
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/27 04:30:43


According to the contract:
With regards to my company's containers,which have been placed at your container yard,your company is not to release any of the containers to any corporation or individual,without the written consent from my company.Any losses or damage to the containers will be held accountable to your company.
To reinterate:
On pickup of a container,the client must provide the original container storage documentation provided directly by my company,affixed with the authentic seal of the shipping fleet,otherwise the container must not be opened.Without the storage documentation provided directly by my firm,your yard shall not release the container to any corporation or individual,otherwise your company shall be held accountable for to compensation to all damages,and bear any legal liability.
Please be advised and confirm!

According to the contract:
Our company in your yard container, your company without the written permission of our company can't place any container & box to any company or individual.
If you h...


According to the contract:
Our company in your yard container, your company without the written permission of our company can't place any container & box to any company or individual.
If you have any lost or damaged container, your company will be responsible for and compensation of all losses.
To reiterate:
When customer suitcase has to print our company directly to the guest & households put packing list original build official seal of the team's original, do not put the box.
No we sent directly put the packing list, your yard can't put any box for any company or individual, or the expensive department is responsible for the compensation of all losses and legal responsibility!
Please be informed that!
And confirm it!


According to the contract: we put the containers in your yard, you must not be placed in a situation without our written permission for any containers and boxes to any companies or individuals. Such...


According to the contract: we put the containers in your yard, you must not be placed in a situation without our written permission for any containers and boxes to any companies or individuals. Such as containers for any missing or damaged, you will be responsible for and compensate for all losses. Repeat: suitcase must print our direct customers to the visitor and family for the original packing list and stamped with the official seal of the team's original, do not drop box. No Division I directly sent to the packing list, your yard can not put any boxes to any companies or individuals, or your company is liable for all the losses and assume legal responsibility! Please note! And confirm it!


According to the contract:
Division I in your yard container, you cannot put any container & box forany company or individual without the written permission of our case.
If the container of an...


According to the contract:
Division I in your yard container, you cannot put any container & box forany company or individual without the written permission of our case.
If the container of any loss or damage, your company will be responsible for all the losses and damages.
Customers must be our suitcase print directly to customers & householdsput box single original and affixed with the original seal team, don't put thebox or.
No Division I sent directly put box single yard, you can not put any box to any individual or company, or you are responsible to compensate all the loss and assume legal responsibility!
Please note!
And confirm!


According to the agreement:
Containers of any other companies or individuals can't be placed at the same place where we put our containers without the written admission of our comp...


According to the agreement:
Containers of any other companies or individuals can't be placed at the same place where we put our containers without the written admission of our company. If our containers have any damage or lost, your company must be fully responsible for and compensate the lost.
Reiterate again:
Whenever client go to put their container in our agreement place, they can't do so without showing the printeed proof letter sent by our company with their company stamp. Without the printed proof letter sent by our company, any container of companies or individuals can't placed at our place, otherwise your company must be reponsible for and compensate the total lost, and also legal risk!
Please kindly be informed of afore-mentioned information and confirm.


英语翻译根据合约:我司放在贵堆场的集装箱,贵司在没有我司书面许可的情况下不能放任何集装&箱给任何公司或个人.如集装箱有任何丢失或损坏,贵司将负责&赔偿全部损失.再次重申:客户 “放箱”用英文怎么说?集装箱词汇不是把集装箱放到堆场里的意思,是指集卡司机凭设备交接单来堆场提箱,堆场根据单子“放箱”让箱子出去,其中的“放箱”一词 怎么计算根数和高度该客户为一集装箱堆场,堆场面积167米X 58米,集装箱高度7.5米,避雷针不得安装于堆场内,只可安装在堆场外请计算至少需要多少根多少米高的避雷针才可达到堆场内集装箱 英语翻译可能在装进集装箱的时候堆场人员把里面的样品拿走了.我们报关的时候是按照20吨报的.如果你确认没收到的话这些样品的话,我们下次发货时会加上这些样品 英语翻译请帮忙翻译下面2句客户pick up(集装箱)后,我们会交纳所有费用 请问您堆场的费&用是怎么计算的 我们要交纳的费用&大概是多少? 本人从事集装箱管理工作多年,无论是堆场箱管还是船代箱管都拥有丰富的经验.英文怎么说? 英语翻译随着我国物料散装公司日益增加的堆场运输输出量,在运输中堆场的输出效率显得尤为重要,而活化给料机与流量控制装置的结合有效的解决了这些问题,被广泛应用在物料堆场输送过 英语翻译集装箱里的托盘都是层层摞放的,如果当托盘压在纸箱上的时候,里面的货就都会压坏.集装箱 container托盘 pallet 英语翻译保税监管库道路堆场集疏港 船期,航程,堆场 用英语怎么说?这句话译成英语怎么说:请告知船期,航程,和你们的堆场的位置在哪里? 英语翻译本合同有效期届满后,双方之间如继续发生订单交易,应按本合约有关规定执行;但双方在期间或之后双方签署新的合约,则按新的合约执行. 张家港电子盘的甲醇交易算是期货交易吗?甲醇连和甲醇0811有什么区别?为什么我在查期货全部合约时没有甲醇合约? 金融远期合约和金融期货合约的定义区别在哪里? 塘沽区有哪个堆场可以做铬矿粉,在堆场短倒然后转内销? EXCEL2010统计仍在合约内的数目我的表格A列是合约开始日期,B列是合约结束日,我想在C1内统计“到今天为止仍然在合约内”的数目.请问可以怎么弄 中国移动买合约机“合约机协议期内,所购手机与预存话费的号码需捆绑使用”是什么意思那个手机卡不可以放别的手机里吗,这个合约机也不可以放别的手机卡吗?不懂耶.谁能帮帮我 小米手机2有移动合约机吗?3Q为什么大家都说小米手机没有移动合约机,而我在移动营业大厅怎么看到小米手机的移动合约机,价格比联通合约机贵一百元.但是我想看手机,营业员不让看,所有的 中国自行建造的某集装箱吊车,在2min内把66大集装箱匀速上吊36米,这台吊车对集装箱做功的功率为( )W .请把计算帮我过程写出来. 谢谢