
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/23 12:15:01


In order to know the principle of the injuries among junior students, to provide reasonable physical training and to prevent sports injury, the paper conducts a questionnaire survey to 600 students in the school. After analysis of the investigation results, it shows: The sport induiry of junior students are usually found in extracurricular sports. Main body regions liable to get injured are ankle, knuckle and wrist joints. It occurs in sports mostly like basketball and football because of wrong technical movements and insufficient preparation.
Through the investigation, it founds the rate of schoolboy injuries is far higher than girls. That's because girls dislike sports and have low-level exercise and frequecy.
Based on the principle and reason of sport injuries obtained from research, it presents several advisory suggestions for how junior students conduct physical training reasonably in spare time and to prevent the sport injuries.
Key Words: Junior Students, After-school Sport Injury, Investigation and Analysis

.In order to.knowing the principles of sport injury, doing proper exercise and preventing injury, this article makes questionaires survey on 600 middle school students in school. The result of analysi...


.In order to.knowing the principles of sport injury, doing proper exercise and preventing injury, this article makes questionaires survey on 600 middle school students in school. The result of analysis on survey shows that its moment is during the period of extracurricular , its parts are ankle,knee and wrist, main sport events are caused by it basketball and football, and main reasons are making technical mistakes and inadequate preparation. the survey also shows boys get hurt easilier .because girls don.t like doing sport within low exercise rate and low number in middle school .The principles and reasons on the research give some suggestions about that how to doing after-school exercise and preventing sport injury.我翻译了半天 忘给金币。


In order to understand the rules of sports injury of junior high school students, for its reasonable physical exercise, prevent the occurrence of sports injuries, this paper on 600 junior middle schoo...


In order to understand the rules of sports injury of junior high school students, for its reasonable physical exercise, prevent the occurrence of sports injuries, this paper on 600 junior middle school students conducted a questionnaire survey. Analysis shows that the results of the survey: sports injuries of middle school students often occurs in the extracurricular sports activities, sports injury prone position is mainly the ankle, knee, wrist, easy cause sports injury in basketball and football, the cause of sports injury are mostly technical error, insufficient preparation. Through the survey also found that risk is far greater than the girls boys were injured, mainly junior high school girls do not like sports, exercise and lower frequency. The rules and reasons of sports injury research on income, how to conduct a reasonable physical training of junior high school students, the prevention of sports injury to provide some reference suggestions.
Keywords: junior middle school students; sports injury; investigation and analysis


英语翻译为了解初中生运动损伤的规律,为其合理的进行体育锻炼,预防运动损伤的发生,本文对600名在校初中生进行问卷调查.对调查结果进行分析表明:初中生运动损伤常发生于课外体育活动 心肌损伤是什么概念?做心电图时,医生诊断为心肌损伤,它是怎样引起的? 英语翻译黄芪甲苷对肾小球系膜细胞氧化应激损伤的保护作用及其机制研究摘 要目的:研究黄芪甲苷对H2O2诱导肾小球系膜细胞氧化应激损伤的保护作用,并进一步探讨其分子机制,为黄芪甲苷 君之去则为之损伤 的意思 某物体作一维运动,其运动规律为dv/dt=-kv2t,式中k为常数.当t=0时,初速为v0,则该物体速度与时间的关系为 英语翻译为什么是‘我最了解小孩的了’? 英语翻译1、什么是奥林匹克运动?奥林匹克运动,是以促进人的生理、心理和社会道德全面发展,沟通各国人民之间的相互了解,在全世界普及奥林匹克主义,维护世界和平为目标的国际社会运动. “金钱的运动规律”用英语翻译 物理曲线运动的填空题一物体在水平面上运动,其运动规律为:x=1.5t^2+6t,y=-2t^2-9t,xOy为直角坐标系,则物体在x方向分运动是?运动;物体在y方向分运动是?运动;物体运动的轨迹是? 急有一小儿麻痹症患者,病毒损伤了支配其右腿肌肉的运动神经元,那么,有一小儿麻痹症患者,病毒损伤了支配其右腿肌肉的运动神经元,那么,他能否感觉到右腿受到的外界刺激?解释原因. 一物体做直线运动,其运动规律为S(t)=2t平方-1 ,则物体在2秒时刻的速度为?一物体做直线运动,其运动规律为S(t)=2t3次方-1 ,则物体在2秒时刻的速度为?平方和3次方在t上面,是2个题目,下面的都做了 作为一个初中生,应在哪些方面为了解相对论和量子力学打好基础?RT “第二次”为话题的初中生作文 以“幸福”为话题的初中生作文 以“困境”为话题的初中生作文 推荐几种杂志 报纸我是初中生,想要了解一些对我有益的好杂志,报纸.请爱好文学的您为我推荐一些, 请你参与“名著阅读”活动,按提示完成下列问题.(1)为了解初中生的课外名著阅读情况,请你设计一种调查方案(2)以下是对100位初中生进行调查后的结果:《西游记》 《水浒》 《鲁滨逊 细菌竟紫外线照射会发生DNA损伤,为修复这种损伤,细菌合成DNA修复酶的基因表达增强,这种现象为___