
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/19 03:29:34


作为家长,怎么知道孩子有没有“过关”呢? 我以《夏洛的网》为例,说明每节课的“过关”标准.我把《夏洛的网》分成37 课,每节课20 分钟.当然,家长可以根据孩子的实际水平,调整课时进度.有的一年级小朋友,用2 天学完一课,也就是每天学10 分钟,这也是可以的. 不管孩子几天学完一课,孩子学完一课之后,应该能把这一课的英文看下来.如果孩子学完一课之后,仍感到某些词句还很陌生,建议孩子把这一课重学一遍,一直学到孩子能独立把所学的英文看下来为止. 家长不要苛求孩子每课只学一遍,就能自己独立看下来.不少孩子把每一课重复学了三遍,才能勉强通读. 孩子反复学完一课之后,妈妈可以让孩子讲讲这一课的内容.比如,《夏洛的网》第27 课一开始,有这样的文字: “Let's let the children go off by themselves,” suggested Mr. Arable. “The Fair only comes once a year.” Mr. Arable gave Fern two quarters and two dimes. He gave Avery five dimes and four nickels. “Now run along!” he said. “And remember, the money has to last all day. Don't spend it all the first few minutes. And be back here at the truck at noontime so we can all have lunch together. And don't eat a lot of stuff that's going to make you sick to your stomachs.” “And if you go in those swings,” said Mrs. Arable, “you hang on tight! You hang on very tight. Hear me?” “And don't get lost!” said Mrs. Zuckerman. “And don't get dirty!” “Don't get overheated!” said their mother. “Watch out for pickpockets!” cautioned their father. “And don't cross the race track when the horses are coming!” cried Mrs. Zuckerman. The children grabbed each other by the hand and danced off in the direction of the merry-go-round, toward the wonderful music and the wonderful adventure and the wonderful excitement, into the wonderful midway where there would be no parents to guard them and guide them, and where they could be happy and free and do as they pleased. Mrs. Arable stood quietly and watched them go. Then she sighed. Then she blew her nose. “Do you really think it's all right?” she asked. “Well, they've got to grow up some time,” said Mr. Arable. “And a fair is a good place to start, I guess.”上面这段文字,我是这么讲读的(点击音频). 有位妈妈,在孩子把第27 课认真学过几遍之后,问孩子能不能看懂上面的文字,孩子表示能看懂;妈妈又随机考考单词,孩子也明白单词的意思,这就表明孩子第27 课“过关”了,孩子可以进入第28 课的学习. 我想强调一点,妈妈检查孩子每一课学习效果的时候,要多给孩子鼓励,别让孩子压力过大.用原版书学英语,这本身就是很大的进步,孩子只要天天学,家长就不必着急孩子的学习进度.有的妈妈性子急,跟我说:“孩子学《夏洛》,都快两个月了,才学到第10课.” 我说:“孩子就这么稳扎稳打,学习速度一定会越来越快,六年级之前,保证能把《哈利波特》啃下来,您完全不用着急.再说,很多初二的孩子,读原版《夏洛》仍然难点重重,您孩子才小学二年级,已然很优秀了!” 看看其他家长还关心什么:原版书讲读课程家长咨询汇总