
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/02 13:16:39

中译英 要准确

Abstract: the stock market slump, small shareholder losses. This paper, starting from the phenomenon of small shareholder's tragic situation specific analysis of China's stock market is one of five situation, not JianQuanXing the supervision of the government is not the value of capital, and small investors have misunderstandings, four is the market risk, stock issuance price is not reasonable, issuing price too high, general stock issuance price and value serious deviation.
Keywords: small shareholder, The trust responsibility, The government supervision, Economic fundamentals, Issue price

Abstract: the stock market slump, small shareholder losses. This paper, starting from the phenomenon of small shareholder's tragic situation specific analysis of China's stock market is one of five si...


Abstract: the stock market slump, small shareholder losses. This paper, starting from the phenomenon of small shareholder's tragic situation specific analysis of China's stock market is one of five situation, not JianQuanXing the supervision of the government is not the value of capital, and small investors have misunderstandings, four is the market risk, stock issuance price is not reasonable, issuing price too high, general stock issuance price and value serious deviation. 采纳我把 楼主
Keywords: small shareholder, The trust responsibility, The government supervision, Economic fundamentals, Issue price


Abstract: The stock market downturn, small and medium investors suffered heavy losses.This departure from this phenomenon of the tragic status of medium and small shareholders come to a concrete analy...


Abstract: The stock market downturn, small and medium investors suffered heavy losses.This departure from this phenomenon of the tragic status of medium and small shareholders come to a concrete analysis of the situation first, five of China's stock market is not perfect, government supervision is not enough, and second, the value of the capital, three medium and small investors errors, four is the market risk, 5 the unreasonable pricing of stock issuance, distribution prices are generally too high, the stock issue price and the value of a serious departure from.
small and medium investors; fiduciary duty; government regulation; economic fundamentals; issue price


Abstract: Stock market murky, the young investor loses seriously. This article embarks from this kind of phenomenon, carries on the concrete study to the young investor's pitiful present situation to...


Abstract: Stock market murky, the young investor loses seriously. This article embarks from this kind of phenomenon, carries on the concrete study to the young investor's pitiful present situation to obtain five situations one is Chinese Stock market not perfect, government's supervision dynamics insufficient; second, capital value; third, the young investor has the erroneous zone; fourth, market risk; fifth, the stock issue fixes a price unreasonable, the release fixed price universal high, the stock issue price and the value departs from seriously.
key word: Young investor; Trust responsibility; Government supervision; Economical fundamental plane; Issue price


Abstract<摘要>: The stock market downturn, small and medium investors suffered heavy losses. This departure from this phenomenon of the tragic status of medium and small shareholders come to a concrete ...


Abstract<摘要>: The stock market downturn, small and medium investors suffered heavy losses. This departure from this phenomenon of the tragic status of medium and small shareholders come to a concrete analysis of the situation first, five of China's stock market is not perfect, government supervision is not enough, and second, the value of the capital, three medium and small investors errors, four is the market risk, 5 the unreasonable pricing of stock issuance, distribution prices are generally too high, the stock issue price and the value of a serious departure from.
Key words<关键词>: small and medium investors; fiduciary duty; government regulation; economic fundamentals; issue price


英语翻译摘要:股票市场低迷,中小股民损失惨重.本文从这种现象出发,对中小股民的悲惨现状进行具体分析得出五个情况一是中国股市不健全性,政府的监管力度不够、二是资本的价值、三是 英语翻译“股市低迷,香港上市公司私有化之风异军突起” 英语翻译论文标题是:中国股票市场的经济晴雨表作用 英语翻译论文摘要 英语翻译会计英语摘要 英语翻译中小民营企业员工激励问题及对策摘要:21世纪是知识经济的时代,与工业经济时代相比,人才问题受到了前所未有的高度重视,企业间的竞争与其说是产品、技术等方面的竞争,不如说 英语翻译浅谈中小企业财务风险及其防范对策摘要:当前,中小企业已成为拉动经济的新增长点,也是缓解就业压力,保持社会稳定的基础力量.但是,由于中小企业外部客观环境的不确定性和内 英语翻译摘要:随着经济的发展,中小企业已经成为我国经济的重要组成部分.提高企业会计核算的效率和质量,满足企业内外有关的管理部门对会计信息的需要,增加企业的经济效益.加强中小 英语翻译摘要:中小型企业受主、客观因素的限制,内部财务管理混乱,严重影响企业的经营和发展,因此,我认为中小型企业应当根据自身的特点和经营管理的需要进行财务管理.关键词:中小 英语翻译中小企业财务会计的特点与会计制度建设问题摘要中小企业对我国经济增长和社会发展起到了举足轻重的作用,促进中小企业发展,已成为当前经济生活的一项重要议题.随着我国市场 英语翻译浅析中小企业知识型员工流失严重的原因及对策摘要 人才流失是目前我国企业面临的普遍问题,目前,中小企业已经成为推动我国国民经济发展的重要力量,但是同大企业比较,中小企 英语翻译摘要随着互联网技术的迅猛发展,在市场经济下企业交易越来越趋向于多元化,而客观经济环境的变化,使企业在开展电子商务方面势在必行.电子商务不仅仅适用于大企业,而对中小企 英语翻译中小企业发展电子商务对策分析摘要:随着互联网技术的迅猛发展,网络技术在市场交易中运用越来越广泛,企业处于网络经济环境下,开展电子商务势在必行.然而,就现阶段我国实施 英语翻译从“摘要”开始翻译. 英语翻译链接论文摘要翻译 损失超过一百万美元 英语翻译 英语翻译帮忙翻译一段摘要,中翻英, 英语翻译帮忙翻译一段摘要,中翻英,