英语翻译文化与哲学是不可分割的.民族文化和哲学却给思维形式和语言表达法 以极其深刻的影响.语言是思维的载体.人 的语言表达是受思维方式支配的.研究语言不研究思维不行 ,而研究思

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/27 13:08:54

英语翻译文化与哲学是不可分割的.民族文化和哲学却给思维形式和语言表达法 以极其深刻的影响.语言是思维的载体.人 的语言表达是受思维方式支配的.研究语言不研究思维不行 ,而研究思
文化与哲学是不可分割的.民族文化和哲学却给思维形式和语言表达法 以极其深刻的影响.语言是思维的载体.人 的语言表达是受思维方式支配的.研究语言不研究思维不行 ,而研究思维不研究各个民族的哲学观就不能深刻说明问题.造成中西思维方式差异的原因很多,最重要的原因是两种文化的哲学观的不同.哲学是关于 自然 、社会、人类思维的最一般规律的科学 ,是 自然知识 和社会知识 的概括和 总结.哲学思 想是人类在认识 自然和社 会过程中思维的成果 .这一思维成果表现为理论思维的形式 ,而理论思维的形式必然要通过一 系列的概念范畴构成的哲学命题表现出来 ,而概念范畴和哲学命题都要用语言来承载 ,所以说一个 民族的哲学思想最能表现一个民族 的思维模式.中国的哲学传统 主张“天人合一” 、 “万物皆备于我” 、 “悟性” 、 “了悟” ,所以中国文化求全,求和谐 ,重个人感受 和“心领神会 ” ;而西方哲学则主张“人物分立” ,重形式论证 ,崇尚个体思维 ,认为整体只有在个体对立中才能存在 .中西方 民族 的经济制度和生活环境也对思维方式的差异有影响 .中国是以农业为基础的大国,自给 自足的小农 经济和封闭的生活环境使 中国人的思维局限在本土之内,而这种“靠天吃饭”的耕作方式又促使“人”与“自然”是一个有机整体的思想的形成,西方民族发达的工商业要求对外扩张和掠夺,加之大多居于海洋的生活环境 ,航海也发达,善于与 自然搏斗,思维相对开阔.

英语翻译文化与哲学是不可分割的.民族文化和哲学却给思维形式和语言表达法 以极其深刻的影响.语言是思维的载体.人 的语言表达是受思维方式支配的.研究语言不研究思维不行 ,而研究思
It is indivisible between culture and philosophy.National culture and philosophy gives a profound effect on the mindset and way of language expression.The carrier of the mind is our language.People’s language expression is controlled by our way of thinking.When we study the language we have to study our mind,on the contrary we cannot deeply explain the problem of national philosophy if we only discuss the mind.There are so many reasons that caused the different way of thinking between China and Western,but one of most important reason is the two different philosophy of the culture.The philosophy is a most general science that’s about nature/society/human being’s mind,is a summary of nature sense and social knowledge.The result of our thought during we know the nature and society is philosophy.The sign of this is theoretical thinking format,and the theoretical thinking format is showing out by a series of Philosophical proposition that is structured by conceptual category,however those two were carried by language,so we all saying that a nation’s philosophical thinking can show a nation’s mindset perfectly.The tradition of philosophy in China tend to “theory that man is an integral part of nature”/” All things under heaven are being prepared for me”/”the ability of understanding”/”realization” ,so the culture in China request complete,harmonious and personal feeling,“understand and grasp the meaning of the matter”,nevertheless western philosophy is on “the human and things were separated”,demonstration of formation,advocate the individual thinking,and they also thinks that a whole part can be only when there is individual confrontation.There is an effect to the difference way of thinking for China and Western,which is economic system and living environment.China is big nation that’s based on the agriculture,self-sufficient scale farming and the living environment is sealed these makes the thought of Chinese limited.And the farming rely on destiny this makes the thought of human and nature is an organic group.The developed industry and commerce request external extension and rob,their living environment is near the sea,the voyage is prosperous,good at fight against the nature,and the mind is relatively wide in western country.

Culture and philosophy is indivisible. National culture and philosophy is to form and language expression thinking with extremely profound influence. Language is the carrier of thinking. One language ...


Culture and philosophy is indivisible. National culture and philosophy is to form and language expression thinking with extremely profound influence. Language is the carrier of thinking. One language is dominated by way of thinking. The language is not thinking, research and study not thinking not study each nation's philosophy is not a profound explanation. By way of thinking of the differences between the Chinese and western for many reasons, the most important reason is two kinds of culture of different philosophy. Philosophy is about the natural, social and human thought the most of the general rules of the science, is a natural knowledge and social knowledge of the sum. Philosophy is to think in the knowledge of human nature and the club will process thought achievement. This thinking achievements for the form of theoretical thinking, and theory forms of thought



英语翻译文化与哲学是不可分割的.民族文化和哲学却给思维形式和语言表达法 以极其深刻的影响.语言是思维的载体.人 的语言表达是受思维方式支配的.研究语言不研究思维不行 ,而研究思 这句话的英文翻译 传统节日文化是传承与表现民族文化的重要手段 如何处理我国民族文化与外国文化的关系 文化创新有利与民族文化繁荣的例子 中国的民族文化、儒学文化、养生文化等如何与西方文化融合 英语翻译不同民族有不同的文化和语言,语言的使用会受到文化的制约,各民族的语言与各民族的文化是不可分割的,他们的风俗习惯,传统和思维方式等都反映在语言当中.所以,中国学生学习英 ‘对待文化的多样性,就是要尊重其他民族文化.’政治考卷上有个辩题,说 ‘对待文化的多样性,就是要尊重其他民族文化.’ 这个是对是错, 如何理解有中国特色社会主义的经济、政治、文化是有机统一、不可分割的整体? 如何理解有中国特色社会主义的经济、政治、文化是有机统一、不可分割整体? 1.民风民俗是与民族文化有关的风俗习惯,是一种文化现象,是在长期历史发展过程中形成的(为什么是对的?) 文化与哲学的目录谢谢 如何处理好本民族文化与世界主流文化的关系? 英语翻译长江和黄河是中华民族文化的发源地 翻译 英语翻译1.民俗文化是一个国家民族精神的主要组成部分,是民族文化的重要基石.2.民俗文化还是整个社会文化的基础,并且具有极强的生命力,上层文化往往是对民间文化选择、改造和精致化 辨析题:文化是一种社会精神力量,促进民族文化的繁荣是文化创新的根本目的 认同本民族文化,是对待文化多样性的正确态度吗? 辨析:认同本民族文化,是对待文化多样性的正确态度如题 原子是不可分割的吗?