
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/01 20:19:10


Long ago,China is only a backward economy,the people ignorant of the backward countries.Until the powers of the gunboats opened to the door.In a time of the order of freedom struggle of war,the Chinese finally by a child grow into a vibrant young adults.Today,we have high-rise buildings,advanced vehicles and bustling city,Jin Mao Tower,bridge,railway ......China is constantly growing with mature,their development was.As a member,and I,we,as are growth,maturity,development,and for the future of our country add their own color.

Long ago, China is only an economically backward, ignorant, backward people state. Until the powers of the gunboats opened to the door. In a time of war for freedom struggle, China finally by a child ...


Long ago, China is only an economically backward, ignorant, backward people state. Until the powers of the gunboats opened to the door. In a time of war for freedom struggle, China finally by a child grow into a vibrant young adults. Today, we have high-rise buildings, advanced vehicles and bustling city, Jin Mao Tower, bridge, railway ... ... China is the growth of the non-stop, mature, their development was. As a member, and I, we, as are growth, maturity, development, and for the future of our country add their own color



Long ago, China is only an uncultured state that the economic is backward,people are ignorant.
Until the enemy's gunboats came to China,until the people were struggle for freedom during a heaps of...


Long ago, China is only an uncultured state that the economic is backward,people are ignorant.
Until the enemy's gunboats came to China,until the people were struggle for freedom during a heaps of wars, China finally grow up to a vibrant young adults from a child.
Today, we have high-rise buildings, advanced vehicles and bustling city, Jin Mao Tower, bridge on the sea,Qing zang railway ... ...
China is growing up and developing step by step. As a member in China, we, everyone are growing up and developing. we contribute ourselves to the coutry'future.
and for the future of our country add their own color.



Long ago, China is only an economically backward, ignorant, backward people state. Until the powers of the gunboats opened to the door. In a time of war, the struggle for freedom, the Chinese finally ...


Long ago, China is only an economically backward, ignorant, backward people state. Until the powers of the gunboats opened to the door. In a time of war, the struggle for freedom, the Chinese finally by a child grow into a vibrant young adults. Today, we have high-rise buildings, advanced vehicles and bustling city, Jin Mao Tower, bridge, railway ... ... China, is a non-stop growth, maturity, their development was. As a member, and I, we, as are growth, maturity, development, and for the future of our country add their own color.


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