关于一篇市场调研报告的英文翻译一小篇有关港口开发的市场调研需要翻译成中文,应该不是很难的.本人的水平非常有限,还希望哪位高手能帮助一下,多谢了!1. Scope of workThe market study service tha

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/11 19:20:05

关于一篇市场调研报告的英文翻译一小篇有关港口开发的市场调研需要翻译成中文,应该不是很难的.本人的水平非常有限,还希望哪位高手能帮助一下,多谢了!1. Scope of workThe market study service tha
1. Scope of work
The market study service that DR proposes to provide falls into 2 parts:
• Review of regional container port competition
• Review of competitive hinterland / inland transportation issues and costs
• Container volume projections / scenarios
Drewry will research and identify each competitor container port and terminal in the neighbouring region and assess their facilities and current capacity as well as any future expansion plans. Historical volumes and regional market shares will be identified as well as each competitor ports’ inland connectivity. Major clients and trade lane volumes will also be identified where possible.
Inland connectivity and costs are a major factor in determining the port’s market competitiveness and Drewry will identify and compare inland distances and costs to major inland cities / markets to those at regional competing ports. Thereafter, an assessment can be made as to the commercial viability of the new container terminal.
Container volume projections / scenarios will be assessed according to each of the above
competitive issues and in relation to historical GDP growth in China and future GDP growth
expectations. Shifts in regional market shares will be a key factor in determining potential future volumes. Consideration will also be given to the regional import and export manufacturing base and consumer demand factors. Base, high and low case volume projections / scenarios will be provided.
3. Deliverables
The deliverable for this market study would be a report in Microsoft Word format, delivered by email, under the following general headings:
a) Executive Summary and conclusions
b) Review of regional container port competition
- Key facilities at each regional competitor port
- Historical volumes and market shares
- Inland connectivity
- Major shipping line clients and trade lanes
- Competition terminal capacity review
- Pricing strategies of ports
c) Review on Inland Transportation competitive issues
- Cargo hinterland analysis
- Review of the ports inland distribution network – compare to competition
- Inland distances and modes of transport to major inland cities / markets
- Inland transport costs
d) Container volume projections / scenarios
- Analysis of key industries
- Review of historical regional container volume growth versus China’s GDP
- Future volume projections / scenarios with base, high and low cases.
The draft report would be delivered in English, Once finalised, a Chinese version of the final
report would be provided as well as an English version.

关于一篇市场调研报告的英文翻译一小篇有关港口开发的市场调研需要翻译成中文,应该不是很难的.本人的水平非常有限,还希望哪位高手能帮助一下,多谢了!1. Scope of workThe market study service tha
内陆连通性和成本将是确定港口市场竞争力的一个主要因素,Drewry 将比较区域竞争港口与主要内陆城市/市场的距离和成本作为分析竞争力的因素.而后,这份评估也可用于作为新的集装箱码头的商业可行性报告.
这份市场研究将会以报告的形式用Microsoft Word做出,并通过电子邮件交付,基本标题如下:
a )执行摘要和结论
b )评价区域的集装箱港竞争力
c )对内陆运输的竞争力问题评价
d )装箱箱量量预测/概括

1 工作范围
Drewry )将研究并确定每个竞争者的货柜港口和码头,在邻近地区,并评估其设施和目前的能力,以及任何未来的扩展计划。历史卷和区域的市场份额将确定,以及每个竞争者港口的内陆连接。主要...


1 工作范围
Drewry )将研究并确定每个竞争者的货柜港口和码头,在邻近地区,并评估其设施和目前的能力,以及任何未来的扩展计划。历史卷和区域的市场份额将确定,以及每个竞争者港口的内陆连接。主要客户和贸易里卷也将确定在可能的。
内陆连通性和成本的一个主要因素,确定港口的市场竞争力和Drewry )将确定和比较内陆的距离和成本的主要内陆城市/市场向那些在区域竞争的港口。此后,评估可作,以在商业上是否可行的新货柜码头。
3 。交付
交付这个市场研究会的一份报告在Microsoft Word格式,所发表的电子邮件,根据下列一般的标题:
b )审查区域的货柜港竞争
c )审查对内陆运输的竞争力问题
d )在货柜量预测/情景
