来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/01 09:27:27
There are quite a few reasons about computers and internet.First,the computer has become the primary tool and medium of writing in the home and workplace.More families have computers and use e-mail than ever before,and almost all businesses where our students may end up working use both for writing and communication.
Second,word processing software makes the revision process easier to visualize if students can see how words and blocks of text can easily be deleted or rearranged on the screen.
Third,word processors now come with some fairly sophisticated software for spell checking,grammar checking,and style analysis.How many of you have used one of these grammar checkers?What did you think?Can you guess what the grammar checkers said about the Gettysburg address?Most of them called it bad writing and suggested simplifying the style.But then we end up with Microsoftened and Wordperfected language,which has had the individual style homogenized out of it.
Though by themselves the grammar and style checkers can be dangerous and misleading crutches for students,they can be used just to flag certain structures,like "to be" verbs so that students can make their own choices based on what they have learned.We just have to be sure to provide proper guidance for the students.
Fourth,the Internet can provide real audiences and contexts for writing for our students if they create web pages or engage in e-mail discussion or chat.Some students pay more attention to the style and tone of their writing if it’s for an audience other than the teacher.Indeed,some say that network-based writing fosters a "decentered" classroom that helps students use their own expertise to engage with and help the class.
Fifth,there is a synergistic process that can occur in developing ideas collaboratively when students use networked computer mediated communication.They help each other come up with some amazing ideas for projects and papers through collaborative brainstorming in electronic environments.
Sixth,if we value writing,we should note that even though much writing on the Internet isn’t polished essay quality,it is writing all the same and may provide a good bridge from oral discussion to formal written communication.
Seventh,you can almost always save a transcript of any writing that occurs on the Internet,and save ideas to work with in a word processor or on paper later.
Eighth,you can use networked communication for role playing activities that require students to assume the persona of a literary or historical character,or take a position in a controversial debate.
But,you have all heard of the downside of role-playing in the problems with students and grown adults faking the identity of another for fun,profit,or mischief.
Just consider that:on the internet,nobody knows you are a dog!Ninth,you and your students can do a lot of research on the web,if you know how to search,if you know how to evaluate webbed sources,and if you balance webbed research with conventional resources.Of course,you may end up on that dog’s web page (how credible a source could that dog be?),so we need to teach critical web page evaluation.But we’ll get to that later.
My tenth and last reason,and there are many more,has to do with professional development and survival as a busy classroom teacher.I would not have lasted as a teacher without the support of my colleagues all over the country with whom I keep in touch.I use e-mail discussion groups like the ones mentioned below to ask for feedback and advice,troubleshoot problems,get technical help,and to support others as best I can.The community of English teachers who use the Internet in classes is a wonderful safety net for those of us in danger of burning out because we care so much and work so hard.
Not only do we keep in daily contact by e-mail,we also keep up web pages full of information (see below) and have weekly chats to discuss issues and strategies in real time environments called MUDs and MOOs.See the Netoric Project link below for more information about the weekly Tuesday Café.
可是后来上网一查,不出一会,便找到了资料。这次能找到资料,真是多亏了电脑网络呀! 我上一次在电视上看到,有一个村的几十户农民开发资源,种植了好几