
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 20:13:37


Crusoe (the family name transcribed from the German name "Kreutznaer") leaves England,setting sail from the Queen's Dock in Hull on a sea voyage in September 1651,against the wishes of his parents,who want him to stay home and assume a career in law.After a tumultuous journey that sees his ship wrecked by a vicious storm,his lust for the sea remains so strong that he sets out to sea again.This journey too ends in disaster as the ship is taken over by Salé pirates,and Crusoe becomes the slave of a Moor.He manages to escape with a boat and a boy named Xury; later,Crusoe is befriended by the Captain of a Portuguese ship off the western coast of Africa.The ship is en route to Brazil.There,with the help of the captain,Crusoe becomes owner of a plantation.
Years later,he joins an expedition to bring slaves from Africa,but is shipwrecked in a storm about forty miles out to sea on an island (which he calls the Island of Despair) near the mouth of the Orinoco river on September 30,1659.His companions all die.Having overcome his despair,he fetches arms,tools,and other supplies from the ship before it breaks apart and sinks.He proceeds to build a fenced-in habitation near a cave which he excavates himself.He keeps a calendar by making marks in a wooden cross built by himself,hunts,grows corn and rice,dries grapes to make raisins for the winter months,learns to make pottery,raises goats,etc.,using tools created from stone and wood which he harvests on the island,and adopts a small parrot.He reads the Bible and suddenly becomes religious,thanking God for his fate in which nothing is missing but society.
Years later,he discovers native cannibals who occasionally visit the island to kill and eat prisoners.At first he plans to kill them for committing an abomination,but later realizes that he has no right to do so as the cannibals have not attacked him and do not knowingly commit a crime.He dreams of obtaining one or two servants by freeing some prisoners; and indeed,when a prisoner manages to escape,Crusoe helps him,naming his new companion "Friday" after the day of the week he appeared.Crusoe then teaches him English and converts him to Christianity.
After another party of natives arrive to partake in a cannibal feast,Crusoe and Friday manage to kill most of the natives and save two of the prisoners.One is Friday's father and the other is a Spaniard,who informs Crusoe that there are other Spaniards shipwrecked on the mainland.A plan is devised wherein the Spaniard would return with Friday's father to the mainland and bring back the others,build a ship,and sail to a Spanish port.
Before the Spaniards return,an English ship appears; mutineers have taken control of the ship and intend to maroon their former captain on the island.Crusoe and the ship's captain strike a deal,in which he helps the captain and the loyalist sailors retake the ship from the mutineers,whereupon they intend to leave the worst of the mutineers on the island.Before they leave for England,Crusoe shows the former mutineers how he lived on the island,and states that there will be more men coming.Crusoe leaves the island December 19th,1686,and arrives back in England June 11th,1687.He learns that his family believed him dead and there was nothing in his father's will for him.However,his estate in Brazil granted him a large amount of wealth.In conclusion,he takes his wealth over land to England to avoid traveling at sea.Friday comes with him and along the way they endure one last adventure together as they fight off hundreds of famished wolves while crossing the Pyrenees.

My father had expected me to study law, but I was intent on going sailing. One day, I went to Hull, I was about to take a companion of his father's boat to London, and then nothing tempted me more tha...


My father had expected me to study law, but I was intent on going sailing. One day, I went to Hull, I was about to take a companion of his father's boat to London, and then nothing tempted me more than this, and I must follow him forever - this is 1651 to August I was 19 years old.
Ship has just sailed out of the sea, they encountered a terrible storm, so that the body can not say I feel the sadness, he felt this was fear. Pain in my heart made a vow that if God left this voyage my life, I climbed upon the land, it has been back to my loving parents around, listen to their advice from a certain act.
But the next day the wind stopped, and also break the waves. Sun Xi Chen, followed by a beauty from the lovely evening, when my companion drank the brew a bowl of rum, I'll go home after the determination of the voyage went thrown Cloud Nine. This habit of giving me my life has incurred a great misfortune - headstrong actions often brought me disaster, can I always refused to come a time in the disaster took the opportunity to repent. Stayed dangerous one in the past, they forget all the oath, but also desperate to put in their places I have no life.
Like in the first stormy voyage, I have had several different adventures. In Guinea to Africa to do business, I was a pirate ship prisoners in Turkey, was sold into slavery, through many dangers, I fled to Brazil, where he operated a sugar cane plantation alone, lived very liking. Then I may yet become a victim of temptation. Brazil is because of artificial shortage, there are several plantation owners knew I was in the business and have been to a number of African slave market ports, trying to coax them to lure me to make a voyage, to which plantations brought their slaves to come back to buy some .
Obey a bad idea, people will be unlucky. Our ship in South America north shore of an unnamed island touch the reef, all the sailors and passengers were all drowned, and God bless, I am the only one person is the high waves roll into shore, saved a life. I was all just a knife, a pipe and a box filled with a bit of tobacco. Up until the time of my physical recovery, you can walk, I walked along the coast. So I am very pleased that I found fresh water. After drinking the water, but also take a handful of tobacco on the mouth, relieve their hunger. I was in a tree to accommodate them comfortably slept revive the spirit of the calm sea. But probably the greatest I am glad that I saw the boat, until the time of tide to go back and see it is actually very close from the shore, I found that can easily swim to the ship. Board only one dog and two cats, no other living creature. However, a large number of necessities of life on board, so I have done together. In order to stuff shipped to the island an inlet, I specialized in the manufacture of a raft, also the island has fresh water and relatively flat piece of ground was my home. Bread, rice, barley and wheat, cheese and dried meat, sugar, flour, wood, logs, rope - all of these, plus a few pieces of muskets, two pistols, a few pieces shotgun, a hammer, There are - it is the most useless - 36 pounds sterling. All these things I have from day to day - 11 between the two low tides transported from the ship to the shore. To the 30th days of night, I carry the work done, and I lay down, although as usual fear, but my heart full of thanksgiving to God is also love, because I know that I have to deal with this desert island prepare for the future preparations of the heart felt at ease.
The island has a lot of wild fruit trees, but this is my Guolehaojiu found, and I call it tan raisins. There are goats everywhere, run around the island, but if I had not taken from the ship to the guns and ammunition, they told me what good is it? Therefore, I have reason to thank the merciful God, so that ship resting on the coast, so I moved up to be useful for me everything.
To ensure that I can survive on this island, there are many things to do. I have to do as much as possible a few pieces I am not a do not matter. But my efforts were not always hand in good luck. In my first sowing the seeds of barley and rice, these valuable inventory on the waste of a half, because planting was not the time. I spent a few months hard work, digging a few cellars in preparation for storage of fresh water. It took 42 days time, and only then a tree chopping into my first piece of a long board. I eagerly did several weeks, trying to create a pound of wheat Shijiu the end, they had to the hollowing out a large piece of wood. I have spent a full five months of work, cutting down a large Tieshu, but also split another cut, it has become a very decent canoe in order to spare to escape from the island could be the result but can not do anything because of how to make it down to the sea had to put it discarded. However, each one failed to do, have taught I did not know some of the knowledge.
As for the natural environment, the island has storm, there is an earthquake. I was also adapted to everything. I planted and harvested my barley and wheat; I was collecting for Ye Putao, tan them a very nutritious raisins; I kept tame goats, and then kill to eat, then smoked another pickle of. Because such a wide variety of food, supplies pretty not bad. So after a 12 years, during which the island apart from myself, I would have never not seen a deserted. This was great until the day, I stumbled on the beach, a person's light footprint.
I was like a bolt from the blue has endured. I am listening, go back to look around, but heard nothing, saw nothing. I went to the coast, but also into the sea to see, but only if a total footprint! I am frightened to the extreme, like a someone is following the person sought Side fled to my accommodation. Three days and three nights, I dare not go out.
This is the best illustration of human frightening! After twelve years of pain and hard work, twelve years struggle with the natural environment, went so far as a result of a person's footprints and terrifying anxiety! But that is all. Through observation, I realized that this is a piece of the continent of those savage man-eating a habit. They put the prisoners captured in war brought to this island I rarely go to that place, killed after a big meal. One day morning, I saw 30 years from the telescope are savages dancing around the bonfire. They have cooking a prisoner, there are two are preparing to put up a fire roasted, when I mentioned the two bullets on the shotguns and machetes Nabing ran at them to go down in time to save them under the no time to eat as a captive. I put my saved this person named under the "Friday" to commemorate the day he was rescued on Friday, and his voice became my speech on the island twenty-five years for the first time to hear the human voice. He is young, smart, is a more advanced tribes of the barbarians, and later in my stay in the island that time, he has always been a reliable partner for me. I taught him a few words in English, the Friday told me of those things on the mainland. I decided to leave my Island. We have created a boat, this time not very far away from the coast made. When we are almost ready to set sail when the boat, another 21 savage riding on three canoe, with the three prisoners to the island to open a banquet. One of the prisoners was white, would this put me furious. I put two shotguns, four shotguns, two pistols and ammunition were loaded double gave Friday a small ax, and gave him to drink a lot of rum, I bring a sword, and we washed down the mountain to , killed all of them, only to escape the four savages.
There is a captive is Friday's father. That white man is a Spaniard, is a few years ago I saw that ship ran aground on the island in my ship's a survivor, I was taken since the ship came on the more than 1200 gold coins, but for the money I do not really care, because they are no better than those on the beach sand is more valuable.
I gave the Spaniard and Friday's father that guns and food, ask them to riding my new office to put the boat on board the Spanish ship sailors killed in the island brought me to. Are waiting for them to come back, there is a British ship for sailors to make trouble and in my cast anchor near the island. I helped the captain who won back his boat, returned to England with him. We had left two would also like to go back to England and honest sailors, and let the trouble so much noise some of the most vicious sailors to stay in the island. Later, the Spaniards who came back, stayed home in the island. The beginning, they did not, and the two sides quarrel, but the settlers, finally established a thriving colony, after a few years, I've been fortunate once again to that island.
I left the island, has been spent twenty-eight years on the island two months, 29 days. I always thought I would be happy not the one to the United Kingdom had no idea where I had become a stranger. My parents have both passed away, I really very unfortunate that, or else I can now honor to caring for them, because I am taking on board the Spanish vessel since the past 1200 gold, there are twenty thousand pounds to wait for me to an honest friend there to collect, my friend is a Portuguese captain, before I buckle down to action That ill-fated errand, I entrusted him with running my estate in Brazil. Precisely in order to buckle down to action and that errand, so I have lived twenty-eight years on the island. I see he is so honest, very happy, I decided to pay him one hundred Portuguese gold coins a year, and after his death, his son every year to pay 50 gold coin of Portugal, as part of their lifetime allowance.
I am married and gave birth to three children, only because I want to go to that just mentioned, I lived on the island to see, but also made a voyage outside the Zaimei be roaming the. I live here, for me did not deserve to enjoy the gratitude and determination to go now to make all travel the longest trip. If I learned anything, it is to recognize the value of retirement and prayer in peace the remainder had finished our day.


"Robinson drift" Record Du Hougan
"Robinson Crusoe" was born in the bourgeoisie about the Robinson family and the father, despite the risk of the sea to sea against the three business, has establ...


"Robinson drift" Record Du Hougan
"Robinson Crusoe" was born in the bourgeoisie about the Robinson family and the father, despite the risk of the sea to sea against the three business, has established plantations in Brazil. Restless nature led him to entrust the plantation to a friend, from Brazil to Africa once again to catch the merchant. The way merchant exposed to hurricanes, running aground and sank the full crew were killed, only one person survived Robinson. He drifted into the sea a desert island in South America, by virtue of their wisdom and courage to use the ship-breaking residues in all material and tools to build shelter, grow food, domesticated livestock, manufacturing tools, sewing clothes, and repeatedly do logging boat an attempt to return to the mainland. Once, he was eating from a group of indigenous people in the hands of people rescued a wild man, and give him the name "Friday," Robinson taught him to speak English, to his dissemination of Christian doctrine so that the "Friday" has become his faithful servants and friends. Later, they help a mutiny of the sailors have been abandoned by the master, skillfully trick to regain the ship. Robinson has finally ended his 28-year isolation period of life, to return to their homeland.
Read "Robinson Crusoe" I read Robinson's never met, never, and she never believe in fate, he is never give up the action, he can put his own thinking activity on the actual action, as young people we are missing, today, many young people will only talk about their ideals and aspirations, while paying very little action. Robinson's father used the philosophy of contentment, educate him, asking him to meet the status quo, not to sea, but Robinson's mind there is about a mysterious forces him to make him the courage to open up, determined to put aside an easy life at sea fortune. Rubin Sun's pioneering spirit is a contemporary young man does not have, is worth all of us to learn. Think of "contentment," I thought of myself, and I often "contentment" from comfort, read "Robinson Crusoe" I am deeply aware of their own inadequacies, while Robinson is also the spirit and the will of the so that is my firm had to have a short length of offset our own determination.
Robinson in distress to a desert island after drifting, there is no blame on others, take a sigh unjust fate, but rather use their hands and minds to their live a prosperous life. Everything he has done will spend a lot of energy and time, but he had patience and perseverance, never give up, Robinson infinite courage and indomitable spirit of hard work left a deep impression on me. The secret of success is consitancy to purpose (to be secret of success is to persevere toward goals). Robinson for the goal of this fighting spirit of perseverance is commendable.
Robinson drifting away for years. After suffering, and finally got considerable wealth, the final completion of that era hero journey as an entrepreneur. Robinson's life from the experience I have learned to "No pain, no gain" really meaning; Rubin Sun's life is full of adventure and challenges in life, Robinson's life is the courage to challenge life, from the Robinson's shoulders I saw the endless human vitality, saw his courage to the fighting capacity of his own goal.
The gift of life is to persevere to their own goal, perhaps the road to success you will encounter numerous hardships and suffering, like Robinson, like, there will be a storm, or even a hurricane, but also might have lost their lives risk of experiencing a difficult time to re-hold on, through this period of success in front of the joy of waiting for the courage to explore the people!
Each person's life have a dual nature; Robinson is no exception. Robinson lived on the island for 17 years on the day after he was found on the beach a bunch of people's footprints, he hid in his fortress, constant state of anxiety. Soon, he found some bones on the coast, and Yousheng excesses of the fire, when he was last known to the savages from the outer islands have been held in this extraordinary feast of meat, after seven years, he has been on high alert. Challenging in his life, Robinson will also be timid side, strange footprints in the face of fears in the face of vast loss on the road ... ... but in the end Robinson with their intelligence and wisdom to overcome the risk of all spent all of the twists and turns. After leaving home the first 35 years, Nine Lives, he finally, after the long-suffering long-awaited return to the homeland. By Robinson, by extension, each of us will have the time or happy or sad, very often, the achievements of a person only in the size of its own. I think if everyone has Robinson's will, then success is just round the corner for us in terms of things.
Read "Robinson Crusoe" I think he is very lucky because he can survive in the storm, because of his achievements. In some cases, even though you have made great efforts, the success of the door is still closed to you at this time, some people will be disheartened discouraged and give up the pursuit, come to naught; while some people will strong-willed and learn from the Lessons Learned to seek new opportunities, attained name and fame. Let us, as Robinson, as the courage to face the hurricane, the courage to advance directly to the other side of success


"Robinson Crusoe" he described it is a 19-year-old boy Robinson, in order to achieve the dream of sailing, regardless of their parents discouraged, gave up a stable a