英文作文.给JACK写一封感谢信.Directions:for this part you are required to write A Letter of Thanks to jack who sent you a cell phone no your birthday .remember to write the letter no the composition sheet_注意收信人的称谓、写信

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 06:28:59

英文作文.给JACK写一封感谢信.Directions:for this part you are required to write A Letter of Thanks to jack who sent you a cell phone no your birthday .remember to write the letter no the composition sheet_注意收信人的称谓、写信
Directions:for this part you are required to write A Letter of Thanks to jack who sent you a cell phone no your birthday .remember to write the letter no the composition sheet_注意收信人的称谓、写信日期、发信人的签名等基本格式

英文作文.给JACK写一封感谢信.Directions:for this part you are required to write A Letter of Thanks to jack who sent you a cell phone no your birthday .remember to write the letter no the composition sheet_注意收信人的称谓、写信
July 4, 2011
Dear Jack,
I am writing to let you know how much I love the birthday present you sent me last week, it was really my "dream phone"! I have been saving money from my allowance for months planning to buy this model, thank you so much for fufilling my dream! I started to use the phone yesterday, every friend around me yelled "COOL." at the sight of it, this also proved what a good choice you had made!
Well, if you have time let's have dinner together next Friday, my treat!
Yours sincerely,

写一封感谢信给母亲 英文作文五行左右,大学文章 英文作文.给JACK写一封感谢信.Directions:for this part you are required to write A Letter of Thanks to jack who sent you a cell phone no your birthday .remember to write the letter no the composition sheet_注意收信人的称谓、写信 英文作文.给JACK写一封感谢信.Directions:for this part you are required to write A Letter of Thanks to jack who sent you a cell phone no your birthday .remember to write the letter no the composition sheet_注意收信人的称谓、写信 给老师写一封感谢信! 急求一篇英语作文,给Jack的感谢信假如你是刘欣,你的美国朋友Jack在中国一次抗击泥石流救志愿者,Jack是一名医生,在该次救灾中,他救死扶伤,挽救了许多人的生命.请你写一封感谢信,代表国人 给父母的英文感谢信 要有中文翻译 英文作文:你朋友曾经帮过你 给朋友写封感谢信不少于100字 怎样给妈妈写一封感谢信? 如何给语文老师写感谢信------六年级作文 英语作文(感谢信)假设上星期天上午,拟合Jack应邀参加了你的朋友Kate的生日聚会,你们在聚会上唱歌跳舞,玩得很高兴,并且你还结识了几位新朋友.请你跟据上述提示,给Kate写一封感谢信 如何写一封英文感谢信给澳大利亚移民局最近我的奶奶成功办理了移民澳洲,爷爷希望写一封感谢信表示感谢,但英文有限,急切盼望高人相助! 帮忙写篇英语作文:假设你们公司组织去桂林旅游,你代表公司给导游李玲写封英文感谢信 感谢信英文我有一个美国的grandma,她送给我很多的礼物,我想写一封感谢信给她.要求:要中英对照.25~30个单词 英语作文 英语老师帮助学习英语歌 给老师写一封感谢信 - - . 写一封给父母的感谢信,300字左右, 关于“感谢信”的作文怎么写?老师让写一篇给出租车司机的感谢信、谁会写? 给我一篇写给父母的英文感谢信 求给妈妈的感谢信,有事例,英文的!