求英语周报答案 高二外研综合第20期 总第3248期

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求英语周报答案 高二外研综合第20期 总第3248期
求英语周报答案 高二外研综合第20期 总第3248期

求英语周报答案 高二外研综合第20期 总第3248期
1-5 CABBC 6-10 CBBCB
11-15 ABCAC 16-20 BBCAC
21-25 CBCDD 26-30 CCCDC
31-35 BBDCA 36-40 BCDFE
41-45 DBCBA 46-50 CDACA
51-55 BDCAB 56-60 ADCBD
61. absolutely 62. was
63. the 64. that / which
65. setting 66. that
67. to get 68. have died
69. by 70. had discovered
71. ... grateful to your ... to → for
72. ... leave in your hotel. leave → left
73. ... checked myself in ... 去掉myself
74. Set off in a rush ... Set → Setting
75. ... left a pack in ... a → the
76. ... what contains some ... what → which
77. ... a preciously gift ...
preciously → precious
78. Very much do I ... Very → So
79. ... the lose of it. lose → loss
80. I'll appreciate if ... if前加it
One possible version:
Good morning! I'm Li Hua. It is my honor to introduce our library to you.
As we can see, this is quite a new library, which was set up only a year ago. As one of the most beautiful buildings in our school, it covers an area of about 10,000 square metres and is equipped with modern facilities. In addition to a variety of magazines and newspapers there are about 100,000 books in it. Besides, students can enjoy e-reading on the computers here! Students all spend some time reading in the library every day. We are happy to have such a library which helps open our eyes, enrich our lives and contribute to our studying.
Thanks for your time and wish you a good stay at our school.

21. C.细节理解题.由第一段内容可知,Gene Simmons是一个胸怀宽广的人,资助了140多名儿童.
22. B.细节理解题.由第四段中的There are days ... but she doesn't complain可知,Esther在接受资助之前过着艰苦的生活.
23. C.推理判断题.由倒数第二段中的... a small monthly donation ... just a regular person who cares以及最后一段中的You don't need to be a star. You don't need to be rich可知,普通人也可以在帮助贫困儿童方面出份力.
24. D.推理判断题.根据全文可知,Gene Simmons和他的妻子热心帮助非洲的贫困孩子.由此推断,他们是一对心地善良、慷慨大方的夫妇.
25. D.细节理解题.由第二段中的AYC is a highly reliable organization and among the top three in education in Thailand可知,AYC是泰国最好的教育机构之一.
26. C.细节理解题.由第三段中的This seminar will be about Thai culture and customs, along with tips on how to teach successfully in Thailand可知,C项正确.
27. C.写作目的题.由第一段中的AYC is looking for enthusiastic and responsible English teachers ...可知,本文为招聘启事,目的是吸引优秀的英语教师加入AYC.
28. C.推理判断题.由第一段中的rhythms in the background of music are often made up of lower tones可知,低音往往用在背景音乐里面.
29. D.细节理解题.由第四段中的These findings suggest ... why lower tones dominate musical rhythms可知,研究人员观察对比了实验者们对节奏的时间错误的感知.
30. C.细节理解题.由第四段中的There is a physiological basis ... when it is carried by lower-pitched instruments可知,我们创造音乐往往基于这个事实:我们对于那些低音比较敏感.
31. B.推理判断题.由最后一段中的Indeed, high-pitched instruments can carry important rhythmic aspects ... so the rhythm is an interaction between different instruments可知,B项正确.
32. B.词义猜测题.由第一段中的the Constellation program, which is developing a spaceship to send astronauts back to the moon可知,如果取消这一计划,送人上月球的未来将会处于危险中.
33. D.推理判断题.由第三段中的That dominance is obviously no longer wished可知,Pete Olson对于结束星座计划持支持的态度.
34. C.推理判断题.由第五段中的Neal and others point out that new moon missions could bring other breakthroughs that improve life on Earth可知,Clive Neal认为新的月球飞行任务可能会带来改善地球生活的新突破.
35. A.推理判断题.由第三段中的Many people say ...和Critics say that ...及第四段中的Many experts argue that ...和第六段中的To many space experts ...以及最后一段中的Many people say that ...可推知,人们对于星座计划有不同的看法.
36. B.由该空后的When you clearly communicate ... no misunderstanding和arguments and disagreements可知,该段主要说明:沟通能避免误解.
37. C.由该空前的it is important that the patient understands exactly what the doctor wants to communicate可知,划线处指“否则,就会发生严重的后果.”
38. D.由本段的主旨句Strengthen relationships可知,D项内容符合此处语境.
39. F.由本段的主旨句Relieve stress 以及some of the burden has been lifted from you等信息可知,划线处指“与他人谈论你的问题和压力实际上有助于缓解压力和焦虑”.
40. E.由本段中的The importance of communication skills becomes obvious可知,花时间提高沟通能力是值得的,故选E项.

41. D.由下文中的follow familiar ...可知,水手们不用指南针来帮他们“遵循(follow)”海洋航线航行.
42. B.由下文中的These black rocks ...可知,水手们用“石头(rocks)”来定位方向.
43. C.这些石头“显示出(displayed)”独特的特征.
44. B.由上文中的magnets可知,它们能“吸住(stick to)”金属.
45. A.由下文中的use the lodestones to guide them through ...可知,这些石头能够帮助“引领(lead)”探险家到很远的地方.
46. C.由下文中的from strings to serve as compasses可知,有的水手把磁石“挂(hang)”在绳子上,把它用做指南针.
47. D.由handles和south可知,它们的柄会“指向(pointed)”南方.
48. A.49. C.由上文中的sailors和They found the direction to sail可知,有了这些天然磁石,“水手们(sailors)”现在可以用它们来确定四个“方向(directions)”.
50. A.由上文中的ocean routes可知,早期的探险家会先跟着熟悉的“路线(routes)”来观察磁石方向的变化.
51. B.这使得他们能够准确“标出(mark)”磁石的两极.
52. D.53. C.由上文中的could now reliably determine ...和familiar可知,然后他们可以“可靠地(reliably)”使用天然磁石带领他们通过“不熟悉的(unfamiliar)”远洋航线.
54. A.“如果(if)”你在外面找不到磁铁矿,你可以在科学博物馆里买到.
55. B.由下文中的see if the rock swings可知,此处指把磁石“系在(tie)”绳子上.
56. A.由上文中的if the rock swings可知,看看当你“改变(change)”方向时,磁石会不会摆动.
57. D.由下文中的the ocean可知,此处指在“海(sea)”上.
58. C.由下文中的guide you to the new lands可知,没有“地图(maps)”引领你到陆地上.
59. B.磁石将会成为你最可靠的方向来源,“尤其是(especially)”在没有太阳的时候.
60. D.由下文中的navigational tool可知,此处指找到“路(way)”.
61. absolutely.考查副词.设空处修饰wrong,故填absolutely.
62. was.考查倒装.not only ... but also ... 连接两个并列分句时,如果not only位于句首,则其后分句应部分倒装,且结合but后分句时态可知,在此填was.
63. the.考查冠词.世界上独一无二的事物前加定冠词the.
64. that / which.考查关系词.设空处引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词phenomenon,且在从句中作主语,故填that / which.
65. setting.考查非谓语动词.Columbus与set之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,且set表示的动作与谓语动作同时发生,故填setting.
66. that.考查连接词.设空处引导表语从句, 又因从句意义完整,不缺任何成分,故填that.
67. to get.考查非谓语动词.way作“方法”讲时,后接不定式作后置定语.
68. have died.考查虚拟语气.设空处所在句表示与过去事实相反的情况,故填have died.
69. by.考查介词.by accident意为“偶然,无意中”.
70. had discovered.考查时态.设空处表示的动作发生在continued to think之前,故填had discovered.

I. 阅读理1-5 CAACB
II. 完形填空:1-5 CADBA 6-10 BCDAC
11-15 ADBCD 16-20 BDCBA
1. C.细节理解题.由第二段中的It's “vanishing spray”, something that provides a temporary visual aid和第三段中的The foaming spray, which vanishes after about a minute以及第七段中的The mixture later disappears ... behind可知,这种泡沫可以在短时间内消失,因此它是环保产品.
2. A.细节理解题.由第四段中的The tendency for the wall of defenders to move forward during a free kick is a common cause of argument in the beloved ballgame可知,在罚任意球的时候,防守队员们往往向前移动,靠近足球.
3. A.段落大意题.由第七段的描述可知,这一段主要介绍了这种可消失喷雾剂是如何发挥作用的.
4. C.推理判断题.文章倒数第二段提到了网友在Twitter上对于这种新型的可消失喷雾剂的评价,证明了它在赛场上的成功使用.
5. B.标题归纳题.本文主要介绍了在2014年巴西世界杯上,裁判在赛场上用的一种可消失喷雾剂,因此B项标题符合文章主旨.
1. C.由上文中的believe和下文中的fear可知,此处表示转折,故用“然而(However)”.
2. A.由上文中的fear可知,有些人担心机器人会对社会产生负面“影响(effects)”.
3. D.由下文的their possible risks以及下文的描述可知,此处指机器人为我们带来的“好处(advantages)”.
4. B.此处表示原因,故用“由于(Since)”.
5. A.机器人可以每天“运行(operated)”24小时.
6. B.由上文中的speed up可知,机器人极大地帮助工厂“提高了(raise)”生产效率.
7. C.由上文中的robots speed up the production process和the productivity of factories可知, “生产力(productivity)”提高了60%.
8. D.由下文中的medical robots和surgery可知,机器人被广泛用于“医学(medicine)”领域.
9. A.有越来越多的医疗机器人在做“困难的(difficult)”手术.
10. C.由上文中的less blood loss可知,机器人手术通常流血少,愈合时间“更短(quicker)”.
11. A.由下文中的have received robot-
-assisted heart surgery可知,此处指“病人(patients)”.
12. D.由上文中的less blood loss ... healing time可知,病人会提前2到5天“出(leave)”院.
13. B.由上文中的Compared with traditional surgical methods可知,此处是与“传统的(traditional)”手术相比较.
14. C.由上文中的medical robots和robot-
15. D.由下文中的impossible tasks和work in dangerous ...可知,有很多“危险的(dangerous)”不可能完成的任务,人类可以交给机器人完成.
16. B.由上文中的exploring inside a volcano可知,机器人可以帮助我们“探索(exploring)”另一颗行星.
17. D.由上文中的extreme conditions可知,机器人能在危险的“情况下(situations)”工作.
18. C.由上文中的hard tasks可知,很多艰巨的任务被“完成(completed)”了.
19. B.由上文中的make our lives easier可知,机器人“提高了(increase)”我们生活的舒适度.
20. A.在不久的将来,机器人会“加入(join in)”我们的生活,并发挥日益重要的作用.