《如果还有7天就世界末日》 不用写太好,有得交差就好,【150字】

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/07 22:45:08

《如果还有7天就世界末日》 不用写太好,有得交差就好,【150字】

《如果还有7天就世界末日》 不用写太好,有得交差就好,【150字】
首先,我将带着相机去记录我所做的在24小时.然后,我会准备一份营养早餐,在和谐的气氛中和我的家人分享.早餐后,我将做我前几年不敢做的,打破阻 止我的生活最大的障碍.也许我会做一个吃霸王餐的人.最后,我会去拜访一 些特殊的人在我的生活.我会拜访我最好的朋友,说出那些我应该告诉而不是 埋在我内心深处的话.我会拜访那些误会我的人清理那些已持续多年的不愉快.我会拜访那些伤害但教我如何生活的人,来表示我的谢意.他们在我生命的历 史上烙下了深深地印记,我会珍惜他们,即使我不在这个星球上.当夜晚结束,我会回家和我的包.我能有什么除了我的照片,这是最无价的财 富在我的生活.我不能丢下它们.除了我的照片,我会把简爱这本书放在我的 包里,它教我的尊严和爱是一个人的价值.我希望下一代将有机会阅读这本杰 作.当我收拾好我的包,我将船上没有任何的遗憾,因为我相信,我们人类会 制造另一个美丽的世界,当我们团结成为一个整体.Firstly,I will carry a camera with me to keep minutes of what I have done in the 24 hours.Then,I will prepare a nutritional breakfast and share with my family in a harmonious atmosphere.After the breakfast,I will do something that I dare not do in the previous years and break the barriers which prevent me from living my life to the fullest.Maybe I will do a “dine and dash”.Finally,I will pay a visit to some special persons in my life.I will visit my best friends to speak out the words I should have told rather than bury them deep in my heart.I will visit those who have misunderstood me to clear up the unpleasurable cloud which has lasted for years.I will visit those who have hurt but taught me how to live a life to show my appreciation.They have marked on my history of life and I will cherish them even when I’m not on this planet.
不知道这个可不可以 如果多的话 还有这个
When the evening closes in,I’ll go back home and pack my bag.I can spare anything but my photos,which are the most priceless treasure in my life.I cannot afford to leave them behind.Besides my photos,I will take the book Jane Eyre into my bag,which teaches me that dignity and love are the value of a person.And I hope that the next generation will have a chance to read this masterpiece.After I pack my bag,I’ll board the ship without any regret,because I do believe that we human beings will create another beautiful world when we are united as a whole.
不过没有汉语 不知道适不适合四年级