求雅思老师改一下我的作文!我月底就要靠雅思了,结果作文还不会写,好不容易码出来一篇线形图,求大神给点意见,我还有各种柱状饼状木有解决,求大神给我指教.The picture is on P29 of IELTs5The char

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/02 19:51:29

求雅思老师改一下我的作文!我月底就要靠雅思了,结果作文还不会写,好不容易码出来一篇线形图,求大神给点意见,我还有各种柱状饼状木有解决,求大神给我指教.The picture is on P29 of IELTs5The char
The picture is on P29 of IELTs5
The chart indicates the proportion of the population aged 65 and over during a century period from 1940 in Japan, Sweden and USA.
In 1940, the proportion of aged 65 or more in Japan was the lowest standing at 5%. Next comes Sweden, which stayed in the middle proportion generally(approximately) 7%.
The figure for the USA is the largest, which is about 9%.
However, in around 1990 , the figure for Western countries increased to about 15% while , the figure for Japan dropped to about 2.5%
You can also see the expected percentages from some fluctuation in this chart. The proportion of older people will be likely to increase from 2020 to 2040 in the three countries. As this chart shown , a dramatic change will happen between 2030 and 2040 in Japan, whose figure will grow from 10% to 27%. Also, at that time ,the proportion of the three country will be similar among each other.

求雅思老师改一下我的作文!我月底就要靠雅思了,结果作文还不会写,好不容易码出来一篇线形图,求大神给点意见,我还有各种柱状饼状木有解决,求大神给我指教.The picture is on P29 of IELTs5The char
This chart includes the statistical figures, which indicate the propotion of the aging people, 65+ years old, of the totoal population in Japan, Sweden and USA, during a 100 years' time frame started from 1940.
According to this chart, the figure of Japan in 1940, 5%, stands the lowest point among the three countries; the figure of USA, 9%, is the largest, and the figure of Sweden, 7%, stands in the middle.
However, the figure of Sweden and USA increased to 15% during 1990's, while in case of Japan, the figure dropped to 2.5%.
This chart also demonstrates the trent in the coming years. For example, in all three countries, the propotion of the aging people is most likely to increase to a similar level, while Japan stands the greastest increase, from 10% to 27% in a decade from 2030 to 2040.

求雅思老师改一下我的作文!我月底就要靠雅思了,结果作文还不会写,好不容易码出来一篇线形图,求大神给点意见,我还有各种柱状饼状木有解决,求大神给我指教.The picture is on P29 of IELTs5The char 老师能帮我改篇雅思作文吗 改一下我的英语作文 《我的新老师》作文,我马上就要用! 求雅思自学的方法和辅导书~~~我八月底的雅思考场在上海~~~四级664.谢啦…………高中生~~ 我12月份就要考英语三级了,现在都10月底了,我英语一窍不通不知道应该从哪方面看起.我现在找了一些英语三级A-Z的单词,准备先熟悉一下.靠理解的把这些单词多看看,加深记忆.我想知道我这 求一个我抄作文被老师发现的事情作文明天老师就要!三百字即可! 0水准英语8分,考雅思5.5难不难?我可能要在2月底,3月初的样子去考雅思,我现在在练习雅思的作文,并且在成都王府井那儿学习外教一对一的课程. 急求一篇作文《我的老师》明天就要交了!快速! “迎国庆,庆中秋”作文.字数不要太多,最好不要什么老作文,即使是老的,也把那些数字改一下.我被老师叫去钢笔比赛,10月1日就要交了,“迎国庆,庆中秋”,即使是老作文也要把那些数字改一下 四年级作文我的校园,老师明天就要了! 我的老师作文600字 明天早上就要 我雅思6分,听力6阅读7写作5.5口语5,8月底考的,想在12月底拿到7.5分总成绩,可能么,求经验我之前是裸考的,想出国读本科 求作文名!【家乡的变化】改一下我写了一篇作文叫家乡的变化里面就是写我的家乡福海从以前到现在的变化可老师说要改一下题目!改成什么样的才好? 我五月底考雅思,请问应该看哪几个月的口语机经呢? 急求一篇作文 关于写我的那个她的 (我就要和老师做对) 谁有初中生成语运用的一些练习题和答案啊?我十月底就要参赛了,想先练习一下, 求 我的梦想 作文800字 靠谱 记叙文