
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 21:47:57


A lot happened in the year 2008.For many of us,personal events occurred that will alter the course of the rest of our lives.While that was happening the world was changing at an alarming rate with a series of major events.Today,we'll look back on just a few of those events and see what they tells us about our world.
At the beginning of the year,on Jan.2,gasoline hit a milestone with a cost of $100 per barrel of oil.As the year progressed,it rose to over $147.However,with the mini-crash of the worldwide financial markets,gas prices have dropped at record prices down to $54 per barrel or a national average of $1.83 per gallon.I'm not complaining.
On Feb.19,Fidel Castro announced his resignation as President of Cuba.Castro had been in power since the 1950s and was a thorn in our side for almost as long.Unfortunately,his brother,Raul,took over and he is about as bad as Fidel.
On April 27,the Taliban attempted to assassinate Afghan President Hamid Karzai.Fortunately,they were unsuccessful.But this shows America the Taliban is still alive and well,and that there is a lot of work still to be done in the War on Terror.
On May 3,over 133,000 people died from Cyclone Nargis in Burma.While reviewing world events before writing this article I came across this and was shocked that I had forgotten about this devastating event as I believe many Americans probably have.What this taught me was that perhaps sometimes I forget to pay as much attention as I should to world events.I will try to be better about this.
Robert Mugabe,the dictator in Zimbabwe was re-elected with 85 percent of the vote on June 27 in a controversial election.Mugabe has previously compared himself to Adolf Hitler,decimated his nation's economy,and is arguably the biggest tyrant in Africa today.
On Aug.7,Russia began the South Ossetia War by invading Georgia's territory.This put America in a difficult position between supporting our ally,Georgia,and yet fearing our former Cold War rival,Russia.So what did we do?Basically nothing other than a few public statements saying that we think Russia should be nicer.This conflict showed the world two things.
Russia is still the imperial power it was during the Cold War,and that America and Europe will let Russia call them chicken (and be right).
From Aug.8-24 the Olympics were held in Beijing,China.This was probably the happy,go-lucky story for America this year as Michael Phelps,one of our swimmers,took home a record setting eight gold medals with several world records.Not too shabby for one person in one Olympics.
The financial markets deteriorated in America and throughout the world,leading our congress to pass a $700 billion bailout package that President Bush signed on Oct.3.This showed Americans that if you own or run a business,it's okay if you fail.In fact,why should you even try to make your business successful?If you start to lose money,then the government will bail you out.After all,isn't that why the government exists?To take our tax dollars to give away in corporate welfare.
On Oct.21,the Large Hedron Collider was created.This has something to do with producing a big bang and trying to create life matter.I don't really know all the details,but I did hear that there was a risk that we would all die from it.I'm glad we didn't.
Delta and Northwest Airlines merged on Oct.29.They are now the world's largest airline.
Barack Obama was elected President on Nov.4.I hope we made the right decision,and that God leads him and our nation to better days.
Lastly,on Nov.26 a series of terrorist attacks took place in Mumbai,India killing over 150 people.Hopefully,this string of terrorism will come to a quick and definitive end.It will be interesting to see how this affects the relationship between India and Pakistan,and even our own War on Terrorism.
A lot has happened this year.Some of it was good (gas prices),some of it was bad (Russia realizing we do speak softly,but we don't carry a big stick),and some of it you might one day brag to your grandchildren about surviving (Large Hedron Collider).This leaves me wondering what will happen in 2009,and what can we do to make it better than 2008?







