英语翻译Traveling to all corner of the world gets easier and easier,but how well do we know and understand each other?Here is a simple test.Imagine you will hold a meeting at four o'clock,what time should you expect your foreign business friends

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 21:19:17

英语翻译Traveling to all corner of the world gets easier and easier,but how well do we know and understand each other?Here is a simple test.Imagine you will hold a meeting at four o'clock,what time should you expect your foreign business friends
Traveling to all corner of the world gets easier and easier,but how well do we know and understand each other?Here is a simple test.Imagine you will hold a meeting at four o'clock,what time should you expect your foreign business friends to come?If they are German,they will arrive on time.If they are American,they'll probably be fifteen minutes early.If they are British,they'll be fifteen minutes late.
The British seemed to think since the English language was widely used in the world,what they did was certain to be widely understood.Very soon they found they were completely wrong.For example,the British are happy to have a business lunch and discuss business matters with a drink during the meal;the Japanese prefer not to work while eating.Lunch is a time for relax and get to know each other,and they don't drink at lunch.Yhe Germans like to talk business bufore dinner;the French like to eat first and talk afterwards.They have to be well fed and watered before they discuss anything.

英语翻译Traveling to all corner of the world gets easier and easier,but how well do we know and understand each other?Here is a simple test.Imagine you will hold a meeting at four o'clock,what time should you expect your foreign business friends



英国似乎认为,因为英语是广泛使用在世界上,他们做了什么是一定会得到广泛understood.Very很快,他们发现他们完全wrong.For例如,英国很高兴能有一个商务午餐和洽谈业务事项的饮料在吃饭;日本人宁愿不工作而eating.Lunch是一个放松的时间和相互了解,和他们不饮, lunch.Yhe德国人喜欢谈业务bufore晚餐;法国喜欢吃首先谈afterwards.They必须吃好,并浇水,然后讨论任何事情。





前往所有的角落得到容易,但如何做,我们知道和了解对方?这是一个简单的test.Imagine你将举行一次会议在四点钟,什么时候你应该期待您的外国企业的朋友来?如果他们是德国人,他们将到达time.If它们是美国,他们可能会成为15分钟early.If它们是英国,他们将一五分钟晚。英国似乎认为,因为英语被广泛应用于世界各地,他们做了什么是一定会得到广泛understood.Very很快,他们发现他们完全wrong.For例如,英国很高兴能有一个商务午餐和洽谈业务事项的饮料在吃饭的日本不希望工作的同时eating.Lunch是一个放松的时间和相互了解,和他们不饮, lunch.Yhe德国人喜欢谈业务bufore晚餐;法国喜欢吃首先谈afterwards.They必须吃好,并浇水,然后讨论任何事情。


到世界各地去旅行已经变的越来越简单 但是我们怎样才能更好更全面的了解其他国家的人?这里有一个简单的测试 假设你要在4点举行一个会议 那么你应该要你的外国商业伙伴几点来呢?如果是德国人 他们会按时抵达 如果是美国人 他们可能会早上15分钟 如果是英国人 他们会晚上15分钟
英国人似乎自从英语被广泛运用到世界范围后 开始想办法让他们的做法也得到广泛认可 但是很快他们发现他们完完全全的错了 ...


到世界各地去旅行已经变的越来越简单 但是我们怎样才能更好更全面的了解其他国家的人?这里有一个简单的测试 假设你要在4点举行一个会议 那么你应该要你的外国商业伙伴几点来呢?如果是德国人 他们会按时抵达 如果是美国人 他们可能会早上15分钟 如果是英国人 他们会晚上15分钟
英国人似乎自从英语被广泛运用到世界范围后 开始想办法让他们的做法也得到广泛认可 但是很快他们发现他们完完全全的错了 举个例子 英国人很乐意参加商务会餐并且喜欢在宴席中喝着饮料(酒)讨论商务 但是日本人就不会边吃边工作 午餐对于日本人来说是用来放松和了解他人的 而且他们不会在午餐时喝酒 德国人喜欢在饭前讨论商务 而法国人喜欢吃完再谈 要让他们讨论任何事物必须得先吃饱喝足
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