VB 函数 do while ...Loop 与 while .wend 的区别Dim D As VariantDim E() As IntegerDo While A1 0A1 = 0For i2 = 0 To UBound(D)If D(i2) > A1 ThenA1 = D(i2) End If 'D(i2) > A1Next 'i2 = 0ReDim Preserve E(i3) As Integer E(i3) = A1i3 = i3 + 1For i2 = 0

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/02 09:13:55

VB 函数 do while ...Loop 与 while .wend 的区别Dim D As VariantDim E() As IntegerDo While A1 0A1 = 0For i2 = 0 To UBound(D)If D(i2) > A1 ThenA1 = D(i2) End If 'D(i2) > A1Next 'i2 = 0ReDim Preserve E(i3) As Integer E(i3) = A1i3 = i3 + 1For i2 = 0
VB 函数 do while ...Loop 与 while .wend 的区别
Dim D As Variant
Dim E() As Integer
Do While A1 0
A1 = 0
For i2 = 0 To UBound(D)
If D(i2) > A1 Then
A1 = D(i2)
End If 'D(i2) > A1
Next 'i2 = 0
ReDim Preserve E(i3) As Integer
E(i3) = A1
i3 = i3 + 1
For i2 = 0 To UBound(D)
If D(i2) = A1 Then
D(i2) = 0
End If 'D(i2) > A1
Next 'i2 = 0
'问,为什么do while ...Loop 与 while .wend 的输出没有区别?

VB 函数 do while ...Loop 与 while .wend 的区别Dim D As VariantDim E() As IntegerDo While A1 0A1 = 0For i2 = 0 To UBound(D)If D(i2) > A1 ThenA1 = D(i2) End If 'D(i2) > A1Next 'i2 = 0ReDim Preserve E(i3) As Integer E(i3) = A1i3 = i3 + 1For i2 = 0
do while ...loop和while ...wend没区别,完全一样,先判断条件再运行循环体.
do ...loop while就不一样了,先运行再判断

VB 函数 do while ...Loop 与 while .wend 还有 do ...Loop while 的区别是什么? VB执行下列程序: X = 0 Do While X vb的do while中还有个do while,内层的do while内有个if,怎么从then后跳出外层的do? VB中的do while……loop 和do……loop while语句是一样的吗 vb中,do……loop while 语句中,比如下面 do print # i=i+1 loop while i 求VB编程2-100求和FOR DO WHILE都要FOR DO WHILE都分别要的哦 vb中怎样分清do while...loop和do ...loop while ,还有do until...loop和do...loop until怎样分清do while...loop和do ...loop while ,还有do until...loop和do...loop until VB中for next语句与DO WHILE..LOOP语句有什么不同?在VB中,for .next语句与DO WHILE..LOOP语句有什么不同? VB程序里的循环结构怎么写?for循环和do while循环 输入一个整数,用VB的While wend 或 Do Loop Until判断质数. 对于数列1,3,5,7,9 前30项积 VB代码 用Do while vb中使用do while语句求1*2*3*.*m的值的命令语句 vb 1000 素数之和 用DO WHILE 的方式 写完整, VB分析For...Next循环结构与Do While...Loop循环结构的异同点 vb程序 s=0 n=1 do while n VB 函数 do while ...Loop 与 while .wend 的区别Dim D As VariantDim E() As IntegerDo While A1 0A1 = 0For i2 = 0 To UBound(D)If D(i2) > A1 ThenA1 = D(i2) End If 'D(i2) > A1Next 'i2 = 0ReDim Preserve E(i3) As Integer E(i3) = A1i3 = i3 + 1For i2 = 0 do while 请问VB中Do While和Do...Until有什么区别呢?Do While Do Until Len(a)和Do While有什么区别?这个意思我不懂,因为他只说Len(a)却没有说Len(a)等于几,---------Do While(a = 6)和Do Until(a = 6)有什么区别呢?Do While是不