
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/23 11:25:56


Looking at the U.S.healthcare reform that has carried on until now,we can see that its future remains long and bumpy.To be sure,the healthcare reform will not only affect the U.S.economy in the next several years.It is also a matter of whether the United States can improve its living standard and the key to get out of its economic predicament.At the same time it is an unmistakable variable affecting China and the world economy.We can only wait expectantly as its future unfolds.

American medicine change to this modern way, still need to take a long time. However, something for sure is The Revolution of Medicine can effect both the development of economy and individual's inter...


American medicine change to this modern way, still need to take a long time. However, something for sure is The Revolution of Medicine can effect both the development of economy and individual's interest. This is an important issue for global economy. Let's see what will happen next.


American medical go today, still a long way to go before. To be sure, health-care reform will not only affect the future years of economic situation, it is the United States can effectively improve th...


American medical go today, still a long way to go before. To be sure, health-care reform will not only affect the future years of economic situation, it is the United States can effectively improve the people's livelihood, out of the key economic difficulties, but also affect China and even the world economy an unavoidable variables. Foreground how, but we'll see


英语翻译美国医改走到今天,仍然前路漫漫.可以肯定的是,医疗改革不仅会影响到美国未来数年的经济形势,是美国能否切实改善民生、走出经济困境的关键,同时也是影响中国乃至世界经济的 结合实际 谈谈美国医改对中国医改的启示 求英语翻译,信达雅.“最美的猴子和人类相比,仍然是丑陋无比的.” 美国医改的意义?美国医改的实质性是什么?是美国公民参加医疗保险的时候,国家承担一些费用的意思吗?如果是,国家承担多少?美国医保对社会的影响是? 用仍然造句?今天就要! 英语翻译:仍然没有更新 国医妙手是什么意思 在坚持一段时间后,仍然没有结果你会怎么做?(前路看去毫无希望) 英语翻译.1.我们今天仍然在英语教室发出噪音.2.什么节日在复活节后到来?是劳动节 英语翻译“路漫漫,其修远兮,吾将上下而求索” 今天美国是几月几号 诸葛亮今天仍然和有名 英文翻译 英语翻译今天正值新中国同非洲国家开启外交关系五十周年.中国与非洲虽然远隔重洋,但中非人民友谊源远流长,历久弥坚.在漫漫历史长河中,中非人民自强不息、坚忍不拔,创造了各具特色、 2011年中国医科大学排名 国医圣手的意思是什么 英语翻译美剧欢迎收看今天的.节目以上就是今天节目的主要内容,欢迎下次继续收看 英语翻译泥古者愚,何愚乃至是欤?和国奕废旧谱,而不执旧谱;国医不泥古方,而不离古方. 英语翻译有的人一生是用来粉碎的,有的人一生是用来成全的 .今天的我,仍然保留着昨夜的痕迹