
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/08 08:28:07


For a long time the drift boat has been the famous wooden McKenzie style built in the 1930s and 1940s by Woodie Hindman or Tom Kaarhus from Norway in McKenzie river country.With the appearance of new materials such as Aluminum and fiberglass we have seen an evolution in design and shape,sometimes for the good sometimes for the worse.A number of drift boat companies got started by a passionate fly fisherman who wanted to make a living building drift boats,but knew little about composite materials in particular and boat design in general.The movie "A River Runs Through It" gave a boost to fly fishing in 1998 and helped those companies to survive for a while.
The way to do it was by making a copy of a copy with little or no modification and no consideration for the esthetic.The result is today a lot of frustrated drift boats owners.For example fifteen years ago,boats were wrongly built with core material into the bottom,today they are falling apart.Potential buyers are very skeptical,because they ave heard the horror stories.
There is no reason however not to expect more than just a floating platform that will get you down the river.In sailing design there is an old saying:
"if the boat is beautiful,she is a fast boat!"
A shiny,waxed and clean drift boat can be the pride of its owner.If a cheap wooden or fiberglass boat will get you to the same fishing spots as well as a more fancy one,in the long run it may worth it to opt for the quality.But quality is time and time is money,some times the size of the budget available leaves no choice.

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