
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 03:49:06


Watermelon is a tender,warm-season vegetable.Watermelons can be grown in all parts of the country,but the warmer temperatures and longer growing season of southern areas especially favor this vegetable.Gardeners in northern areas should choose early varieties and use transplants.Mulching with black plastic film also promotes earliness by warming the soil beneath the plastic.Floating row covers moderate temperatures around the young plants,providing some frost protection in unseasonable cold spells.
Seedless watermelons are self-sterile hybrids that develop normal-looking fruits but no fully developed seeds.The seeds for growing them are produced by crossing a normal diploid watermelon with one that has been changed genetically into the tetraploid state.The seeds from this cross produce plants that,when pollinated by normal plants,produce seedless melons.
In seedless watermelons (genetic triploids),rudimentary seed structures form but remain small,soft,white,tasteless and undeveloped tiny seedcoats that are eaten virtually undetected along with the flesh of the melon.Seed production for these seedless types is an extremely labor intensive process that makes the seeds relatively expensive.Because germination of these types is often less vigorous than normal types,it is recommended that they be started in peat pots or other transplantable containers,where the germinating conditions can be closely controlled Once transplanted,cultivation is similar to that for regular watermelons.
For pollination necessary to set fruit,normal seed types must be interplanted with seedless melons.The pollinator should be distinct from the seedless cultivar in color,shape or type so that the seedless and seeded melons in the patch can be separated at harvest.Because seedless types do not put energy into seed production,the flesh is often sweeter than normal types and the vines are noticeably more vigorous as the season progresses.

Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus, Family Cucurbitaceae) is the fruit and plant of a vine-like (climber and trailer) herb originally from southern Africa. This flowering plant bears an accessory fruit of ...


Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus, Family Cucurbitaceae) is the fruit and plant of a vine-like (climber and trailer) herb originally from southern Africa. This flowering plant bears an accessory fruit of a type that botanists call a false berry. The watermelon fruit, loosely considered a type of melon (although not in the genus Cucumis), has a smooth exterior rind and a juicy, sweet, usually red interior flesh. The species descriptor Citrullus vulgaris is sometimes, synonymously, used to refer to this plant (vulgaris meaning "common" — Shosteck, 1974).
David Livingstone, an African explorer, described watermelon as abundant in the Kalahari Desert, where it is believed to have originated. There, the ancestral melon grows wild and is known as the Tsamma melon (Citrullus lanatus var citroides). It is recognizable by its pinnatafid leaves and prolific fruit, up to 100 melons on a single vine. For this reason it is a popular source of water in the diet of the indigenous people, as well as a food for humans and livestock. The flesh is similar to the rind of a watermelon and is often known as citron melon (distinct from the actual citron, of the citrus family); it is used for making pickles, and because of its high content of pectin is popular as a constituent of jams, jellies, and other gelled preserves. It has established itself in the wild in Baja California.


Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus, Family Cucurbitaceae) is the fruit and plant of a vine-like (climber and trailer) herb originally from southern Africa. This flowering plant bears an accessory fruit of ...


Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus, Family Cucurbitaceae) is the fruit and plant of a vine-like (climber and trailer) herb originally from southern Africa. This flowering plant bears an accessory fruit of a type that botanists call a false berry. The watermelon fruit, loosely considered a type of melon (although not in the genus Cucumis), has a smooth exterior rind and a juicy, sweet, usually red interior flesh. The species descriptor Citrullus vulgaris is sometimes, synonymously, used to refer to this plant (vulgaris meaning "common" — Shosteck, 1974).
David Livingstone, an African explorer, described watermelon as abundant in the Kalahari Desert, where it is believed to have originated. There, the ancestral melon grows wild and is known as the Tsamma melon (Citrullus lanatus var citroides). It is recognizable by its pinnatafid leaves and prolific fruit, up to 100 melons on a single vine. For this reason it is a popular source of water in the diet of the indigenous people, as well as a food for humans and livestock. The flesh is similar to the rind of a watermelon and is often known as citron melon (distinct from the actual citron, of the citrus family); it is used for making pickles, and because of its high content of pectin is popular as a constituent of jams, jellies, and other gelled preserves. It has established itself in the wild in Baja California.


Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus, Family Cucurbitaceae) is the fruit and plant of a vine-like (climber and trailer) herb originally from southern Africa. This flowering plant bears an accessory fruit of ...


Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus, Family Cucurbitaceae) is the fruit and plant of a vine-like (climber and trailer) herb originally from southern Africa. This flowering plant bears an accessory fruit of a type that botanists call a false berry. The watermelon fruit, loosely considered a type of melon (although not in the genus Cucumis), has a smooth exterior rind and a juicy, sweet, usually red interior flesh. The species descriptor Citrullus vulgaris is sometimes, synonymously, used to refer to this plant (vulgaris meaning "common" — Shosteck, 1974).
David Livingstone, an African explorer, described watermelon as abundant in the Kalahari Desert, where it is believed to have originated. There, the ancestral melon grows wild and is known as the Tsamma melon (Citrullus lanatus var citroides). It is recognizable by its pinnatafid leaves and prolific fruit, up to 100 melons on a single vine. For this reason it is a popular source of water in the diet of the indigenous people, as well as a food for humans and livestock. The flesh is similar to the rind of a watermelon and is often known as citron melon (distinct from the actual citron, of the citrus family); it is used for making pickles, and because of its high content of pectin is popular as a constituent of jams, jellies, and other gelled preserves. It has established itself in the wild in Baja California


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