求英语周报答案 高二外研综合第17期 总第3245期这个版本的谢谢

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求英语周报答案 高二外研综合第17期 总第3245期这个版本的谢谢
求英语周报答案 高二外研综合第17期 总第3245期


求英语周报答案 高二外研综合第17期 总第3245期这个版本的谢谢
1-5 CCBAA 6-10 ABABC
11-15 BABAC 16-20 CACBB
21-25 ABDBD 26-30 ACCBD
31-35 AADCB 36-40 GDCFA
41-45 CDBBA 46-50 DCAAB
51-55 CDACB 56-60 ACDBD
61. storing 62. it
63. in 64. who
65. how 66. absolutely
67. a 68. what
69. had gathered 70. that
71. ... develop such quality ...
quality → qualities
72. Undoubted, hard work ...
Undoubted → Undoubtedly
73. ... the key of success. of → to
74. ... for the example. 去掉the
75. Having chose teaching ...
chose → chosen
76. ... effort to meeting ... meeting → meet
77. ... preparing my lectures ... my → his
78. ... where something was ...
where → when
79. ... as a teacher were ... were → was
80. ... to do hard work. do后加with
One possible version:
Hello, everyone,
Attention, please! Most of us are football fans, and enjoy watching football games. However, some students stayed up late to watch football matches during the World Cup. As a result, they were very sleepy and couldn't concentrate on their studies in class. In addition, students who supported different teams frequently had disagreements and even quarreled. As to these phenomena, I have something to say.
Firstly, we should keep a balance between study and leisure. Instead of staying up to watch games, we can learn about the games through the media the next day. Secondly, not only should people be allowed to choose whatever team they wish to support, but their choices of different teams should be respected. Thirdly, I think we can learn the spirit of teamwork from football games, which will be of great benefit to us.
Thank you!
本文是说明文.文章主要介绍了国际野生生物保护协会这一组织的相关情况.21. A.细节理解题.由第二段中的The Bronx Zoo ... has been a leader in wildlife conservation education since it opened可知,the Bronx Zoo在保护野生动植物教育方面做得最好,故选A项.
22. B.细节理解题.由文章首段中的The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has different programs on four continents, five of whose programs are in New York City以及最后一段中的In South America,In Asia和In Africa可知,本题应该选择B项.
23. D.写作目的题.总览全文可知,本文主要向我们介绍了国际野生生物保护协会这一组织及其主要项目的分布情况,故选D项.
24. B.细节理解题.由第一段中的my parents' house in Tunstall went up in flames和more than half the house was burned to the ground可知,作者的父母在去年夏天由于一场大火失去了他们的房子,故选B项.
25. D.细节理解题.由第三段中的Dad had an album for every occasion ... all the rest of the damage可知,John最在乎的是他所收藏的那些磁带和唱片,故选D项.
26. A.推理判断题.由最后一段中的A lot of them came from his previous students and he was touched to realize what an effect he'd had on their lives可知,John曾是一位很受学生欢迎的老师,故选A项.
27. C.推理判断题.作者通过讲述很多好心人向父亲捐赠唱片和磁带的故事向我们说明了这个世界上有许许多多乐于助人的人,故选C项.
本文是记叙文.文章主要介绍了美国黑人女作家、诗人和社会活动家Maya Angelou.
28. C.推理判断题.由该段中的These are some of the roles Dr. Maya Angelou played in her long life以及下文有关Maya的叙述可知,文章首段中提到的这些职业是对其所从事过的事业的概述,由此可见她的一生成就非凡,故选C项.
29. B.词义猜测题.由该词前面的Born in Missouri and raised in Arkansas, Maya Angelou experienced first-hand what racial discrimination looked like可知,这段时期会让Maya非常不安,故选B项.
30. D.段落大意题.由最后一段中的she has been gifted over 50 honorary degrees, she has received numerous awards和Maya Angelou remains one of the most influential writers and poets ever等信息可知,本段主要介绍了Maya的部分成就及其影响力,故选D项.
31. A.细节理解题.由第二段中的she ... became San Francisco's first African-
-American female cable car conductor,第三段中的Later at 16, Maya finished high school and soon after graduation, she became a single mother,第四段中的Between 1954 and 1964, Maya ... danced on television shows, recorded her first album Calypso Lady,第五段中的In 1969, her most popular autobiographical book I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings was published和最后一段中的the Presidential Medal of Arts in 2000可知A项正确.
32. A.写作目的题.作者在文章首段通过一个西班牙人的故事引出了本文的话题,即:互联网在保护个人隐私方面所面临的问题,故选A项.
33. D.细节理解题.由第二段中的The European Union (EU) put forward a law in 2012 that gives an individual “the right to be forgotten” online和The EU offered guidelines in 2012 to remove old, incorrect data out of search results, if requested by individuals可知,欧盟认为互联网上有关个人隐私的报道,如果已经过时,当事人想要删除相关报道的话,则应准许,故选D项.
34. C.推理判断题.由最后一段中的this does not mean that articles or webpages about the individual will disappear totally from the Internet和The bigger question is that while this ruling is true for Europe, how will it affect the rest of the world可知,作者对于欧盟这一提议的可行性持怀疑态度,故选C项.
35. B.标题归纳题.对于互联网上那些涉及到个人隐私的报道,特别是已经过时的消息,随着时间的流逝是不是也该淡出人们的视线呢?欧盟的一则提议引起了广泛的争议,本文主要就此进行了分析,所以用The right to be forgotten作为标题最恰当,故选B项.
36. G.由该空前面的She had opened the bathroom door和下文内容可知,由于和Laura的相识、相交,“我”对残障儿童有了更多新的认识,所以G项说法符合此处语境.
37. D.由该空后面的the headteacher decided that Laura ... to develop abilities on her own可知,校长希望Laura能够自立而非总是依赖“我”,所以把她安排到了别的班级,故选D项.
38. C.由该空前后的内容可知,“我”更加关注残障儿童了,故选C项.
39. F.由该空前面的I have become busier with my own things可知,Laura和“我”不像以前那样经常见面了,故选F项.
40. A.由该空后面的内容可知,Laura让“我”对残障儿童有了更多的了解和认识,故选A项.
41. C.由上文的Mother's Day可知,这是“特别的(special)”一天.
42. D.由下文的I know they really want to get me something可知,作者的孩子们想给她买点什么东西作为礼物,如果她只是说想要他们的拥抱,那会使孩子们“失望(disappoint)”.
43. B.母亲节的礼物应该是“令人惊喜的(surprising)”东西.
44. B.由下文的they usually keep it a secret可知,孩子们通常保密,所以作者很难“发现(find out)”他们要买什么东西.
45. A.由下文的since I know exactly what I want可知,因为作者知道自己今年想要什么,所以情况大不相同了,故填different.
46. D.由下文的My raised garden bed和weeds等信息可知,作者去年没有吃上“自家种的(home-grown)”西红柿.
47. C.由上文的I was in poor health可知,作者“无法(unable)”到园里劳作.
48. A.由上文的My raised garden bed was ignored ... it overgrew with weeds可知,那里现在是“一片狼藉(in a mess)”.
49. A.由下文的I'll have to tell them to get some fresh soil, ... and get things ready first可知,现在作者的孩子们已经长大可以帮忙了,故填big.
50. B.51. C.由上文的it overgrew with weeds可知,现在孩子们需要“除掉(get rid of)”园里的杂草,“使其恢复原状(get it back in shape)”.
52. D.对孩子们来说,在园里劳作是件“苦(tough)”差事.
53. A.“尽管(though)”他们没有干多少,园子里还是改善了不少.
54. C.由上文的When the bed is all ready可知,这时可以“种植(plant)”西红柿秧苗了.
55. B.随后需要做的就是“浇水(water)”、除草和等待了.
56. A.由下文的ready for picking可知,园子里的西红柿已经变“红(red)”成熟了.
57. C.孩子们帮助母亲在园子里种植西红柿作为母亲节的礼物,随着一个个果实的成熟,这份礼物将会持续整个夏天,故填giving.
58. D.孩子们用辛勤的劳作换来的这份礼物让作者十分“感激(thankful)”.
59. B.这是作者今年能够“想出来(think of)”的最好的母亲节礼物了.
60. D.与此同时,孩子们也将对体力劳动的“重要性(importance)”有更多的认识.
61. storing.考查非谓语动词.be busy doing sth. 意为“忙着做某事”.
62. it.考查it的用法.设空处作形式宾语,真正的宾语是to transport the grain,故填it.
63. in.考查介词.result in意为“导致”.
64. who.考查关系词.设空处引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词ant,且在从句中作主语,故填who.
65. how.考查连接词.设空处所在句题意为“亚历山大给了她一些关于如何(how)付出同等的努力搬运更多的粮食的建议”.
66. absolutely.考查副词.设空处修饰形容词impossible,故填absolutely.
67. a.考查冠词.solution意为“解决办法”,是可数名词.且此处表泛指,故填a.
68. what.考查连接词.设空处引导宾语从句,且在从句中作do的宾语,故填what.
69. had gathered.考查时态.由before the winter arrived可知,设空处表示的动作发生在“过去的过去”,故填had gathered.
70. that.考查强调句.设空处所在句为强调句,强调原因状语thanks to Anita,故填that.
I. 阅读理1-5 DDABC
II. 完形填空:1-5 CCBDA 6-10 BADDC
11-15 CBBCA 16-20 DDAAB
1. D.主旨大意题.总览全文可知,本文主要讲述了3D打印机的发明过程,故选D项.
2. D.推理判断题.由第一段中的His manager reminded him that the company produced UV lamps, not machines that were able to make copies of various things可知,Chuck Hull的老板对他的想法没有兴趣,故选D项.
3. A.细节理解题.由第二段中的pile these layers to form a 3-D thing. Then he ... tell his machine how to cut each layer可知,3D打印机是一层一层地打印,最后形成一个物体,故选A项.
4. B.细节理解题.由第三段中的Particularly in Detroit ... during the design process可知,底特律的那些汽车公司希望提高其市场竞争力,所以对Hull的发明很感兴趣,故选B项.
5. C.推理判断题.由最后一段中的Anything that can be made will be made by anyone anywhere可知,Joris Peels认为3D打印机能够打印出不同的东西来,故选C项.
1. C.由文章首句When you were a little kid, your parents usually decided who your friends were可知,父母会安排你跟他们认识的和喜欢的孩子一起玩,故填children.
2. C.既然你长大了,你自己“选择(choose)”朋友.
3. B.由该空前后内容可知,这里是说除了朋友之外的那些同龄人,故填Besides.
4. D.由下文的like children in your grade, sports team, or community可知,这些孩子你都“认识(know)”.
5. A.“随着(As)”你越来越独立,你的同龄人很自然地在你的生活中产生更大的作用.
6. B.由本段中的good examples,do well in school和kind and honest等信息可知,同龄人之间会产生“积极的(positive)”影响.
7. A.下文就同龄人之间能够相互积极影响给出了一些例子,故填For example.
8. D.9. D.“拥有(Having)”在学校里刻苦用功的同龄人会让你也变得更加“勤奋(hard-working)”.
10. C.kind和honest都是人的品质,所以此处填qualities.
11. C.上一段讲述的是同龄人相互之间的积极影响,本段讲述的是同龄人相互之间的消极影响,两段之间是转折关系,故填however.
12. B.由下文的smoking, drinking, or taking dangerous risks when driving a car可知,这里是说“有害的(harmful)”事情.
13. B.由上文的your peers may pressure you into doing something可知,这里是说做某事的“压力(pressure)”.
14. C.迫于压力去做别人所做的事情而且难以“拒绝(refuse)”.
15. A.由rather than lead可知,这里是说那些倾向于“跟从(follow)”他人而不是领导他人的人更容易屈服.
16. D.由to do something you're uncomfortable with, just find your courage and say “no”可知,当你“被要求(asked)”做那些自己感到不舒服的事情时,要鼓起勇气说“不”.
17. D.由下文相关内容可知,这里是说如果你需要一个“借口(excuse)”.
18. A.由下文的I've got a basketball match next week可知,这里是说“我”正忙着“训练(training)”呢.
19. A.要是“我”妈妈发现了,她会“惩罚(punish)”我的.
20. B.由下文的get an adult's help可知,如果情况比较“危险(dangerous)”,应该寻求大人的帮助.