来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 02:34:15
1.In a society,such as the United States or Canada,which has many national,religious and cultural differences,people highly value indivadualism the difference among people.Teachers place a lot of importance on the qualities that in these countries show those values.Students don't memorize information,instead they work on their own and find answers themselves.There is often discussin in the classroom.At an early age,students learn from their own ideas and opinions.
2.In most Asian Society by contrast,the people have the same language,history and culture.People for these reasons,the educational system in these Asian countries reflects society's belief.In groups' goal and purpose,rather than individualism,children in China,Janpa and Korea,often cook together and help one another on assignments.There are advantages and disadvantages to both of these systems of education.For example,on advantage to the system in Janpa,is that students there learn much more maths and sciences than American students learn by the end of high school.
1 在美国和加拿大这样的国家,社会结构有较多种族 宗教 文化等等的差异.因此,那里的人们习惯尊重个人的独立性.老师评价学业,会更多的考虑独立性的重要性.学生一般不会死记硬背,而是靠自己去寻找答案.课室里有很多讨论,所以孩子在很小的年纪就已经习惯独立思考.
2 与此相比,亚洲的国家一般通用同一种语言,历史背景和文化.这些国家的教育体系遵从同样的社会价值观 集体的目标等,而不是鼓励独立性.中国 日本 韩国的孩子,常一起劳作,或者互相帮忙完成功课.这两种教育制度各有千秋,举例说,日本的学生在高中毕业的时候,掌握的数学和科学知识要比美国的学生要多.