英语翻译因为太多了怕没有人愿意来帮忙翻译了 所以先贴5个出来,谢谢译的好后面5个再贴出来分数会加高的谢谢Save Money Tip 1 Spend Less.This is not over simplifying the best way to save money!It is essential if

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/20 06:02:14

英语翻译因为太多了怕没有人愿意来帮忙翻译了 所以先贴5个出来,谢谢译的好后面5个再贴出来分数会加高的谢谢Save Money Tip 1 Spend Less.This is not over simplifying the best way to save money!It is essential if
因为太多了怕没有人愿意来帮忙翻译了 所以先贴5个出来,谢谢译的好后面5个再贴出来分数会加高的谢谢
Save Money Tip 1
Spend Less.This is not over simplifying the best way to save money!It is essential if you are serious about being a long term money saver and being able to save money every day.Review what you spend and look at ways you can save money.Consider making telephone calls for instance only at off-peak times.Do you really need to have newspapers and magazines delivered?Can you do without those coffees you buy at break time everyday - would a flask of coffee taken to work save you money?What about using the public lending library instead of buying books or music CDs?Once you start looking for little ways to save money and spend less you will quickly become an expert and really save money.
Save Money Tip 2
Establish a personal budget.This is essential for families and individuals and can be the fastest way to save money.You will instantly see your incomings and outgoings once you create your budget.You will not be able to save money unless you know how much money you have coming in,and how much money you have going out.Once you have prepared a budget of incoming money and outgoing money,you WILL be able to identify areas where you can save.It is MUCH more difficult to save money over a long period of time (the rest of your life?) without a budget.
Save Money Tip 3
Bulk is good.Think about shopping and buying in bulk.Save money grocery shopping by planning meals in advance and bulk-buying.You can also save money by cooking in bulk.This is a real way you can save money with little preparation and almost no extra outlay.Always purchase generics when you can.Prepared foods and convenience foods will always be much more expensive than the generic ingredients needed to make the food.Preparing food in bulk and in advance also gives you the opportunity to plan ahead and be more accurate in your budget.Save Money by buying in bulk whenever you can.One thing to be aware of when buying in bulk is to be sure
that any product you buy will get used before it goes bad - you won't save money if you have to throw stuff away.Buying in bulk is not only a good way to save money it is also a good strategy for coping with and surviving emergencies.
Save Money Tip 4
Make sure a sale is a sale.By this I mean do your price research before you commit to making an expensive purchase in a retailers money-off sale.You have to be sure the sale really is a sale and not a creative marketing strategy of the store to encourage you to spend your money without thinking.Once you have researched the true price of a product (any product) you are in a good position to take advantage of a sale,special offer or discount and really save money."Buy one get one free","50% off",and "Huge Discount" will only help you save money if the actual price you pay is lower than
you would pay somewhere else for exactly the same product.

英语翻译因为太多了怕没有人愿意来帮忙翻译了 所以先贴5个出来,谢谢译的好后面5个再贴出来分数会加高的谢谢Save Money Tip 1 Spend Less.This is not over simplifying the best way to save money!It is essential if
1 花更少的钱.这不是最好最简明的省钱方式.但是如果你想要长期的,并且每天都省钱的话,这却是很重要的.回顾一下你花费了什么来看看有什么可以省钱的方法.比如说在非高峰期的时候再打电话.想想看你真的需要订报吗?你能在你每天休息的时候不喝咖啡吗?工作的时候喝一杯咖啡能省钱吗?去利用图书馆的可借阅资源而不是自己花钱去买杂志或唱片,这样如何?一旦你开始在小的方面省钱并且能够少花钱,那么你很快就能变成一个省钱专家,真正能够达到省钱的目的.
2 筹划个人预算.对于家庭和个人来说这是很重要的,而且这是最快的省钱方法.一旦你建立了预算,那你就马上能清楚你的收入是多少,支出是多少.除非你知道你收入多少,支出多少,否则你没办法去省钱.只要你预先对你的收入支出有过计算,那你可以知道哪些地方可以省.如果没有预算过你的收入支出,那你想要长期或一直省钱是很难的.
3 大量购买很好.考虑一下购物和大宗购买.事先计划好每顿饭然后一起在食品杂货铺买可以很省钱.在很多东西一起煮的时候也可以省钱,你只要一点准备,几乎不用额外支出什么钱,这是很好的省钱方法.可以的话你就大量购买一些东西.已加工好的食品和速食食品相较于一般做吃的所需要的材料贵的多.在购买已加工食品的时候,你同样有机会提前计划,并使你的预算更加精准.不管在什么时候你都可以在大量购买的时候省钱.但有一点你必须注意,在大量购买的时候要注意食物的保质期,不要再你还没用的时候它就已经过期的.如果你不得不把东西扔掉,那你就省不了钱了.大宗购买不仅仅是一种很好的省钱方法,而且是处理突发的紧急情况并在这种情况下幸存下来的一种很好的策略.
4 要确保物有所值.我的意思是在你要买一样价格昂贵的商品时,虽然零售商说时亏本生意,但你还是要货比三家.你要确定这东西是物有所值,而不是商场的一种促销手段,在你没想好的时候就鼓励你买.只要你了解了某一产品的实价.那你在这场买卖中就会处于一个有利的地位.特价和折扣价都可以省钱.‘买一送一’‘半折出售’‘跳楼价’,都可以帮你省钱,前提是你实际花的钱要比你在其它地方买同样的商品要便宜.

英语翻译因为太多了怕没有人愿意来帮忙翻译了 所以先贴5个出来,谢谢译的好后面5个再贴出来分数会加高的谢谢Save Money Tip 1 Spend Less.This is not over simplifying the best way to save money!It is essential if 英语翻译还没写完,但差不多了.麻烦给翻译一下.有人看到并愿意帮忙的话请先举个手.让我安心一下.《白鲸记》是一个极具象征意义的工作,而且很有趣,因为它还去自然历史等问题.其他主题 有没有人来帮忙?因为这是高峰期. 英语翻译1/我爱你,甚至愿意为你去死,可是为了你我又不能死,因为我怕我死了没有人会这样爱你.2/ 床前明月光,疑是地上霜,举头望明月,低头思故乡.对drmgygo的话的回应:这是练习你翻译的能力, 英语翻译上来发个牢骚啊,我这已经半个月没有看青春不败2了啊.因为没有人翻译了啊,我也不愿意看无字版的看不懂没有什么意思.难道是现在青春不败2剩余的团员名气不够吗?为什么都没有人 英语翻译不提公提目,因为太多了 有没有人愿意帮我翻译一段话 英语翻译没有人来吗? abdelkaderhanaamostafaabdelmon 因为单词连在一起,有没有人能不能帮忙翻译出,这串英文的意思. 英语翻译帮忙翻译下“我愿意给你我的爱”~ 翻译句子:因为下雨了,所以我没来 有没有人帮忙翻译一下 有人愿意帮我改雅思分数吗?有人来帮忙回答下? 英语翻译请愿意帮忙的留下EMAIL,或者百度留言给你们也行.已经发出了,因为是航空专业的。可能有些比较难翻译,我会提高分数的。或者给出酬劳都可以。可以详谈 英语翻译有没有人知道这个药品是什么,帮忙翻译下标签,急, 英语翻译我刚注册没多久...也不知道怎么赚分...我把能放上来的分都放上来了...我要写英文简历了...因为怕有语法错而误造成尴尬...有没有英语高手来帮帮我的忙...帮我翻译一下下面这段文 如何正确书写英文收件地址?我在国外网站上买了东西,怕地址没写正确收不到.请问如何正确书写正确的英文收件地址呢?有愿意帮忙翻译一下的请随便回复一下,我再私信你我的地址,帮我翻译 英语翻译:因为中国人实在是太多了