来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 01:32:42
在所有合同中有这样一种合同,即未经双方协商一致,而由一方当事人(通常是卖方或提供服务的一方)预先拟订合同的全部条款,对方只能概括地全部接受或者全部不接受,这便是格式合同.商品经济的高度发展,交易的重复性,以及商家追求利益的特征导致了格式合同的大量涌现.所以说,格式合同的出现有深刻的经济和社会原因.但任何事物都有其两面性,格式合同虽然能提高交易速度 ,降低交易成本,但它在使用过程中也存在许多问题,比如合同的提供方出于自身利益的考虑,事先未和相对方协商就拟定合同内容,限制或免除自己的责任,将合同风险进行不合理地分配给相对人,从而侵害合同相对方的利益,危害正常市场交易秩序.为兴利除弊,我们既要借鉴国外的成功经验,又要从我国的国情出发,对我国格式合同进行有效的规制.
Among all kinds of contractshere is one called standard form of contract which states that for all rules drafted in advance by the one side (always the vendor or serving side) insteand of being agreed by both the other side could only generally choose to accept or unaccept.The highly-developed market-oriented economy,repeatability of trading and companies' feature of pursung profit lead to the great emergence of standard form of contract.Thus the emergence of standard form of contract was poignantly due to economy and society.However everything has both sides.Although standard form of contract can speed trading and reduce trading costs there are still many problems in procedures,such as the provider of contract is taking actions,driven by its own profit,drafting contract without negotiating with the other side,in order to limit or avoid its own duty,and allocating risk illegitimately to others thus to damage their profit,damaging normal trading order in market.To maximize the benefit and avoid negative impact,we should refer to experience of success overseas while regulating productively the standart form of contract in China from the current national conditions.