
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/22 13:12:50


We've chosen six suppliers in total for the biding of our company.According to the biding results,two suppliers waiveed,and the prices from other two are too high.For the remaining two suppliers,we decide to arrange an interview with our chief manager and eventually select one.The time of interview is to be determined.

We invited 6 suppliers to bid. Bid results show that 2 suppliers gave up and another 2 gave too high prices. For the rest 2 suppliers, we will arrange General Manager interviews and select one as the winner. The time of the interviews is to be decided.

We chose a total of six suppliers to participate in the company's bidding. According to the bid opening results, which two abstained; 2 high prices; another two we decided to arrange an interview to select from a general manager. Interview time to be determined.

We have picked out six suppliers to join the bid。 According to the bidding result, two suppliers forfeited;two suppliers bade too high; as to another two suppliers, we have decided to arrange an interview for one of them with our general manager. The time of the interview is undetermined.

We invited sixsuppliers for the bid. According to the bidding results, two bidders waived thebidding right, and two offered two excessively high prices. We will arrange forthe remaining two bidders to meet with our general manager, who will then determinethe winner. The meeting time is to be announced.

We selected 6 suppliers to participate in the tender. According to the result, we found that two of them waived, two of them bid at far higher price, and the remaining two's bids are acceptable. We d...


We selected 6 suppliers to participate in the tender. According to the result, we found that two of them waived, two of them bid at far higher price, and the remaining two's bids are acceptable. We decide to arrange interviews for them by our general manager to choose one as our supplier. The time of the interview is to be decided.


英文: We chose a total of six suppliers to participate in the company's bidding. According to the bid opening results, which two abstained; 2 high prices; another two we decided to arrange an interview...


英文: We chose a total of six suppliers to participate in the company's bidding. According to the bid opening results, which two abstained; 2 high prices; another two we decided to arrange an interview to select from a general manager. Interview time to be determined.
日文: 私たちには全部で选の6つのベンダーに参加会社の受注にだった。入札审査の结果を见れば、そのうちによって2社から弃権します;2社の価格が高すぎます;残る2社社长の面接をすることを决めた手配中者を选抜家族がいる。面接时间未定だ。
韩文: 우리 모두 재능 이 뛰 어 났 던 6 개 업체 의 입찰 참여 회사.근거 开标 결과 를 보 면 이 중 2 개 기권;2 개 가격 이 너무 비 싼;또 나머지 2 개 배정 하 기로 했 다며 사장 면접 을 수백만 ~ 수천 만원 이라고 한 다.면접 시간 추후 결정 하 기로 했 다.


英语翻译我们一共选了6家供应商参加公司的竞标.根据开标结果来看,其中2家弃权;2家价格过高;另外2家我们决定安排总经理面试来从中选取一家.面试时间待定. 英语翻译今天的会议我们将会由两家供应商做展示.这两家供应商是从6家竞标公司中选出来的,从价格、品质、以及经验上来讲是更具有优势的.每一个供应商将会有半小时左右的时间来展示各 参加一次商品交易会的每两家公司之间都签定了一份合同,所有公司一共签了45份合同,共有多少家公司参加?请写出方程可以,为什么还要再乘X 英语翻译:昨天我们的供应商忘记把原样品放到发给我们的包裹里了,怎么翻译呢 英语翻译美国已经同意我们供应商的图纸了,我们是继续定单还是自己开发呢?如果我们自己开发我想我们应该进早的通知美国和取消供应商的定单 我们参加了夏令营.英语翻译 英语翻译我们在美国定单单价不变的基础上供应商的价格下降了5个点.意思是我们国外的定单单价不变,但是供应商的价格要下降5个幅度,来增加我们的利润 谁能帮我写一份中英文的新年问候信啊.快过年了,我公司需要写一份中英文的新年问候信给我们的供应商 ! 英语翻译凯胜科技有限公司需要购买五十个u盘,其采购经理联系了该公司主要的供应商-圣翔电脑公司,就此次交易进行谈判.两家公司有长期的业务关系,凯盛公司所有的电脑和相关产品均由圣 英语翻译stakeholder orientation 以公司利益相关者为导向的意思?客户、供应商。 中译英:由于我们公司一个大的供应商的货款没有到位,以致于我们资金很紧张. 我们公司的业务都参加广交会了,如果老外来电话怎么说 导电橡胶供应商都有哪些?我们公司要更换导电橡胶的供应商,现在在此寻找供应商,请各公司把自己的产品信息以及公司信息放在这. 英语翻译Hi Abhishek 我在邮件已说过,你发的附件中订单号(PO)已经是旧的,而且我们公司将来不会和Flextronics再有业务往来了请转达你们的客户,就说供应商只能为Flextronics提供库存品材料的属性, 英语翻译与供应商谈判 调整贸易方式 由FOB变为DDU,为公司节俭了物流费 我们公司是开17%的增值税票的,但是现在我公司一个供应商给我们开的只是3%的增值税票,请问可以抵扣吗? 英语翻译【雷音翻译】雷音翻译是中国在册最大的翻译公司,是奥委会官方网、国家旅游局、中国贸促会的唯一合作伙伴,是2010年世博会、2010年广州亚运会亚组委的推荐语言供应商,我们的服 英语翻译位于中国浙江义乌小商品市场,我们公司成立五周年,主要针对南美市场,目前有合作过的供应商有4000千多家,有玩具,饰口,围巾,圣诞系列,假发,箱包,办公用品,学习用品,日用品,厨房用