
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 08:17:41


we have booked this batch of freight in December,the forwarder M company you assigned didn't say any problems.But we got an urgent call from M company that they could not find out the drivers for container trucks on Jan 24 (becasue the delivery time is during Chinese Spring Festival),we would like to know if we can change the forwarder?
your quick reply will be much appreciated.

The shipping date of this order had been confirmed in Dec.
M compay you appointed said ok.
But today we were informed that M can not arrange track driver on Jan 24 for the shipping date meets Chinese New Year.
Pls reply if we can change the forwarder.

Schedule of December this consignment on booked, M was forwarding company also said that you specify no problem However, today received an emergency phone call, M Company on January 24 could not find ...


Schedule of December this consignment on booked, M was forwarding company also said that you specify no problem However, today received an emergency phone call, M Company on January 24 could not find the truck driver loaded containers (departuredate because this consignment was during Chinese New Year) I ask whether you can switch to other freight?


This ticket goods shipment December booked, at your appointed forwarder company M said no problem but today received an emergency call, M in January 24th, can not find the container truck drivers (bec...


This ticket goods shipment December booked, at your appointed forwarder company M said no problem but today received an emergency call, M in January 24th, can not find the container truck drivers (because this shipment date of shipment is China during the Spring Festival) is can take other freight?
We are looking forward to your reply


英语翻译这票货的船期12月就订好了,当时您指定的货代M公司也说没有问题但是今天接到紧急电话通知,M公司1月24号找不到装集装箱的卡车司机(因为这票货的出港日期是中国春节期间)请问 【英语翻译】4.29号的船期,可是她外出了, 英语翻译我们为这件事情道歉.另外我们已经根据定单-11132预订好了4月24的船期.请你把有签名的合同通过EMAIL传给我! 英语翻译很抱歉通知你,这些货物在12号才能准备好.能否请你帮忙检查这些产品的船期是否有所变动?我有一些混乱. 英语翻译如题shipment是船期 英语翻译由于北方雾霾,导致船期推迟这句话英语翻译是什么,要精准哦,翻译器的就算了 英语翻译Vina Express指的是货运代理的名字吗?有关货物运输的船期安排 LG公司想知道 SIS公司是不是已经和他们提供的这家韩国货代都沟通好了呢?SIS公司必须用ITG货代,否则他们将无法正常操 英语翻译YG15球齿还在包装.今天晚上发到上海 安排的是周三的船期.清单明天上午发你. 英语翻译sailing date 后面跟的不是日期吗?如果说船期or航期20天,怎么翻译? 英语翻译因为到悉尼的危险品拼箱非常少,目前我们能订到的最近的船期是9-22号,所以船期最快的计划为:ETD SHANGHAI:9-22 ETA SYDNEY:10-28左右请确认是否可以? 英语翻译由于厂家供应量的紧张,导致10月7日的船期无法备足盐酸40吨,现请求可否把船期更改至10月14日.请您快给我答复, 英语翻译因为网络原因现在才给你回邮件.节后最早的船期是10月13日.如果你要定10月13的船期请传托单给我.现在就给你出号了. 英语翻译以下是翻译内容:我将在节后提供给您ETD1-27 OOCL 船期的提单.在这个船期之前的提单都已经提供给您,请确保您有收到.如提单有问题,请尽早告知. 英语翻译今天验货结果出现问题,我们暂时只能先安排3个container 出货 不然将赶不上船期28号的船期,剩下2个需要推迟出货到下周. 英语翻译我们能在17号前完成生产.请预订适合的船期,并请安排17号来我厂提货. 英语翻译我们公司因为春节放假从2月9-17号,所以你提出的18号到达目的港 可能没有办法做到.看是否将船期延后? 英文怎么说 我们被告知由于3/1的船期停航,所以船期不得不延期到3/5 英语翻译关于邮件主题po#,很抱歉不能安排走ETD:2-11的船期,因为新年即将来到,我工厂将于2-7 至 2-17放假,如走ETD:2-11将无法安排出货.请批准ETD:2-4的船期,