纽约的英文介绍,我想要把它翻译的简单些,纽约(New York)是美国第一大都市和第一大商港,它不仅是美国的金融中心,也是全世界金融中心之一.纽约位于纽约州东南哈得孙河口,濒临大西洋.它

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 02:47:03

纽约的英文介绍,我想要把它翻译的简单些,纽约(New York)是美国第一大都市和第一大商港,它不仅是美国的金融中心,也是全世界金融中心之一.纽约位于纽约州东南哈得孙河口,濒临大西洋.它
纽约(New York)是美国第一大都市和第一大商港,它不仅是美国的金融中心,也是全世界金融中心之一.纽约位于纽约州东南哈得孙河口,濒临大西洋.它由五个区组成:曼哈顿、布鲁克林、布朗克斯、昆斯和里士满,面积828.8平方公里,市区人口700多万,包括郊区在内的大纽约市人口1800万.纽约还是联合国总部所在地,总部大厦坐落在曼哈顿岛东河河畔.

纽约的英文介绍,我想要把它翻译的简单些,纽约(New York)是美国第一大都市和第一大商港,它不仅是美国的金融中心,也是全世界金融中心之一.纽约位于纽约州东南哈得孙河口,濒临大西洋.它
Or New York City.A city of southern New York on New York Bay at the mouth of the Hudson River.Founded by the Dutch as New Amsterdam,it was renamed by the English in honor of the Duke of York.It is the largest city in the country and a financial,cultural,trade,shipping,and communications center.Originally consisting only of Manhattan Island,it was rechartered in 1898 to include the five present-day boroughs of Manhattan,the Bronx,Brooklyn,Queens,and Staten Island.Population,7,322,564.

The city is a major center for finance, insurance, real estate, media and the arts in the United States. The New York metropolitan area had an estimated gross metropolitan product of $952.6 billion in...


The city is a major center for finance, insurance, real estate, media and the arts in the United States. The New York metropolitan area had an estimated gross metropolitan product of $952.6 billion in 2005, the largest regional economy in the United States
New York City comprises five boroughs, each of which is coextensive with a county: The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island. With over 8.2 million residents within an area of 322 square miles (830 km²), New York City is the most densely populated major city in the United States


New York is the United States the first metropolis with the biggest company's harbor, it be not only an American banking center but also one of the whole world banking centers.New York is located on t...


New York is the United States the first metropolis with the biggest company's harbor, it be not only an American banking center but also one of the whole world banking centers.New York is located on the southeast of New York to admire river mouth, get close to Atlantic Ocean.It constitutes to°from five areas:Manhattan, Brooklyn, Brown gram Si, Kun Si and inside the private be full, area 828. 8 square kilometers, downtown population 700 have another ten thousand, big population in New York City including suburban area 18,000,000.New York is still an United Nations headquarters location and the headquarters mansion locates at in the island east river river front of Manhattan.


第一种:Or New York City. A city of southern New York on New York Bay at the mouth of the Hudson River. Founded by the Dutch as New Amsterdam, it was renamed by the English in honor of the Duke of York. I...


第一种:Or New York City. A city of southern New York on New York Bay at the mouth of the Hudson River. Founded by the Dutch as New Amsterdam, it was renamed by the English in honor of the Duke of York. It is the largest city in the country and a financial, cultural, trade, shipping, and communications center. Originally consisting only of Manhattan Island, it was rechartered in 1898 to include the five present-day boroughs of Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island. Population, 7,322,564.
第二种:The city is a major center for finance, insurance, real estate, media and the arts in the United States. The New York metropolitan area had an estimated gross metropolitan product of $952.6 billion in 2005, the largest regional economy in the United States
New York City comprises five boroughs, each of which is coextensive with a county: The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island. With over 8.2 million residents within an area of 322 square miles (830 km²), New York City is the most densely populated major city in the United States
第三种:New York is the United States the first metropolis with the biggest company's harbor, it be not only an American banking center but also one of the whole world banking centers.New York is located on the southeast of New York to admire river mouth, get close to Atlantic Ocean.It constitutes to°from five areas:Manhattan, Brooklyn, Brown gram Si, Kun Si and inside the private be full, area 828. 8 square kilometers, downtown population 700 have another ten thousand, big population in New York City including suburban area 18,000,000.New York is still an United Nations headquarters location and the headquarters mansion locates at in the island east river river front of Manhattan.


纽约的英文介绍,我想要把它翻译的简单些,纽约(New York)是美国第一大都市和第一大商港,它不仅是美国的金融中心,也是全世界金融中心之一.纽约位于纽约州东南哈得孙河口,濒临大西洋.它 我想要一篇关于 纽约 介绍的英文文章 我想要介绍泰山的英文及翻译 用英文介绍forbidden city我想要个字少一些、词简单一些的、 求关于介绍安徽省,以及它的优秀景点的英文文章.就是介绍安徽省的英文哦,是想要把安徽省介绍给外教呢. 电影《我是传奇》的英文简介就是用英文把它简单介绍出来啦,我写作文的时候用到.. 七巧板的英文介绍我知道七巧板的英文叫tangram,我想要它的来历,玩法等方面的英文介绍. 我想要一段英文的九寨沟介绍长度适中, 我想要有关国庆节英文版的介绍, 我想要一个gossip girl的英文介绍不用很长200词左右吧,简单的介绍下整个剧 圣诞节的英文介绍少一点,简单点带翻译 谁能帮我用英文介绍一样物品随便什么物品,20句话把,简单点的 我想要一个简单而悲伤的英文网名 我只是想要简单的幸福 用英文怎么说?谁会, 川剧英文介绍我想要一份川剧的英文介绍,包含它的起源、流派、剧目、艺术特色、现状、唱腔等等…… 不仅感谢…… 一篇承德避暑山庄的英文介绍我想要一篇介绍承德避暑山庄的英文短文 纽约景点的英文介绍!急求关于纽约景点的英文介绍!比如自由女神像,纽约中央公园,百老汇,洛克菲勒中心等!非常非常急! 埃菲尔铁塔英文简介简单的一些英文句子介绍,快恐怕不行哟,因为我想要口语话一点的...你还有没有可能再找一篇,