumb person.In the book,she wrote that she had not been able to see,hear or speak since the age of one year and seven months.This unusual thing made her very sad.When she was seven years old,she knew Miss Sullivan(沙利文),her good teacher.Helen was getting happier every day.Then,Miss Sullivan helped her learn how to write English words.At first,Miss Sullivan wrote some words on Helen's hands with her own fingers again and again.Helen was a very diligent girl.Because of this,she tried as much as possible to remember words.After that,she wrote and published many famous works.My Life Story is one of them .
It shows us a universal truth:“Nothing is difficult if you put your heart intoit!”
到目前为止,我读过好多书,像杂志、小说、故事书等等.但我最喜欢的书是海伦凯勒的《My life story》………………(省略掉是书的内容)

The person I like best
The person I like best,
When I think about her, I wonder as a deer;
When I am not seeing her, I miss her so much;
She know me and my thought.
She is the one ...


The person I like best
The person I like best,
When I think about her, I wonder as a deer;
When I am not seeing her, I miss her so much;
She know me and my thought.
She is the one I like best,
She is beautiful and pretty,
She is the one I prefer to talk to,
the one I like to get on well with.
She is a fairy land of mine.
If she is the moon, I want to be the star above her;
If she is the fountain, I want to be the pigeon.
It is her who I like best.


The person I like best,
When I think about her, I wonder as a deer;
When I am not seeing her, I miss her so much;
She know me and my thought.
She is the one I like best,
She is bea...


The person I like best,
When I think about her, I wonder as a deer;
When I am not seeing her, I miss her so much;
She know me and my thought.
She is the one I like best,
She is beautiful and pretty,
She is the one I prefer to talk to,
the one I like to get on well with.
She is a fairy land of mine.
If she is the moon, I want to be the star above her;
If she is the fountain, I want to be the pigeon.
It is her who I like best.


【英文短文写作】!下面2句问题中,任选一句,写一篇短文(词汇要通俗易懂的,不要复杂深奥的那种).1.talk abot the person you love best 2.talk abou the book you like best 高分悬赏一篇英文广告创意文案请你在以下物品中,任选一作为广告宣传对象.写作一份英文广告创意文案.可选物品(Subjects):1 巧克力 Chocolate / 2 香水 Perfume / 3 清凉饮品 Drink / 4 酒店 Hotel / 5 英语翻译下面四个任选一: 请从下面的材料中任选一句孔子的名言 说说它体现了怎样的中华传统美德 有怎样的现实意义? 那下面一句英文是什么意思? 如何写英文小短文写作 地球小博士全国地理科技大赛论文!科技论文写作,两题任选一题1、以自己所在家乡为例,说说在生产和生活中有哪些不符合“低碳生活”的做法,试着就这些问题提出自己的对策和建议.2、我们 求2011地球小博士论文二、科技论文写作,两题任选一题.1、以自己所在家乡为例,说说在生产和生活中有哪些不符合“低碳生活”的做法,试着就这些问题提出自己的对策和建议.2、我们如何在 鳝鱼骨里的妈妈滋味从ab两个画线句中任选一 《短文两篇》描述景物 (7 18:38:46)根据课文理解下面两句话,然后任选一句,用自己的语言将该句所写的景象描述出来.(1)高峰入云,清流见底.            注意根本:根据《唐诗宋词选读》回答1.请运用“假如...那么...”的句式,再续写两个句子 在书中,假如你和李白一起畅游天姥山,那么你将收获到天鸡海日2.仿照下面的句子,任选一句诗词作 短文写作 求高手写一篇高中优秀作文1 青春剧本 2 私人阅读 3 传承与叛逆 写作要求:1 从以上题目中任选一题 2 不少于800字 3 文体不限 从下面2句任选一句,仿照它的句式为世界读书日写一宣传标语落叶满空山,何处觅芳迹读书的最高境界应该就是清风朗月,落英缤纷的美的境界 根据课文理解下面两句话,然后任选一句,用自己的语言将该句所写的景物描述出来.(1)高峰如云,清流见底.(2)夕日欲颓,沉鳞竞跃. 短文《一只手套》.联系上下文,理解下面句子的含义,并回答后面的问题.1、母亲解释道:“哦,是这样,我儿子原来的手套掉了一只.”母亲为什么说儿子的手套掉了一只呢?从这句谎言中你感受 苏教版五年级上语文《同步探究》18课拓展提高第四题从下面的3句话中任选一句,展开丰富的想象,把龙写得形象具体.1有的气势汹汹,杀气腾腾.2有的耀武扬威,得意洋洋.3有的回首遥望,呼唤同 年龄不是问题,身高不是距离,下面一句是什么?