
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 00:54:03


The world needs the person who seeks for the truth forever,the person who can think independently,who is able to record the truth,who can contribute to the land without considering personal interests,who can defend the rights of the Constitution,who knows the imperfect world but never give up.

The world alway need this kind of people who can speak for the truth, who can think independently, who can record the truth, who can contribute to this land without concering about loss or gain, who c...


The world alway need this kind of people who can speak for the truth, who can think independently, who can record the truth, who can contribute to this land without concering about loss or gain, who can protect the right of the Constitution, and who never mention tiredness and giving up even though they know the world is not perfect.


Of the world will always need to be able to find the truth of the person who can think independently, be able to record the truth of the people can not account for this piece of land to pay interest t...


Of the world will always need to be able to find the truth of the person who can think independently, be able to record the truth of the people can not account for this piece of land to pay interest to people who can go to defend the constitutional rights of the people, know the world is not perfect, but not without saying that weak were made to give up


The world needs the person who are able to seek truth forever , the people who is able to think independently ,record the truth people , contribute to the land without considering personal interests,...


The world needs the person who are able to seek truth forever , the people who is able to think independently ,record the truth people , contribute to the land without considering personal interests, protect the right of the Constitution, and who never mention tiredness and giving up even though they know the world is not perfect.


There's always needed to be able to seek the truth, to themselves, to record the truth, can not be counted for all interested parties have to pay for the land, to be able to go to defend the constitutional rights of people to know that the world is not perfect but says nothing of the lomestic does not give the person

英语翻译世界永远需要能够寻求真理的人,能够独立思考的人,能够记录真理的人,能够不计利害为这片土地付出的人,能够去捍卫宪法权利的人,知道世界并不完美但是不言乏力不言放弃的人 汉译英:我们永远支持那些寻求和平和真理的人 我们永远支持那些寻求和平和真理的人英语怎么说 用上seek 能表现屈原永远探索真理追求真理的诗句? 怎样使人永不改变对真理的观念?是真理,就是永远正确的.怎样能使真理永传于心? 意识能够改变世界就意味着意识能创造出没有人的参与永远也不可能出现的东西 这句话怎么理解?永远不要怀疑一小部分聪明的人就能改变世界,这永远是真理. 真理的价值问题是指(单选)A.真理是否与对象相符合的问题 B.真理是否能满足人的需要的问题C.真理是否具有客观性的问题 D.真理是否发展的问题 真理是有价值的,说的是……A真理是客观的B真理是发展的C真理能满足人的需要D有用的就是真理 英语翻译XX我希望能够永远守护你,永远爱你.永远为你一人傻傻的付出.祝你情人节快乐. 英语翻译XX我希望能够永远守护你,永远爱你.永远为你一人傻傻的付出.祝你情人节快乐. 中国地图上漠河与三亚的距离一道数学题的问题需要,希望能够寻求解答. 英语翻译人没有牺牲就什么都得不到,为了得到什么东西,就需要付出同等的代价.这就是炼金术的等价交换原则.那时侯的我们,相信这就是世界的真理. 我爱你是永远不变的真理英文翻译 什么真理是不被怀疑的就像世界需要和平而不需要战争之类的真理,全世界公认的 中国民族资产阶级向西方寻求救国救民真理的途径? 先进的中国人向西方国家寻求真理指哪些历史事件 先进的中国人向西方国家寻求真理指哪些历史事件