
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/21 16:22:40


Total control
A kind of political power organized form of propertied class democracy republic, opposite with the parliament cabinet system call, point to elect president and national legislature respectively from the votes, is held the post of national head of state by the president, hold the post of the mastermind of the government system in the meantime.Practice the nation of president system, all ruled the president's authority in the constitution.The United States is the nation which practiced president system at the earliest stage.It practices lawmaking, judicatory, administration three power cent sign combine the system of mutual check and balance.Compared with the parliament cabinet system, the characteristics of president system takes president as administration a mastermind, administration organization from belong to a president rather than parliament.Under the president system, the president independence is at the parliament outside, periodical from citizen direct or indirect election;President is responsible for the people and the wrong parliament be responsible for.Although some nations also establish a president,the president be just national head of state, not part-time mastermind of the government, the cabinet is produce by the parliament and is responsible for the parliament.This kind of circumstance doesn't belong to president system.
The United States is the typical model which practices president system, its characteristics BE:President since is a national head of state, is the mastermind of the government again, return part-time armed forces' commander in chief.The actual power of the president is very extensive.The president directly organizes a government with leadership.The government wrong national legislature be responsible for and is personal to president to be responsible for.The president has power to accept minister of resignation or relieve its job.The officials(usually for each minister) whom the cabinet is specify by the president constitute, Be just the president's collective adviser.Lawmaking organization and administration organization of nation completely and separately sign, the power is mutually check and balance.The councilman and the officials of the government can not be part-time mutually, the national legislature didn't pour Ge power, and the government also didn't dismiss the power of national legislature.But the national legislature exercise the check and supervision that the legislative power is subjected to a president, can exercise veto power to the bill that the national legislature pass such as American president, but national legislature again with 2/3 most pass, don't be can immediately become law by president's approval.The president's power also is subjected to the check and supervision of national legislature and appoint the senior officer of the government such as the president good arrive the approbation of Senate, president and the senior officer of the government such as unconstitutional go against the law, the national legislature can put forward impeachment.

Total control
A kind of political power organized form of propertied class democracy republic, opposite with the parliament cabinet system call, point to elect president and national legislature ...


Total control
A kind of political power organized form of propertied class democracy republic, opposite with the parliament cabinet system call, point to elect president and national legislature respectively from the votes, is held the post of national head of state by the president, hold the post of the mastermind of the government system in the meantime.Practice the nation of president system, all ruled the president's authority in the constitution.The United States is the nation which practiced president system at the earliest stage.It practices lawmaking, judicatory, administration three power cent sign combine the system of mutual check and balance.Compared with the parliament cabinet system, the characteristics of president system takes president as administration a mastermind, administration organization from belong to a president rather than parliament.Under the president system, the president independence is at the parliament outside, periodical from citizen direct or indirect election;President is responsible for the people and the wrong parliament be responsible for.Although some nations also establish a president,the president be just national head of state, not part-time mastermind of the government, the cabinet is produce by the parliament and is responsible for the parliament.This kind of circumstance doesn't belong to president system.
The United States is the typical model which practices president system, its characteristics BE:President since is a national head of state, is the mastermind of the government again, return part-time armed forces' commander in chief.The actual power of the president is very extensive.The president directly organizes a government with leadership.The government wrong national legislature be responsible for and is personal to president to be responsible for.The president has power to accept minister of resignation or relieve its job.The officials(usually for each minister) whom the cabinet is specify by the president constitute, Be just the president's collective adviser.Lawmaking organization and administration organization of nation completely and separately sign, the power is mutually check and balance.The councilman and the officials of the government can not be part-time mutually, the national legislature didn't pour Ge power, and the government also didn't dismiss the power of national legislature.But the national legislature exercise the check and supervision that the legislative power is subjected to a president, can exercise veto power to the bill that the national legislature pass such as American president, but national legislature again with 2/3 most pass, don't be can immediately become law by president's approval.The president's power also is subjected to the check and supervision of national legislature and appoint the senior officer of the government such as the president good arrive the approbation of Senate, president and the senior officer of the government such as unconstitutional go against the law, the national legislature can put forward impeachment.


英语翻译总统制资产阶级民主共和国的一种政权组织形式,与议会内阁制相对称,指由选民分别选举总统和国会,由总统担任国家元首,同时担任政府首脑的制度.实行总统制的国家,在宪法中都规 资产阶级共和国和资产阶级民主共和国是不是同一样的? 法国是议会制还是总统制的共和国 资产阶级民主共和国方案不能救中国的原因探析 法国是总统制共和国还是议会制共和国? 判断:辛亥革命,结束了统治中国2000多年的封建君主专制统治,建立资产阶级民主共和国 为什么说中华民国南京临时政府是具有资产阶级民主共和国性质的革命政府?. 美国的政治体制,政府形式是什么?联邦制,总统制,共和国又是美国的什么 请举例孙中山为推翻清朝政府统治,建立资产阶级民主共和国的革命活动.(至少三例) 1、中国历史上唯一的一部具有资产阶级民主共和国性质的宪法性文件是( ) A、《中华民国约法》 B、《中华 压在中国人民身上的三座大山,为什么有封建主义.当时封建制度不是被推翻了么?国民党建立的不是资产阶级民主共和国么? 辛亥革命到底有没有建立资产阶级民主共和国?可后来不是被袁世凯窃取了么?建立起北洋军阀的统治了么?专制独裁了么? 清末保皇派的政治目的是( )A.维护封建君主专制制度B.建立君主立宪政体C.建立资产阶级民主共和国D.建立军事独裁专制 法国总统制与美国总统制的异同? 法国第三共和国实行的是议会制民主共和制还是总统制民主共和制但是总统还是由议会选举产生和英国一样美国总统由选民间接选出是总统制民主共和制这怎么解释 总统制的特点是什么 美国总统制,法国半总统制,俄罗斯超级总统制辨析求美国总统制,法国半总统制,俄罗斯超级总统制的区别?求辨析! 下列要求不是启蒙思想家共同主张的是A 反对封建专制统治B 建立资产阶级民主共和国C 追求政治自由和权利平等D 呼呼理想 自由 平等 博爱选什么 最主要是说明理由